MY ANGEL I did like everyone who sees this post to solemnly - TopicsExpress


MY ANGEL I did like everyone who sees this post to solemnly read this note as I am about to make known to you an enigmatic character. I did also like everyone reading this note to be ready to learn because the person I am about to write here is someone who has positively impacted my life so much that saying “Thank you” to him is grossly inadequate to express my heartfelt and profound gratitude to him. During one of the most difficult period of my life, God sent an angel to me, a great man, and I shall hereby write about him.. Ayeni Boluwaji is a great and godly man. I came across Ayeni on Facebook. He was the one who sent me a friend request and I added him to my list. He told me that when he saw my picture on Facebook he thought within himself that I am going to be his best friend, and as a matter of fact, we became best of friends. I cant remember how I and Ayeni Boluwaji exchanged numbers, but I can vividly remember and I will never forget the first day Ayeni spoke with me on phone. It was on my birthday, and that day I was sick. We spoke for lengthy minutes at Ayenis expense. When I told him it was my birthday, he surprised me with an invaluable gift. I couldnt believe it, that someone I just met, who dont even know me could send me such a gift. I must confess, it was the best and most expensive birthday gift have received. When he gave me the gift at his own free will, I muttered to myself if I was actually dreaming, or the sickness is affecting my medula oblongata or my cerebellum, but it wasnt a dream, it was a reality. And he was invariably the only one who gave me a birthday gift that year. I cant really recall the year I met Ayeni because everyday it seems to me that we were born twins. But I presume it was between 2010 and 2011. What made me respect Ayeni so much was is ability to trust a stranger.Ayeni have not known me well, but he sent huge amount of money to me to get in something in Lagos. Though I and Ayeni attends the same church, but we are not member of the same denomination. Ayeni lives in Kano, while I was living in Lagos, but now Im living in Ibadan. But regardless of the distance between the both of us, he entrusted so much trust in me. Also our communication was intact, all at his expense. He usually do the calling, he called me virtually everyday and he will make sure he exhaust his credit on the call. The minimum time I spent with Ayeni on phone on a daily basis is nothing less than 30mins and it was not mid-night calls O! Anytime I called, he will refund my credit, even with interest. “Hmm, I never see someone like this man!” Ayeni is a banker, while I was a marketing officer in a small marketing company at Surulere, but Ayeni never sees himself as being superior to me.This guy is humble to the core! Another thing that amazes me so much about this guy, is that he senior me with so many years, if I am not mistaking he senior me with about ten years or even more. But he never sees himself as being older. Seriously speaking, Ive never seen someone like Ayeni Boluwaji, he is an enigmatic character to me, someone so unique and wonderful. He is humble an humble personality. Believe you me, his level of humility is worth emulating. Oh, I wont forget to tell you this at least, the first Blackberry phone I used was bought by him! Ayeni footed so many of my bills, but Im not here to write about that.I tell you, I dont know what I did to this guy, he just love me naturally, it was the first time I will received such a love from someone I only came across of Facebook. Reader, you might wonder why I am writing about this man, keep reading, and you will see the real essence of writing about this man. I wrote earlier, that the period he came into my life was one of the most traumatic period in my life. I wont write of all the helps he rendered to me materially and financially, but I will write of the assistance he rendered to me by his disposition. Ayeni is not just an angel to me, hes not just a best friend, hes not just a brother, he is also a role model to me. Ayeni challenged me with his character. I usually weigh myself in the balance to see if I can actually do what he is doing for me to someone else. There will be no enough space to write about this hero and icon. But I will give you a glimpse of the kind of person he really is. Ayeni Boluwaji has completely built a strong and solid foundation for his offspring, because I am sure that what goes around, comes around. And we and our generation will reap all we sow today, whether it be good or bad. Ayeni has sown good seeds for his coming generation and good fruits shall he and his generation reap. If everyone in this world could be like Ayeni Boluwaji, this world would have been a heaven, there wouldnt have been need for another heaven, because everything will be in peace and harmony. During the time that no one knew me, the time I was experiencing severe persecution, the time the one closest to me forsook me, the time Satan wanted to put enmity between I and my mother, the time when no one saw me nor cared about me, the time everyone saw me as a bigot, religious fanatic and a sanctimonious fellow, God sent a man from far north to ease my burden. He made my burden bearable, he helped me to carry my cross a little bit, he took my problem as his own. He sees me as his blood, he cared for me more than he cared for himself, the love he demonstrated to me was nothing short of pure agape love, it was just like the love God has for humanity. When I lose faith in myself, he saw faith in me. When I see myself as a vagabond and a fugitive on earth, he sees one of the greatest man who God has ever created on earth. When I see myself as a wretched sinner who never deserve to be among saints of God, Ayeni sees a great man who will take the world by the storm, he usually calls me all sorts of names like Great evangelist, G.O, Pastor and the likes.Ayeni is indeed an angel, I couldnt ask for a better one! Ayeni made me feel life anew. He made me see another beautiful aspect of life. His presence in my life shed a beam of light across my gloomy path. Ayeni breathed a breath of hope into my dieing and hopeless soul. He made me realized that there are indeed guardian angels assigned to everyone by God in this life. Ayeni made me believe the wording of that song sang by Tope Alabi, titled “Angeli mi.”Ayeni usually puts himself in my shoe and usually share my pain and grief. Anytime I felt I have fallen and I was down spiritually, Ayeni would paint himself black just for him to help me boost my faith so that I could forge ahead in the race that is set before me. Oh, Ayeni Boluwaji you are indeed an unsung hero! My dear, your reward is in heaven. There is no reward that can be given you here on earth that can be tantamount to what youve done for a poor soul like me, or that can fully prove your magnanimity towards a mottled and mortal man like me. Ayeni made me vowed to myself to be of help to whomever am in a position to help. Ayeni saw what myraids of soul couldnt see in me. Ayeni saw greatness in me so much that a man old enough to be my uncle used SIR for me.. hmm, you can imagine! He was mocking me, that is the kind of man he is, he so much has great respect for me. So much that I became awkward and I had to argued and quarrel with Ayeni for several hours on phone before he finally succumbed, nevertheless he still use that terminology for me at times even till now, he is neither stubborn nor adamant, but out of his deep sense of humility he uses that! Ayeni you are one of a kind! Ayeni brought me fortitude when I was in hurdles and pain. He placated my grief and pacified my troubled heart. Ayeni comforted my fraught and bear my cross with me anytime it seemed unbearable. Ayeni gave me a practical view about what true love is all about, he gave me a practical view about a true Christian, he gave me a practical aspect about the true gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. He demonstrated what we are being taught at the church to me. Ayeni is that guy I will call a perfect guy. To be an “Ayeni Boluwaji” is not what people can easily become this day. It is what so many will practice assiduously to be. Now, I ask you, are you an “Ayeni Boluwaji” to someone today, have you ever been, and will you ever be? Stop thinking of how you will get from people, think of how you will give to people. Ayeni made me love serving people. He taught me how to be on the giving side in a relationship, may be thats why I am sociable today.....maybe! This is not a spurious write up, it is fact about a legend. I did like you too to measure yourself and see if you weigh in the balance. Dont always think everything should be all about you. No, you are not created for yourself. Dont be narcissist, and dont have a narcissistic personality. Self absorption is a deadly disease, steer clear from any iota of it. Whatever position you are today, think of a way you can be of help to those around you. The truth is, everyone has something to give, either time, prayer, money, et al. Time will not allow me to write more about this point, but you remember the son of Jeroboam whom God saw good in him. Jeroboam was a bad and impatient king, but God saw good in the life of the baby. So also there is a measure good in you, use what you have today to help those around you and God will help you. I dont have money, but I know those who God have helped me to be of good and assistance to them, even till now and I am grateful to God for that, you too can do the same. I did not write this note to electrify Ayeni, no far from it, I write this note to appreciate God for bring such a wonderful person like him into my life, may His name be praise for ever. God bless you. OLATUNJI EMMANUEL. Ayeni Boluwaji I will forever love you, thanks for coming into my life!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 08:10:54 +0000

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