MY BEST UNTO ALL OF YOU BLESSED WITH FAMILY AND / OR INTIMATE(S) THIS SEASON AND ACCEPT, IF YOU WILL, THE WISHES OF A WHISTLEBLOWER BOUND BY POTENTIAL ENDANGERMENT UNTO OTHERS FROM SHARING IN SUCH RELATIONS. YET IT BE AMID THE BINDING OF SPLENDID ISOLATION, FREE OF BURDENS BORNE BY RESPONSIBLE MEN, THAT REVELATIONS OF CRYSTALLINE CLARITY BE COMMUNICATED. HEREIN LINKED THE EPISODIC ENDING (CLOSING EACH EPISODE) OF “CODEX TÈRRAGEḻST,” WHICH BEST EXPRESSES THE LEITMOTIF OF A PUBLIC-INFORMANT IN CONTEXT OF A SEASON OF SHARING: ITSELF CONTEXTUALIZED IN THE NEAR-FUTURE STRUGGLE FOR EUROPA AMID MÉROVINGIAN (THE DYNASTIC BLOODLINE OF CHRISTÓÚS’) INTRIGUE(S) – AS IMPACTED BY A LATTER-DAY HALF-JAPONÔAISÊ DESCENDENT OF JI̱I̱ĒSÔÚS What Follows Below Within This Column Renders Explicable Talents Welded In The Fratricidal Bloodfeuding Among The Familial Dynasties of The Power Élite(s) That Enculturate The European Subcontinent of Eurasia – The Morbidly Inbred and Nigh Degenerate Lineage of The Divinity To Be Reinvigorated (Within Conceit of The Imminent Timeline As Presented) By Genetic Insemination Through The Coloured Caucasian Branch of The Asiatic Ethnos (Such Being The Plot Device of The Japanimé Series “失われた色の反乱のコード-三 ギアス反逆のルルーシュ亡命中 [‘USHINAWARE TA IRO NO HANRAN NO KŌDO-SĀN GIASU: HANGYAKU NO RURŪSHU-BŌMEI-CHŪ;’ transliterally ‘A LOVELORN BLUSH OF TREASON IN CODE-THREE GEASS: THE MUTINY OF LELOUCHE-IN-EXILE’]”). ΓΗϚ (a Classical Grecian term Latinized as “GḻS,” pronounced as “GYEIS” and bastardized as “GEASS”: The Latin term “GYEḻS” itself long ago Ænglicized as “TÈRRA [literally ‘EARTH’]”). TÈRRARISM: THE ΓΗϚΤΗΡΡΑ (“GḻSTÈRRA [‘EARTH-POWER’]”) – HEXSLINGING FROM ANCIENT MYTHOLOGY TO POSTMODERNITY The Postmodern Nīpphônjīn (“Japanese People’s”) Concept of ギアス (“Giasu [‘Geass’]”) originates in Gǽlic Mythology and is in many ways analogous to The Ελληνική (“Elliniki [‘Greek’]”) and Rṓmãn Concept of The Tragic Flaw. The bastardized term Giasu (“Geass”) may best be understood as a “Japanization” – a Phonetic (and Conceptual) Corruption of the word Γης (“Gi̱s [‘Geas’];” pronounced “Gyeis [implicative of the Condition of being ‘Earthbound’]”) – originally a term for a type of Magickal (the word “Magick” with a “K” itself being Invocative of Ritual Manipulation of The World Around Us in disambiguation from mere Stage[d] Prestidigitation, or “Sleight-of-Hand [id est, mere ‘Magic’]”) Contract in Gǽɪlge (“Éirelish [‘Irish’]”) Mythology. THE GǼILGE (“ÉIRELISH [‘IRISH’]”) Ο ΗΡΑΚΛΉΣ (Latinized as “THE IRAKLÍS [a Title of Semidivine Status]” and Ænglicized as HĒRǢKLĒOS [bastardized as ‘HERCULES’]”) One of The First and most beloved of Herœs Subject To Gi̱s (“Geas [Germanicized as ‘Geis’]”) is The Central Character of The Mediæval Gǽɪlge (“Éirelish”) Mythology Cycle of Cúige Ulaidh (“Provincial Ulstèr [‘Northern Ireland’]”) Known to The Nīpphônjīn as “キュクレイン (‘qKYŪBILAĬ kHŪRIN-CRAIN’: Spelled ‘SÉTANTA CÚ CHULLAINND’ in The Gǽlic and pronounced ‘SAY-TANTA KƎYUOOWL-KƎˈHƱLLƗYǢINN,’ with a Silent ‘D’ at Surname’s end];” transliterally THE “HOUND OF CHULLAINNd [‘ULSTÈR,’ The Province being Named For The King Who Established its Boundaries])” – an unstoppable Warrior-Hero of Gǽɪlge Legend who was Renowned throughout The British Isles as well as in Na hAlban (“Scottish”) and Manx Folklore for His unmatched prowess in combat. Sir Sétanta Cú Chulainnd (“Saytanta Kəyuoowl-kəˈhʊllɨyǣinn”) was sleight in stature yet both His Conqᵫsts on The Field of Battle and His Seductive Beauty are Legendary. Indeed: No-one could look upon Him in His splendour without blinking, as the heat of His Body could melt Snow and Ice for Yards around; for He (along with many sCeltic Warriors of The Age of Herœs) cultivated an Indigenous Caucasian European Martial Arts Ability to “Warp,” or Channel The Natural Energetic Forces of The Great Mother of Us All: ΙΕΡΆ-MA (Spoken as “Year-Ray Ma”) ΓΑȊΑΤΕΛΛΥΣ (The Full and Proper Name For Our Homeworld being Latinized as “IERÁ GǢĨǢTELLUS MĀTER [‘SACRED MOTHER EARTH’]”: The Personification of “HOLY TÈRRA FIRMA [itself a Latin phrase meaning ‘HALLOWED SOLID EARTH,’ from ‘TÈRRA,’ meaning ‘EARTH’ and ‘FIRMA,’ meaning ‘SOLID;’ said phrase referential to The Dry Land Mass of Our Planetary Surface in disambiguation from The Sea or Air]” Upon Whose Bosom All We Dwell; The ΓΑȊΑ [“GǢĨǢ” being pronounced “dƵJHEEA”] – from whence derived the term “GEO [‘EARTH,’ originally indicative of Our Planetary Rind, as Studied via The Fields of GEOLOGY and GEOGRAPHY]” – Correct Vocalization of Our Planet’s Name being “dƵJHee-Á-TEhll-us”) circuiting through His own body in exponential magnification of His Personal “Ka (The Ancient ǢIgyptian term for ‘Spirit’ or ‘Life-Force,’ equivalent to The 中國人 [‘ƵChuṑngg-kGHuóuá-Rén’ – literally ‘Middle-Kingdom Peoples’ – id est ‘Chinese’] 气 [‘Qì’] of 气功 [‘Qì-kGuǒng’] and The Nīpphônjīn 気 [‘Ki’] of 合気道 [‘Aikidô’]).” Sir Cúchulainnd’s Intrinsic Mastery of The Power to Warpspasm Himself into inhumanly monstrous proportions of unbridled Berzerker Rage in Battle made Him The Greatest of The Armoured Gǽɪlge Knights of The Red Branch at a Time in hÉireann’s (“ÉIre-Land’s [‘Ireland’s’]”) History When Chivalry and Chieftainry Ruled The Land: The Red Branch Knights being sCeltic Warriors Sworn In Fealty unto CONCHOBAR (“KING”) CONOR MAC NESSA (the surname “MACNESSA” meaning lit[erally] “SON OF NESS”) – Who Ruled Ulstèr at The Time of The Historical JI̱i̱ēsôús Christóús (and Who Died of Heartbreak when His Druid Informed Him of The Crucifixion of His Own King ЕГÔ ЕИМИ ТХЕÓÚС О ГYИÓС ТОУ И̱И̱ĒСÔÚС БАРЕН-YОСЕПФХ ТОУ НАЗАО̱РǼТĺОУ, ЧРИСТÓÚС МАОШИYАЧ ИЕММАНУ‘ЕЛ, ВАСиЛиΆС ТО̱Н ЕВРĺО̱Н, ХОМИНУМ САЛВАТОР, О ВАСиЛиΆС ТОН ВАСиЛΈОН, КАи КΎРиОС ТОН ЛΌРТхОН (Latinized as “EGÔ EIMI THEÓÚS O GYIÓS TOU I̱I̱ĒSÔÚS BAREN-YOSEPFH TOU NAƵAO̱RǼTĺOU, CHRISTÓÚS MAOSHIYACH IEMMANU‘EL, VASiLiΆS TO̱N EVRĺO̱N, HOMINUM SALVATOR, O VASiLiΆS TON VASiLΈON, KAi KΎRiOS TON LΌRThON” and Ænglicized as “Egô EIMI – or ‘I AM’ – God The Son Jesus – a Synthesis of הַ עִבְרִית [‘Ha-‘Eebvryeet,’ or ‘The Hebrew’ Language] ‘Yæhushua’ and The Ελληνική [‘Elliniki,’ or ‘Greek’] ‘Ƶeus’ into a variant of ‘Joshua’ – Baren – lit[erally] ‘Son of’-Yosepfh [‘Joseph’] of Naƶareth, Christ [lit ‘Anointed’] MaoSHiYacH [‘Messiah’ in Ha-‘Eebvryeet, or ‘The Hebrew’] IEmmanu‘el [‘God is With Us’ in Ha-‘Eebvryeet], King of The Jews, Saviour of Men, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS;” AChN VII—II [birthed circa Antechristum Natum, or “born about Precedent Christóús’ Deliverance”] 7—2 ANCÈ [Avant Notre Commonal Èræ; Français / lit “Prior Our Common Era”]— AD XXX—XXXVI [decedent circa Anno Domini] 30—36 CÈ [Commonal Èræ]; Interned, Tortured and Crucified Unto Execution, Descended, Interred and Thenceforth Ascended; Scripted To Return; Note: In Those Times of Rṓmãn-Mediterranean Judaism There Were No Familial Surnames, The Individual’s Region of Origin being employed in such stead – In This Case Naƶareth [Yæhushua Baren-Yosepfh being Galilean] – whilst, when within Said Region itself, Persons would employ ‘Son Of’ and The Name of their Father [so Mankind’s Jesus MaoSHiYacH IEmmanu‘el was “Joshua, Son of Joseph” to His Neighbours], “THE CHRIST” being Not a Name but a Title, Implying Messianic Anointment in Elliniki [The “Greek”] and The Christogram JHC [“I̱i̱ēsôús Hominum Salvator,” or “Jesus, Saviour of Men” in The Latin] oft Profaned Today by Westerners as “Jesus H Christ” In Blasphemy). Comparable In Some Respect(s) to The Conchobar’s Lord JI̱i̱ēsôús MaoSHiYacH IEmmanu‘el The Christóús: Other Warrior Demigods (Beings Half-Human and Half-Divine) are Recorded to have Walked The World Performing Miracles In Service to Man. One of The Risen Christóús’ Ancient Archetypal Pagan Precursors would be Ο ΗΡΑΚΛΉΣ (Lat “THE IRAKLÍS,” Æng “HĒRǢKLĒOS [bastardized as ‘HERCULES’];” Said Title composited from “HĒRǢ” and “KLEOS,” or “GLORY” – transliterating as “GLORY UNTO HĒRǢ” – ƵEUS’ Sister-cum-Wife and Qᵫen of The Classical Mediterranean Pantheon of Gods; IHērǣkílēos is a Title of Semidivine Status Granted Unto The Hero born ΑΛΚΑΊΟΣ ΑΛΚΑΊΟΣ [Lat “ALKAÍOS ALKAÍOS” & Æng “ALCÆUS ALKAIOS”], Son of ƵEUS and ALCMENE, Foster Son of AMPHITRYON and Great-Grandson / Half-Brother of PERSEUS; The IHērǣkílēos is Acknowledged as The Ancestral Primogeniture of Royal Clans Claimant of The Hēracleidæ Seedline and a Champion of The Olympian Order against The Monsters of Kh‘thõn, or “Earth,” which transliterates as “Dirt”: A term since contemptuously Misapplied In Denigration of Our Very Planet, Initially through a Misguided sense of Churchly Rejection of Material Worldliness and Thereafter through the perversions of Scientific Rationalism which Advocate Disassociation from Any Personal Identification with Mother Nature – in the same sense as Referencing The Feminine by Vulgar Citation of Anatomical Features). But Contemporarily Manifest Among Us with both Christóús and Conchobar was The Son of The Gǽɪlge High God LUGH and a Mortal Woman Named DEICHTINE – Sister of Conchobar mac Nessa – King of The Region of Ulstèr: The Armoured Gǽɪlge Knight Sir Cúchulainnd Himself. Sir Cúchulainnd’s Semidivinity is why I was actually appalled when Smokin’ (literally) Hot Mum (literally yet again) & ONLINE RADIO HOSTESS ANTONIA “TONI” LESLIE Suggested (Off-Air) that I myself Appeared the way Sir Cúchulainnd has oft been Popularly Envisaged (see Image @ ). While I could never Accept such High Praise from a Lady without Protest, I most certainly Accepted (Under Contractual Oblige Unto my Manageress LORIEN ANNE FENTON, of course) Opportunity to be Interviewed by her on The “MAD WORLD” Programme Out of Baile Átha Cliath (“Dublin”), Poblacht Na Héɪreann (The “Republic of [Southern] Éɪre-Land”) on The Emerald Isle of Hibernia Across The Bandwidth via Gǽɪlge Internet Radio Station TÍR NA SAOR (“LAND OF THE FREE”): Freely (once more in the literal sense [along that of the pun]) e-ccess The Full Four Hours of our candid intercourse @ – and do Note that The Original Five Hours of Record were Electromagnetically Data-Wiped from the Hacked Hard-Drives of Those Whom Invested so much Time and enegy per Establishing Communications with myself Across The Atlantic. In The Colloquial: We Was Geassed ... The Curse of Geis is Formulating a Curse (Slinging a Hex) over a Target that Imposes Mystical Restriction(s) over ones Action(s) with Consent of Both Parties. An even more merciless version of a Geis is a Self-Geas Scroll. The Literature of The Ulaid (“Ulstèr Cycle”) betrays The Knighted Sir Cúchulainnd as Subject to a Geis of being Forbidden to eat Dog Meat by His Enemies. But in Early hÉireann (“ÉIre-Land”) there was a powerful General Taboo against Refusing Hospitality, so when an Old Crone Offers Him a Meal of Dog Meat, He has no choice to Break His Geis. In this way He is Spiritually (Psychosomatically?) Weakened for The Fight Ahead of Him (see The Historical Details of Sir Cúchulainnd’s Fate @ [Click Illustrations to Enlarge] and Reference The Syncretization of qKyūbilaĭ kHūrin-Crain [as Japanized] Into Postmodern Nīpphônjīn Dæmonology [such Homage being High Acknowledgement within The Warrriorborn Cultural Matrix of Daï-Nīpphôn Honouring Sir Cúchulainnd’s “Badassery”] @ His Page In-Site “真・女神転生 [‘SHIN MEGAMI TENSI,’ or ‘TRUE GODDESS REINCARNATION’]” via ); and Note The Nīpphônjīn Hold Trᵫ To The Cycle of The Ulaid [confer “THE IRISH CHUCK NORRIS” @ – asinine Analog On-Part The Writer as The Historical Cúchulainnd was evidently awesome on the eyes – more as unto 李小龍 / “BRUCE LEE,” born 李振藩 / “LEE JUN-FAN,” 1940—deceased 1973; Assassinated]). While originally Manifest as a sCeltic Cultural Phenomenon, “Geist (The Germanic pronunciation is ‘ˈGaɪst’)” comes down to us Today as a Deutschesprache (lit “German-Speak,” or Deutsche-Language) Loanword. Depending on context it can be Translated as The Ænglish words “Mind,” “Spirit” or “Ghost,” covering The Semantic Field of these Three Ænglish Nouns. Some Ænglish Translators resort to employing “Spirit / Mind” or “Spirit (‘Mind’)” to help convey the meaning of the term. “Geist” is component of several German Loanwords such as “Ƶeitgeist (The ‘Spirit of The Time[s];’ or ‘Collective Unconscious’)”and, more (in)famously, “Poltergeist (the mischievous [ofttimes Malevolent] ‘Noisy Ghosts’ that are understood to generate Audial Phenomenon and move / hurl objects).” “Geist” is The Central Concept in The Deutschen Philosopher GEORG WILHELM FRIEDRICH HEGEL’s (b[irthed] 1770—d[eceased] 1831) “PHÄNOMENOLOGIE DES GEISTES (‘THE PHENOMENOLOGY OF SPIRIT [published 1807]’).” Hegel’s Historicist and Idealist Account of Reality Revolutionized European Philosophy and was an important Precursor to Continental Philosophy and Marxism. According to Hegel: The “Weltgeist (‘World Spirit’)” is not an actual thing one might come upon or a Godlike Phenomenon Beyond, but a means of Philosophizing about History. “Weltgeist” is Effected in History through Mediation of various “Volksgeister (‘Folk Spirits’)” – The Great Men of History such as NAPOLÉON I BONAPARTE (b1769—d1821; Empereur De La Français [“Emperor of The French”]: 1804—1815; Assassinated-In-Exprisonment) – Whom are The “Concrete Universal.” According to an Ænglish-Language Edition of ニュータイプ (“NYŪTAIPU [‘NEWTYPE’];” 角川書店 [“Kadokawa Shoten”] Publishing Company: Released on The 10th of Every Month in The Home Islands Since 1985), a Cultural Magazine Publication Sourcing from 七 千の島々 の大きい日本帝国 (“Shichi Sen no Shima no Ōoki-i i Nīpp-hôn Teikoku [The ‘Seven Thousand Islands of The Greater Japanese Empire]”) named after the Popular Nīpphônjīn Concept of an Emergent Subspecies of “Nyūtaipu (‘Newtype’)” Humanity – possessed of Superhuman Talents – Evolving in Direct Genetic Response to Shared Racial Stresses (such as Daï-Nīpphôns [“Greater Japan’s”] National Experience of American Nuclear Terrorism in both 大きい太平洋の競合 [“Ōoki-i Taiheiyō-no-Kyōgō,” or The “Greater Pacific Conflict”]: 1937―1952 / 1953 and Incident 福島第一原子力発電所 / Fukushima “Dai-Ichi,” or “BIG #I [Cluster],” Nuclear Power Plants Meltdown Conseqᵫnt 三 / 十一 テロ攻撃: “Sān / Jyū-Ichi Sen-Seme,” or The “3 / 11 Terror Attack” of 2011, The Power of Geass has something to do with the very existence of Humankind, and it may be used to Destroy or Transform just about anything; which would logically imply The Self-Defeating Act of Atomic War Crimes On-Part The Americans as Collaterally EMPOWERING the Cultural Vitality of Daï-Nīpphôn by Triggering a Quickening of Metahuman Evolutionary Process[es] On-Behalf The Nīpphônjīn via Environmental Trauma [as opposed to Radioactive Mutations]) – as with The Holocaust and The Conseqᵫnt Nigh Unnatural Rise of מדינת ארץ ישראל השלמה (“Medyīnat Eretẓ YIƶhrǽl Ha-Shlema [The ‘Nationalist State of Greater Isrā‘el’]”) … Geass is perceived within some Nīpphônjīn Schools of Occult Thought as a Supernatural Ability which certain people can Bestow Upon Others. Such Bestowment(s), not surprisingly, are far more Efficacious in Manifestation(s) Among Seedbearers of The Divine (such deduction being rooted in a Hypothetical Sequence of Lineal Descendants From The Historical JI̱i̱ēsôús The Christóús and Ο ΧΡΙΣΤΙΑΝΌΣ ΜΕΤΑΝΟΗΜΈΝΟΥ ΜΑΡΊΑ Η ΜΑΓΔΑΛΗΝΉ ΤΟΥ ΜΑΓΔΑΛΗΝΉ [“O KHRISTIANÓS METANIMÉNI MARÍA I MAGDALINÍ TI MAGDALINÍ,” or “THE SAINTED PENITENT MARY THE MAGDALENE OF MAGDALA,” b?—d?] – First Witness of The Resurrection and Secondmost Important Woman In The New Testament After TΟ ΕΥΛΟΓΗΜΈΝΟ ΑΓΊΑΣ ΘΕΟΤΌΚΟΥ ΜΑΔΟΝΝΑ ΜΑΡΥĀΜ [“TO ILOYIMÉNO AYÍAS THEOTÓKI MADONNA MARYĀM”]: “THE BLESSED SAINT THEOTOKOS [lit ‘BEARER OF GOD’] MADONNA [lit ‘VIRGIN MOTHER’]” and The Proper Italian Honorific by which to Address “MY LADY [The Mother of God being of Levantine Southwest Asian Ethnicity and Judæic Faith but of Imperial Rṓmãn Nationality]” MARYĀM [“MARY” in the Aramaic] – AChN [born circa Antechristum Natum] 20 ANCÈ [Avant Notre Commonal Èræ]— AD 45 CÈ – who had been Impregnated by ΚΥΑΝΝΆὙὩΥ- [QUANNA’-YHWVH]: Lat QUANNA’ [“JEALOUS” in The Hebrew]-YHWVH [“jYaHoWuVeH,” in one of the more utterable Hebraic Derivatives – The Name of GOD] has been postulated on the Theory that JI̱i̱ēsôús Christóús Bore a Natural Child by O Khristianós Metaniméni María i Magdaliní ti Magdaliní [“The Sainted Penitent Mary The Magdalene of Magdala”] or some Other Woman [usually portrayed as His Wife or a Hierodule] which was then Taken to Gaul [Todays Française or “France”] – either during The Sainted Penitent Mary The Magdalene of Magdalas Pregnancy or as a Young Child – and whose Germanized Blood-Descendants in Later Centuries Founded The Mérovingian Dynasty [established circa Anno Domini 458—] of The Early Kings of Frankreich [The “Empire-State of Française”], Thereby Rationalizing Divine Right of Kingship Through The Holy Bloodline of JI̱i̱ēsôús). The Japanimé Series “KŌDO-SĀN GIASU (‘CODE-THREE GEASS’)” focuses on how The Biological Product of Intermarriage between an English Nobleman of The Mérovingian Line and a Nīpphônjīn Warbride – The Ethnically Euroasian FORMER PRINCE ルルーシュ (“RURŪSHU [‘LELOUCHE’];” the very name implies “REVOLUTION” in 日本語 [“Nīhõ̞ŋŋ-go̞,” or The “Japanese Language”]) VI BRITANNIA THE EXILED obtains such Power and decides to Deploy it in obliteration of The Holy Britannian Empire which Exiled Him In Disgrace To 大日本帝國 (“Daï Nīpp-Hôn Tei-Koku [The ‘Empire of Greater Japan’]”) – ostensibly for even further Diluting His Mérovingian Bloodline by deigning to Sire His Bastard-Son 雷 (“RAI [pronounced ‘RYE-ee;’ implicative of ‘Thunder,’ ‘Lightning,’ ‘Trust’ and ‘Service’]”); His Persecutors Hubristically Ignoring Intrinsic Enhancement of His Personal Receptivity to Gei̱stgrafting via His Maternal Leylinkage to The Land of The Rising Sun (In 中國古代 [“ƵChuṑngg-kGHuóuá Gǔ-Dài,” or “Ancient China”], various 皇帝s [“Huáng-Dìs,” or “Emperors”] Sought The Fabled Elixir-Vitæ of Immortality with varying Results. In Time of 秦王朝 [“Qín Wáng-Cháo,” or The “Qín Dynasty”]: 第一個皇帝秦始皇 [“DÌ-YĪ WÈI HUÁNG-DÌ QÍN SHǏ-HUÁNG,” or “THE FIRST EMPEROR QÍNSHǏHUÁNG,” Surnamed 鄭 / “ƵHÈNG,” b.AChN 260 / 259―d210 ANCÈ; Reigned In Kingship, State of 秦 / “QÍN”: 247 / 246―221 / 220; Conqᵫred All Other Warring States and United 中國 / “ƵChuṑngg-kGHuóuá,” or The “Middle Kingdom” – id est “China” – circa AChN 221 ANCÈ] Despatched 道家方士徐福 [“DÀÔŪ-JIĀ FĀNG-SHÌ XÚ-FÚ,” or “TÀÔIST ALCHEMIST XÚ FÚ,” b.AChN 255—d200 ANCÈ] to The Shore[s] of The Eastern Sea[s] with an Entourage of One-and-a-Half Thousand [Fifteen Hundred] Young Men and One-and-a-Half Thousand [Fifteen Hundred] Young Women to Utilize as a Human Experimentation Pool for Efficacy-Testing in Isolation of The Elixir-Vitæ but – on Encountering The Realm of 和国 [“ʼWA-Kokuguoia,” or The “State of Harmonic Equilibrium;” The Ancient Name for Daï-Nīpphôn, or “Greater Japan;” The Nīpphônjīn of That Epoch Being Renowned Throughout Far East-Asia as 和国人 / “ʼWA-Kokuguoians,” or “Embodiments of Inner Peace”] – He Never Returned; instead Settling to Establish The 神道 [“Shīnt’-Dàôūist,” or “Godly Wayfarer”] Diecracy [Government by Divinity] of God-Emperors as Incarnate Today through The 皇族 [“Kouƶoku,” or “Imperial Family”] of Japan; The 幕屋 [“Makuya”: The Nīhõ̞ŋŋgo̞, or “Japanese Language,” Equivalent for Ha-Eebvryeet, or “The Hebrew,” word “מִשְׁכַּן [‘MISHKAN,’ or ‘The Residence],” which References The Holy Tabernacle – The Portable Shrine Where God and Man Encounter per Exodus 29:42—43] People of Daï-Nīpphôn Compiling Daï-Nīpphôns First ‘Eebvryeet [‘Hebrew’]-Nīhõ̞ŋŋgo̞ Dictionary Upon Arrival on Nīpphônjīn Shores between AChN 600—500 ANCÈ – Contemporaneous Commencement of The Written Nīpphônjīn Calendar Commemorating Coronation of Jimmu-Ten’‘nô Heika circa AChN 660 ANCÈ per Western Chronometry; it being Conviction of The Makuya Minority of Daï-Nīpphôn that The Triune Sacred Treasures of The Most Ancient Extant Imperial Dynasty on Earth are Judaic Relics Bearing The Shield of David [The Six-Ponted Symbol of יְהוּדָה / “YEHUDA,” or “Judeah,” is a Shield – Not a Star]. It was The Articulated Objective of The United States Government in World War II that The Trinitarian Treasures of 皇室大和 [“Kōshitsu Yamato,” or The “Imperial House of Greater Manifest Balance”] be Confiscated for Scientific Analysis, Reverse-Engineering and Reproduction In Masonic Alignment On Destruction of The Original Reliquary as Culmination of both its Ethnic and Cultural Genocidal Policies [The US Government was Forced to Rescind these Dæmoniacally Hubristic Objectives – Among So Many Others – when it Sᵫd For Peace In 1945]). In “KŌDO-SĀN GIASU”: Geass is Gifted The Former Prince LeLouche (Japanized as “Rurūshu” throughout the Story) by the mysterious CC. It allows him to Force Others To Do His Will (to certain Limitations). Analogy to The Geis Concept is evident and derivatively the reason behind its name. CC is the most prominent Character Who Grants The Power of Geass. The Geass Manifests differently in each individual, possibly related to their inner desires and Personality Profile(s). Every Geass, while powerful, has its own uniqᵫ set of restrictions, limitations, or idiosyncrasies. These Factors allow a Geass to be Defeated, or its Power Limited, by someone who is Aware of its Characteristics. All Geass Abilities that appeared within Canon of the Animated Television Series have been related to The Mind, Inflᵫncing such things as Will, Thought, Memory and Perception. This is because The Gods of The Paradigmatic Matrix in which The KŌDO-SĀN GIASU Story Arc is embedded are actually a Collection of Subconscious and Will that are always in conflict, and one with a powerful Geass can Inflᵫnce such (as Lelouche doth in the Series) and, with a proper system, can also Inflᵫnce Reality itself, which is the concept behind The Sword Of Akasha (a Intradimensional Architectural Structure Purposed with “Akashic Records” Alteration within The Japanimé, similar in some respects to a “Stargate,” but Functioning as a Solipsist’s Scalpel Applicable to Shearing The Shared Memories of The Human Race – a Data-Splicing Mechanism in Excision and / or Incision of Reality-Bytes – as rooted in The Buddhist Paradigm that All is Maya [Illusion] and therefore Manipulable). GEḻSTLINGERS (“GEASS-SLINGERS”) A Geass-User or, more properly, Gei̱stlinger, is a person Possessed of The Power of Geass. A person Acquires Geass by Blood-Binding Contract with a Mérovingian Immortal – a GDNA (Gei̱st-Deoxyribonucleic Acid)-Codebearer Formerly Possessed of Geass (it being of Note that Immortality Doth Not Imbᵫ Invulnerability – Immortals Live On Until Killed By Another or Indirectly By Themselves). The Pivotal Character CC denotes Geass “The Power of Kings” and, though she is unable to use The Power herself, she is Immune to The Power being used on her. In The Final Episode of The Second Season (The Conclusion of the entire Series), LeLouche states that The Geass is a form of Wish (referencing CC and Himself). However: People who have Geass are not Immune to The Geass Effect(s) of others. All Geass, regardless of Slinger, appear in only one eye in the Initial Stages of flexing such Talent(s). Eventually – assuming The Slinger lives long enough – The Geass will eventually begin to grow until it shows on both eyes (seemingly resultant repeated usage or pushing The Geass to exceed its own limits). However: Overuse and / or Mental Instability can Engender an Affliction known as “Code 3,” or “Runaway” Geass that renders The Slinger unable to control their Geass, in turn rendering it Permanently Active. The power of Geass increases with use and, should The Slinger lack The Willpower, they may be consumed by it – as was the case with The Historical 伟 大的领袖毛泽东主席, 人民的大救星 (“WĚIDÀ DE LǏNGXIÙ MÁO Ƶ’SHTĬE-D‘TŬŌNǴ ƵHǓXÍ, RÉNMÍN DE DÀ JIÙXĪNG [‘GREAT LEADER CHAIRMAN MÁO Ƶ’SHTĬE-D‘TŬŌNǴ, SAVIOUR OF THE PEOPLE’];” b1893—d1976; 第 一 次的中国共产党中央委员会主席 [“Dì Yī Cì Dí ƵChuṑngg-kGHuóuá-Gòng-Chǎn-Dǎng-ƵChuṑngg-Yāng-Wěi-Yuán-Huì Ƶhǔ-Xí,” or “1st Chairman of The Central Committee of The Communist Party of China”]: 1945—1976) – who was Ultimately Responsible for The Extinguishing of a Hundred Million (100 000 000) Lives .... ~ Douglas Duane Dietrich
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 19:18:29 +0000

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