MUSTARD GREEN NUTRITION FACTS: Spicy, crunchy mustard greens, - TopicsExpress


MUSTARD GREEN NUTRITION FACTS: Spicy, crunchy mustard greens, also known as leaf mustard, are indeed one of the most nutritious green-leafy vegetables. The lovely top greens have actually more vitamin A, carotenes, vitamin K, and flavonoid anti-oxidants than some of commonly consumed fruits and vegetables. This crispy leafy vegetable obtained from mustard plant belonging to Brassica family, which also includes cabbage, broccoli, brussels sprouts... etc. Scientific name: Brassica juncea. The mustard plant is native to sub-Himalayan plains of Indian sub-continent commonly cultivated for its winter season leaves and oil seeds since ancient times. Several cultivars exist. Mustards are winter crops when the leaves are more flavorful from November until March. In general, its young tender green leaves that is harvested when the plant reaches about 2 feet in height and used as a green leafy vegetable. Completely grown plant reaches about 4-5 feet in height and bears golden yellow colored flowers. Fresh mustards feature dark green colored broad leaves with flat surface and may have either toothed, frilled or lacy edges depending up on the cultivar type. Its light-green stem branches out extensively into many laterals. Mustard seeds used as spice are being used extensively in cooking as well as in oil production n many parts of South-Asian region. HEALTH BENEFITS OF MUSTARD GREENS Mustard greens, like spinach, are the storehouse of many phyto-nutrients that have health promotional and disease prevention properties. Mustards are very low in calories (26 calories per 100 g raw leaves) and fats. However, its dark-green leaves contain a very good amount of fiber that helps control cholesterol level by interfering with its absorption in the gut. Additionally, adequate fiber in the food aids in smooth bowel movements and thereby offers protection from hemorrhoids, constipation as well as colon cancer diseases. The greens are supposed to be one of the highest among leafy vegetables, which provide vitamin K. 100 g of fresh leaves contains about 497 µg or about 500% of daily requirement of vitamin K-1 (phylloquinone). Vitamin K has found to have a potential role in bone mass building function by promoting osteo-trophic activity in the bone. It also has established role in Alzheimers disease patients by limiting neuronal damage in the brain. Fresh leaves are also a very good source of folic acid. 100 g provide about 187 µg (about 47% of RDA) of folic acid. This water-soluble vitamin has an important role in DNA synthesis and when given before, and early pregnancy may help prevent neural tube defects in the newborn baby. Mustard greens are rich source of anti-oxidants flavonoids, indoles, sulforaphane, carotenes, lutein and zea-xanthin. Indoles, mainly di-indolyl-methane (DIM) and sulforaphane have proven benefits against prostate, breast, colon and ovarian cancers by virtue of their cancer-cell growth inhibition, cytotoxic effects on cancer cells. Fresh mustard leaves are an excellent source of vitamin-C. Provides 70 µg or about 117% of RDA per 100 g. Vitamin-C (ascorbic acid) is a powerful natural anti-oxidant that offers protection against free radical injury and flu-like viral infections. Mustard leaves are also incredible sources of vitamin-A (provide 10500 IU or 350% of RDA per 100 g). Vitamin A is an essential nutrient for maintaining healthy mucus membranes and skin and is required for good eye-sight. Consumption of natural fruits rich in flavonoids helps to protect from lung and oral cavity cancers. Fresh mustard greens are an excellent source of several essential minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, selenium, and manganese. Regular consumption of mustard greens in the diet is known to prevent arthritis, osteoporosis, iron deficiency anemia and believed to protect from cardiovascular diseases, asthma and colon and prostate cancers. SOURCE: nutrition-and-you/mustard-greens.html
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 08:04:56 +0000

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