MY 27 DAY FITNESS AND HEALTHY EATING CHALLENGE #XTREAM27DAYCHALLENGE Started : 217 After Challenge : 205 NAME : ANDREA .V. QUAMINA AGE : 47 YEARS ADDRESS : COMMISSIONER STREET PLYMOUTH TOBAGO OCCUPATION : POLICE OFFICER CHILDREN : 04 I started this challenge on Monday 3rd November 2014. At first it felt strange, having only to consume fruits and vegetables on a daily basis for breakfast , lunch and dinner. I however was encouraged when I saw the list of names which were published as to also partaking in the challenge. My enthusiasm grew and I had a mindset to go through with the challenge. I set about in purchasing fruits and vegetables with no idea as to what I was going to do with them , relative to preparation. I always believed that I was blessed with a creative mind , so I set my food course on a journey which was to be filled with excitement and colour. As the first two days went by, I told myself , “This is it there’s no turning back now”. If I made it through those days I would certainly make it through the rest. I was also supported at home, and introduced my change in eating habits to my family. I felt a change in my body as I began to feel a lot lighter and bowel movements were a whole lot easier. I also introduced people at my work place to start regular exercise and healthy eating. Some of them paid attention while others said they were just waiting to see how long I would keep up with eating “rabbit feed”. This motivated me even more. One person came on board with me and stated that they had observed the change in my appearance and wanted to try my new healthy lifestyle. I also observed a change in my appearance relative to the fitting of my clothing. I no longer had to struggle to get into my clothes , they just somehow seem to slide right on my body. This was only after one week on my change in eating. I no longer felt sluggish and tired , but had a feeling of vibrancy which I truly enjoyed. My weight and health continued to improve as I made a visit to my doctor, and for the first time in years I had a blood pressure reading of 126/88. This was truly my moment of triumph and I felt elated. Even the nurses commended me as to my health and appearance. There is always a part of one’s body that the wished they could change, make over or just get rid of. Mine was my stomach. After five pregnancies, the last two being C-sections, I was left with a stomach I called ‘six months pregnancy’. People would reach me and ask if I was pregnant , and it was very hard to deal with, as there was nothing much I could have done . After a little over a week , I looked at my stomach in the mirror and what I saw had me confused at first but a sweet smile slowly spread across my face. My stomach was reducing and there were ‘cuts’ for my abs, which I always dreamed about. I was inspired and continued with my healthy eating habits and tried to encourage and educate others about the lifestyle. I remember my sister , who died from cancer always encouraged me to eat healthy and juice my fruits and vegetables. I even invested in a smoothie maker which I am enjoying to the fullest. I am so happy that I took this challenge and decided to live and eat for a healthier life and I would continue to encourage and educate everyone that I come into contact with, as to the benefits of these habits. I developed a motto which is ‘We should live and eat like we are fighting cancer cells’. This is what takes me through. And now the 27 day challenge is over, I’m elated by the way I look and feel . My weight before the challenge was 217 lbs now 27 days later I’m down to 205lbs, I lost a total of 12 lbs. My new challenge has however now begun , where I would now be on a lifelong challenge in healthy living and eating habits. It feels great , it feels wonderful, I have a new vibrant feeling and I’m not going back to what was yesterday. I want to thank you Donneal and by extent Xtream Fitness for introducing me to this better and healthier way of living, and for your moral support and encouragement every step of the way. Thank you ,Thank you ,Thank you. Respectfully , ANDREA .V.QUAMINA.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 14:40:28 +0000

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