MY ARTICLE IN THE SUNDAY POST OF 26th OCTOBER 2014. WOMEN ASK - WHY DO MEN CHEAT? The million dollar question for women has always been ‘Why do men cheat on their faithful and loving women’. A month ago, I was asked ‘why men cheat’ by a young lady during an event at one of the companies around.I was initially hesitant to answer as I realized that it was a topic for the whole day that would obviously bring serious argument on men and women with men justifying their cheating and women insisting men cheat because they want to and just don’t appreciate what they have.Well she insisted and asked again, ‘Mr Mukula,Can you tell me why all most men cheat on loyal and loving women?’At this point, I tried to answer and honestly, wished I had the whole day to answer this. Today,I sat down to write just what I think is the reason why men cheat on loyal and loving women. I know this will step on many men’s toes and make them mad with me but its okay as that will say a lot. I will still speak my mind and get it off my chest to get and get my peace and answer a question that many married women today has no answer to. Well, I just had to write about this. The fact is that, cheating is a decision. Men cheat because they want to and I must say that it has nothing to do with what their women do or do not to. A real man will put his foot down and talk to his woman about what he expects and does not expect from her and cheating should never be justified at all. Those that cheat will always find a reason to justify it so I am not surprised at it. I have and still see this every day. A woman can be perfect for him. Beautiful, career minded, respectful, good job, cooks, does whatever he wants her to do in bed, loyal, intelligent, educated, faithful and yet, he will still cheat on her sometimes with an ugly, crazy looking girl every time with no thought of what he has left home. Men also cheat on loyal women to boost their ego. I love to always tell people that - How a man treats a woman is never a reflection of her worth. Nor is it a reflection on anything she lacks or she is not doing. Sometimes it’s inferiority in men and refusal to accept that they deserve what they have that cause them to cheat. An overly weak, sensitive-minded man knows he does not deserve a strong minded woman so he goes out to look for his match because he thinks that one day she will wake up to the realization that she deserves better than him & leave him alone. That’s how insecure and low self esteemed men think. This is why men cheat on a woman, to have power over her. Cheating is not a strength at all - Most men that cheat have serious self esteem issues and can’t even be comfortable and content with choices they make. Yes, men sometimes are more insecure than women. You can tell, that’s why they only cheat and sleep around with weak and easy women. They do this to convince themselves that they are real men while attempting to drown out their own insecurities that are on repeat inside of their own minds and cause them to think irrationally. On the other hand .Real men never cheat but, always look for many ways to love their women but, of course, this comes with ones maturity and level of commitment and says a lot about those that cheat so I am not at all surprised. What they just don’t realize is that by cheating on a good woman, it makes a weak minded man feel he has power over her when not. It makes him feel he is worth more than her when she is all he needs yet refuses to see that. Men that cheat think manipulatively and feel that if they cheat on a loyal woman, she will care about them more. Yes, initially she will be shocked that even after being the best, her man has the audacity to cheat on her, especially with another woman that’s not even of her class but anyway, it takes a real man to think that way. Surprisingly, A woman whose loyalty is taken for granted and gets cheated on will question herself and start to think she is not beautiful enough or she is doing something wrong when not. Then she will try to stay with him to prove to him she is better than the girl he cheated on her with. To prove to herself she can fight for love and can help him by changing a bad boy into a good man, but she would be fooling herself because this is reverse psychology where a weak minded man just gets a good woman to submit herself to a mentally immature man that is not committed, purely by manipulation. Men - A loyal woman will be loyal to your manhood, not loyal to your ego. A loyal woman will tell us the truth, even if that means she might lose us. A loyal woman will tell us when we make mistakes even if it makes us mad. Now a mentally mature man does not want a yes always woman. Trust me, real men don’t want a woman who they will hurt and abuse over and over and still accept them back, simply because she keeps being told that real love must be suffered through and fought for (I wonder where the real love is in a cheating man).LOOK - If she still stays with us after we prove to her time and time again that we genuinely aren’t strong enough as a man to be faithful and keep her consistently happy in a relationship, it means she doesn’t really know her worth. As Men, we must realize that one woman who is faithful and loyal and stays by our side, after we cheat on her, lie to her, hurt her, use her and disrespect her over and over and over, she is not loyal. She is weak and does not help us grow as she will hold back your growth as a Man. Don’t be fooled to think that a side girl that is telling you what you want to hear is more loyal than the one you cheat on. As a mature man, you need a woman who will be genuine with you at all times, even if that means she speaks her mind to the point her words pierce us and her tone appears to be “smart mouthed”. A loyal, strong minded woman will speak her mind, regardless of what anyone thinks. She will tell us the truth. Tell us when we are wrong and will not allow us to hurt her multiple times & still accept us because that is not loyalty; not at all. When a Woman truly loves a man, she loves him at his best, not settling for his worst. She wants us to be the man who we were destined to be and a man who can speak life into a woman, erase her insecurities, and shower her with loyalty and consistence is a real man. A loyal woman will tell her man to get his lazy self up, get a job & pursue his dreams and be somebody. A Loyal woman will not allow a man to live off her. A loyal woman will not baby a man by working and shouldering the financial burden of the home, while he sits and makes no effort .She will not allow a man to talk down to her and disrespect her like she’s any girl, because she knows a mentally mature man deserves a strong minded woman. Lastly, let me say to the men that cheating is not a strength, it is a weakness that should be worked. Do not brag that you cheat. Feel ashamed that you do it and start to work on yourself. I enjoy being with your woman and be loyal just as she is in that relationship because she is worth committing to. This is how mentally mature men think and feel. Yes a lot of men may cheat, but a mentally mature man knows it is commonly assumed all men cheat on good women, yet this is completely false. I could agree all males cheat, at some point in their life, but a “Real Man” not a “male” knows if he cheats, he would be not only cheating on a good woman, he would be cheating himself out of allowing a loyal woman to help mold him into a king he needs to be.The truth is,nothing can sharpen his iron and no one can mold him into the man he wants to be other than the loyal woman he has by his side. Till next week, may we as men make amends and be faithful and loving to our women. The writer of this article is a life coach and Motivational Speaker as well as a Master of ceremonies for both corporate and social functions. For his services, call 0978980332 or email him on emmymukula@gmail .You can also follow him on facebook Emmanuel Mukula – Life Coach or on twitter @emmanuel_mukula.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 07:53:55 +0000

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