MUTURI IS A FAILED SPEAKER -MESHACK KIMUTAI The national assembly speaker Hon Justin Muturi has been gauged by many in the past few days due to the chaos that errupted in parliament last week.But Meshack Kimutai has a different version.Speaking to the members of press at Diani Beach yestaday, Mr Kimutai faulted Mr Muturi for failing to declare Emgwen Constituency seat vacant due to the missing Mp Hon Alex Kosgei.Mr Kosgei is said to have missed more than 90 sessions in parliament and 8 consecutive.According to the constitution, such an Mp is suppossed to be stripped off power.Mr Kimutai who was behind the push for removal of Mr Kosgei revealed that Mr Muturi compromised the legislator by saving him as a comrade and a colleague.He termed the act babaric and stressed that, the push for accountability in Emgwen isnt yet over.Mr Kimutai stated that Emgwen has no representation in parliament and that the Mp is a ghost worker.Mr Kimutai also wished Kenyans a merry christmass on behalf of the people of Emgwen and his family.He urged all Kenyans to be safe durring the festive season.Mr Kimutai was speaking accompanied by his fiancee , who refused to comment in any question.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 11:56:21 +0000

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