MY CHEF WAN COMMENT ABOUT PORK I remembered talking about respect - TopicsExpress


MY CHEF WAN COMMENT ABOUT PORK I remembered talking about respect and tolerance for others some months back there are someone making a negative remark kononnya gambar2 Pork ni tak usah la post konon mereka geli. Apa budu dan cencalok itu bukan ke bangkai makananan laut yg busuk mau pun ikan masin serta Perkasam dan belacan itu tak busuk ke? Dont u think other races also find that a complete turn off tetapi boleh pula kita mencekek dan sedap. Susah jika manusia yg hidup mereka macam katak bawah tempurung ini. Ini makanan orang yg perlu kita respect dah tak perlu nak rasa jijik dan aib kan mereka.Shame on this moron that today is destroying the image of this country and causing alot of tension among other races with their itu haram dan ini haram! Dah tahu haram diam sudah la.Bangsa asing tak suruh pun kita mencekek bodoh! Why cant we exercise tolerance towards others instead of always finding fault at them bangsa Asing? This country is not just for the Muslim alone likewise the whole World. If other races and nation of the World can respect Islam and even the Pope can take his shoe off to enter our mosque in Juruselem nak saja saya kata di sini who the Hell are we to try and preached others and find fault as them sedang we our own race pun tak sempurna mana la! I am getting so sick of reading all this irresponsible human being from the public to Politician that put their brain on their knee cap! Opened up yr eyes and watch the news where is Peace in this world today? Letaknya di hati dan tangan kita! -Chefwan- #Ada betulnya...buat apa nak marah,hina,maki babi..kan??dia pun Allah yg jadikan..,,. #CopyPaste #PeaceNoWar Respect all religion ....
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 04:34:12 +0000

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