MY 1st LETTER TO SEKONDI ZONGO. bèfore i went through Please keep - TopicsExpress


MY 1st LETTER TO SEKONDI ZONGO. bèfore i went through Please keep these words in mind, while we look at the following facts from the Quran: "And if, as is sure, there comes to you guidance from Me, whomsoever follows my guidance, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. But those, who reject Faith and belie our Signs, they shall be companions of Fire, They shall abide therein." (2:38-39, sheik Yusuf Ali) "Say, ‘The Truth is from your Lord’: Let him who will, believe; and let him who will, reject…" Now if Allah gives the freedom to accept or reject His guidance as is absolutely clear from the above verses,. Furthermore, there is nothing in the Quran which will lead to doubt (2:2, 32:2). Therefore, this requires us to stop and seriously think and ponder. We cannot simply say "Allah knows best." Or we cannot say "The Ulama know best," and move on as we usually do in such cases. Doing this is akin to giving an architect a contract to build our house, and then not caring to check what the architect is building. Wouldn’t it be foolish to leave everything to him while we ourselves go on with our daily routine? Perhaps when the architect is done and we move into our house, much to our surprise, we might find he has built us something we did not want. But in the case of the afterlife, it would be a shame if we go to move into our house only to see that our beloved architects have built our houses in the hellfire. This is why we need to double-check our "architects of Islam." The Ulama or religious scholars of zongo, always remind the Muslim masses of their ignorance of Islam. Perhaps they do not want us to analyze what they are building for us. That is why whe have to check ourselves and ask our own hearts: To be continue muhammad Yusif Abdullah
Posted on: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 21:37:57 +0000

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