MUST WATCH: Israeli Girl Has a Message for People Who Are Against - TopicsExpress


MUST WATCH: Israeli Girl Has a Message for People Who Are Against Israel [VIDEO] Anti-Semitic rhetoric has made a comeback in recent weeks, as liberals in the media and across the globe have opened fire on Israel, attempting to paint them up as the villains of the recent conflict in Gaza. Much of this rhetoric is the product of anti-colonialism, which seems to be deeply woven throughout progressive ideology. This worldview celebrates “revolutionaries” throwing off the “oppression” of an occupying force or country. Liberals see Israel as the oppressor, making Hamas, a band of terrorists, the “freedom of fighters.” Media outlets, largely liberal in their slant, have helped foster anti-Israel thought and action, such as riots in Europe, whether they intended to do so or not. While so many major news outlets, such as CNN, lean to the left and thus do not report the full truth, according to the American Warrior Revolution Facebook page, one brave Israeli girl has a message for the people of the world. Sharon, a young Israeli, made a video statement expressing the need for people to do their own research about the situation in Gaza and not rely on mainstream media, which is purposefully preventing the full truth from getting out to the masses. “I don’t blame you for blaming Israel. You know why? Because I believe if I were you, if I were sitting in your sofa watching CNN and BBC and hearing all the things they tell you, I’m sure I would feel the same as you. I’m sure I would blame Israel. The problem is, you get all of your information from the media.” “And please, if you consider yourself to be a reasonable, intelligent, thinking person, I’m sure you know that the media is not objective. The media chooses sides. It chooses what to show us, and how to show it to us. It basically can infect our minds and change our whole perspective on things.” Sharon goes on in the video to share the truth behind Hamas, and what it’s done not only to Israel, but to the Palestinian people as well, exposing these terrorists and their actions. A good example would be the use of resources meant to build hospitals being used to build tunnels under Israel. This brave young lady is absolutely right. Mainstream media practically eats out of Obama’s hand, and as many of them are liberally biased, they’ll always side with liberal thought, regardless of whether or not that line of thinking is wrong.2 The popularity of Sharon’s message demonstrates that the media isn’t in complete control of the flow of information, and despite their attempts to silence the truth in Gaza, it’s finding it’s way out in the open thanks to this girl and the miracle of the Internet. Hopefully, as messages like these get spread far and wide, support for Israel will continue to increase and expand all over the globe. Please share
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 00:02:03 +0000

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