MUSTANG DUEL MOVEMENT REQUIREMENTS Chalk and any injury - TopicsExpress


MUSTANG DUEL MOVEMENT REQUIREMENTS Chalk and any injury prevention/protection such as tape, gloves wrist wraps or lifting belts are permitted. Sticky substances, lifting straps, or anything used for advantage is prohibited. WOD #1 Deadlift, Hang Clean, Shoulder to Overhead Ladder-once the bar leaves the ground all three lifts must be completed. It must be a clear deadlift, with judge approval, a clear hang clean, with judge approval and lastly a clear shoulder to overhead. If a lift is missed then the entire sequence starts over. If unable to make the lifts, perform max effort deadlifts until time expires. If one team member fails the other member can continue on. Deadlift: This is a traditional deadlift with the hands outside the knees. Sumo deadlifts are not allowed. Starting at the floor, the barbell is lifted until hips and knees reach full extension with the shoulders behind the bar. The arms must be straight throughout. Deliberate bouncing of the barbell is not allowed. Dropping the barbell after the completion of the repetition is permitted. Switch grip is permitted. Hang Clean: Barbell will start in the hang position (top of the deadlift). Stand to full extension with bar at the shoulders (rack position) to finish the movement. The bar will not be allowed to go below the knee at any point. The hang clean can be a hang squat clean or a hang power clean. Shoulder-to-Overhead: The barbell must begin from the shoulders (rack position) and end overhead. This can be a strict press, push press, push jerk or split jerk. The barbell must come to full lockout overhead with the hips, knees and arms fully extended, and the bar overhead. Any failure to lock out the elbows with the barbell in the correct overhead position will result in a failed lift. WOD #2 Shoulder to Overhead with a KB: The kettlebell will begin in the front rack and can be strict pressed, push pressed, push jerked or split jerked. The kettlebell must come to full lockout overhead with the hips knees and arms fully extended. The bicep must be in line with the ears in the overhead position. Goblet Squat: While maintaining the kettlebell at chest level (can be held anyway). Hip crease will drop below the top of the knee, hips will open at the top of the movement, shoulders, hip and knee will be in a vertical line at the top of the movement. SDHP with kettlebell: You MUST lock knees, full extension of your hips, and your hands MUST reach the bottom of your chin. The kettlebell must make contact with the ground during each pull. No bouncing the kettlebell. Single Arm Overhead Squats with Kettlebell: Will begin with the kettlebell overhead, bicep in line with the ear. Hip crease will drop below the top of the knee, hips will open at the top of the movement, shoulders, hip and knee will be in a vertical line at the top of the movement. Kettlebell must remain overhead throughout the movement. Partner Carries: Any type of carry is allowed. If the partner being carried touches the ground before covering the given distance, that distance must be re-done. WOD #3 Front Squat (3 Rep) The workout begins with the barbell on the ground. No racks allowed. A full squat clean, for the first rep in the front squat is permitted. In the bottom position of the squat the hip crease must pass below the knee. At the top position the hips and knees must be fully locked out. Using a ball, box or other object to check for proper depth is not allowed. All three reps must be completed with the bar never making contact with the ground. A standard rack position or a crossed arm position is allowed. 3 complete lifts must be achieved by both team members in the allotted time. (5 Min) Each team will be provided with a Bar, a set of collars, 2 45s, 2 35s, 2 25s, 2 15s, 4 10s, 2 5s and 2 2 1/2s, a total weight of 340 pounds. If a team feels they need additional weight, notify the judge prior to beginning. Dog Bone Pullups: The athlete will hang from the outer spheres, (hands on the outside edges). A dead hang with elbows fully extended, will be the start of the movement. The athlete will pull him/herself up until the chin is above, or makes contact with the center of the dog bone. Every repetition must start with elbows fully extended. No Switch grip is allowed. Athletes can kip but the above standards must be met. If the athlete drops from the bone or touches the floor they are done. * Check out Rogue Fitness for a pictures and description of the Dog Bone. Dog Bone Dead Hangs: The athlete will hang from the outer spheres, (hands on the outside edges). A dead hang with elbows fully extended, will be the start of the movement. If the athlete drops from the bone or touches the floor they are done. 1800 Meter Relay: This will be a down and back run, partner A will run 75 meters out round a cone and run 75 meters back. Once Partner A passes the start line they will tag partner B and they will run the down and back. Total of 12 down and backs, 6 each. WOD #4 Rower-: Time will be given prior to the WOD to make adjustments to the foot pads. The Damper will be set to 5, but can be adjusted by the athlete at any time. The monitor will be set to display distance. At the start of the WOD the athlete will begin with, feet strapped in, legs extended and hands behind their head. The athlete will be required to remain seated until the monitor displays the required distance. (250 Meters each) Wallball Shots - You MUST squat bellow parallel and hit the target on every repetition. The movement includes a full squat with the medicine ball, a throw and striking the appropriate target. Box Jumps – A jump is required, you MUST have full extension of the hips at the top of the box. Stepping down from the box is permitted. Athletes are NOT allowed to open the hips while jumping off of the box to show the “full extension”. Kettlebell Snatch: A single hand exercise with one kettlebell. The movement starts with the kettlebell on the ground in front of the athlete. The athlete will lift the kettlebell overhead in one uninterrupted movement into a lockout position; this can be from the ground or high hang swing. The kettlebell cannot touch any part of the torso/upper body during its ascent. The rep is completed when knees, hips, and elbows are fully extended in a vertical line and the kettlebell is locked out overhead, bicep in line with ear. During the descent, the kettlebell will be allowed to make contact with the torso. After the initial rep, the following reps can continue from the high hang/swing position, there is no need to make contact with the floor. Burpees: Your chest and thighs MUST touch the mat and you MUST, open the hips, clap hands overhead (arms blocking ears) and jump slightly (both feet must leave the ground) on every repetition. Single Leg Deadlifts: This is like a traditional deadlift with the hands outside the knees but on one leg. Starting at the floor, the barbell is lifted until hips and knees reach full extension with the shoulders behind the bar. The arms must be straight throughout. Deliberate bouncing of the barbell is not allowed. Dropping the barbell after the completion of the repetition is permitted. Switch grip is permitted. Only one foot can be in contact with the floor from the start, (barbell on the floor) until the finish (knee and hip at full extension with shoulders behind the bar). Stationary Overhead Weighted Lunges: With the barbell overhead. Stepping forward, your trailing knee MUST touch the floor. Upon returning to the standing position you MUST have full extension of your hips and knees before beginning the next rep. These will be single count, Left is one Right would be two and so on. Bear Complex: The movement begins with the barbell on the floor. One rep includes the following, Power Clean, Front Squat, Push Press, Back Squat, and Push Press. Combining movements (squat cleans and thrusters) is ALLOWED. AS long as the barbell comes to full lockout overhead with the hips knees and arms fully extended. During the squats, hip crease will drop below the top of the knee; hips will open at the top of the movement. If any portion of the movement is missed, only that portion of the movement has to be redone. Wall Walks: The movement begins with the athlete lying face down arms extended forward, feet on the ground but against the wall. The athlete will climb the wall until their thighs and abdomen touches the wall with arms locked out. The rep is completed when the athlete is back to the original position. For RX athletes, a wall facing Hand Stand Pushup is part of each rep. At the top of the wall walk with the arms fully locked out. At the bottom of each rep, the head touches the ground, at the top arms return to full lock out. Control must be shown at the top. Kipping is allowed. Rope Climbs: Any type of rope climb is allowed. Athlete must clearly touch their required mark on the on the rope. If the athlete does multiple reps they must come completely off the rope before the next rep. AN ATHLETE BREIFING WILL TAKE PLACE AT APPROXIMATELY 7:30 AM THE MORNING OF THE EVENT.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 22:14:36 +0000

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