MY 5 TEMPTATIONS AT KOTOKA AIRPORT Thankfully I didnt get the - TopicsExpress


MY 5 TEMPTATIONS AT KOTOKA AIRPORT Thankfully I didnt get the chance to go through the VVIIPP lounge. Maybe if I did I wouldnt have met these wilderness temptations - but I did. And I hope they are corrected. Temptation 1: I walk into the main departure area and a man walked up to me, no introduction and says Are you carrying any Food? - perplexed, I almost said Yes, my mother-in-laws Jollof rice, but it is in my stomach. Please if there is a need to certify passengers perishable food in line with international traveling standards, cant we simply factor it into the main, check-in process in order to ensure every passenger gets checked? With the current arrangement, whether food is checked or not in luggages is entirely dependent on a passenger answering Yes or No - change please. And could the staff be trained to be a little assertive. Temptation 2: In the check-in line, the young officer conducting the queue stands there when this white bloke runs to the front of the line. He is quiet and I watch. Then like a cobra, I spit : sir, can you tell the man in front of the queue that his place is 5 people behind me? He is reluctant, so I activate my action man mode. I walk up to the man, look intensly into his face (I think, my height did all the trick - Goliath should have learnt from me). Sir! I said to him....there is a queue in session and you are not better than any of those other folks in the line; could you GO to the back of the queue like everybody else . He obliges screaming Ghana! Ghana! Ghana! Yes Ghana, that may not be what you are used to sir, but thats all changing - get used to order. After the incidence, the young officer asked me to pass through and I pointed to the elderly woman who was using the weighing scale is she not before me sir? What is so wrong with following order eh? Temptation 3: About to enter Immigration. A man, in no uniform, no badge, no ID, stops me and asks for my Yellow Fever card. I noticed he had already turned away a few passengers. So I asked him sir, look at my ticket and passport. They both say I am going to England; can you please tell me what international regulation requires me to get a Yellow Fever vaccination in order to enter a non-yellow-fever prone country? He is quite and his colleague, sensing I may get loud, advises him to give back my documents. The business men behind me who didnt have one either start smiling so he reluctantly hands back my documents. And I aked him what about the 4 people you already turned back? And he frets Masa I give you back your papers what again you are want from me why? I may have been wrong or right, but he couldnt defend his rightness or wrongness as the case could have been. The question - what is such a person doing there. Will he give in every time he has no answer to a challenge? Challenge 4: I get to the duty-free shop and a can of coke is selling for $3. Why? Does it contain a VVIP ting inside it? I mean how? No wonder people just pass through the shop. Like, who in their right senses will buy a can of coke for $3? Maybe its for the VVIPP people anaa? When I asked (me and my tall mouth ooh) the lady got upset (customer confrontation). Sir, please its $3 do you want it or not..... I sense the frustration so I stepped on the gas - Aah!! So you are telling me it is NOT 3GhS? She rolls her eyes, hand on hip now. No sir I smile. OK, thank you and I hear her blabbing behind my back. Sweet!!! Temptation 5: Boarding time. This lady in the picture (I took it) asks us to wait outside the boarding lounge. So we all stand there. Then I see three caucasians walk in to enquire about boarding the same flight and she signals them to go and sit down snd wait - in the same boarding lounge and for the same flight she asked the rest of us to wait. So I walk up to her, raise my phone and take a shot of her then said to her madam, I just took your photo for publication, now can you tell me why you allowed those gentlemen to sit down whilst the rest of us sre made to stand and wait? They are neither pilots or air crew, so please can you tell me if they are better than the rest of us here? Almost in tears, she walks away to the ma who appears to be her supervisor, from a distance he looks at me suspisciously and walks up to me and asks me to come in and have a sit; I smiled and said to him my brother, why are you offering me a seat now. You too was here when your junior asked us to stand but others to sit. Do you also want to get published? Like lightening he turna around and disappears (I regret not taking a shot of him) What can I say - and satan departed from me and tempted me no more for the rest of my departure from Ghana. #IStillBelieveInGhana
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 07:54:26 +0000

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