MY CHRISTMAS BLESSING- I apologize in advance for what may turn - TopicsExpress


MY CHRISTMAS BLESSING- I apologize in advance for what may turn out to be a wordy message. It begins with me receiving what was entitled “Our Christmas Letter”. A former class-mate sent a beautiful Christmas message that is a glowing account of her life. It began with a life-time marriage to her soul-mate. Their natural progression led to their children, and an even greater flock of grandchildren. She is thankful for her Christian heritage, and the many blessings in life, to include successful careers and all of the nice things that resulted from that. It gave me a warm and fuzzy feeling…….until, I began to reflect about myself. I remembered that I have lost my Dad, a Brother, and at least a dozen great Friends, who died way too young. Yes, I have two fantastic, brilliant and successful sons, but they were a product of a failed marriage. A deep feeling of melancholy, self-doubt, and pity led to me laying my head on my pillow, thinking, that if I could actually fall asleep, I didn’t care if I ever woke up again. (Fast forward, after a restful night of sleep and pleasant dreams). My eyes clicked open, and Bam! It hit me with a Revelation. I revere the same Lord, our Creator, as does my long-time class-mate. However, he has blessed us in very different ways. What I realized is that I can be most thankful for a great Circle of Friends. Some of those are Family, some are life-time Friends who have always been there, and many are newfound friends. Among all of those included are other failed marriages, money problems, health issues, or maybe just bad luck. It struck me that I have a gift to help other people with their problems. They know that they can call me when in need, and I will gladly do what I can. I seem to be able to organize things, and get other Friends to also roll up their sleeves and pitch in to help. We have had fund-raisers to help fix or build homes, pay for emergency problems, fund scholarships, help kids do things or go places they could not otherwise do, and many other worthy projects. It does not make us martyrs, but it surely feels good to know that we can all help each other when the occasions arise. So this is my Christmas message: be thankful for what we have, who we are, and from where we came. God bless you All, and Merry Christmas!
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 16:10:27 +0000

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