MY CHRISTMAS WISH I have to admit that I once was a Western - TopicsExpress


MY CHRISTMAS WISH I have to admit that I once was a Western Raised and Trained Engineer, and somewhat Cynical Scientist- but like many who study the Cosmos- physicists especially, they come to realize that there is Something Greater Than Ourselves and that our Universe is arranged as an intricate web- all connected and functioning together. I have had many, many strange events in my life- visions, time and place situations that if I try to explain what truly did happen- I tend not to be believed, so I tend to keep much of those things to myself. Yet in this transformation of losing Ego, and being beaten down so often over the years with depressions- that I have emerged and learned much along the way from the Healers that I have sought out. And my transformation has been to one of Optimism and Hope for our future. Having a Bipolar Brain- and experiencing episodes of psychosis which were in reality perceptions of other energies and signals others cannot comprehend- is indeed a weird experience. As is having a memory which is somehow photographic, even movie reel like, that goes way back to my very earliest years has also been both a gift, but a very difficult thing for folks to understand. Which leads to my Wish For Christmas: I wish to see, within my short time on this Planet, Change.... Of a truly RADICAL nature- where we are seen for our Character- not for our skin colour, or our choice of who we choose to love. That we begin to learn that we are all of us the same, imperfect Humans. Spirits struggling with earthly desires and needs- while striving to help others, and too often failing to ask help when we ourselves need it. My wish is that those of us very few- in fortunate Countries where the Bells of Freedom may have been dimmed, but they still ring out- that the peoples of those countries continue their efforts to reach out and raise the needy and the poor to better lives. And finally, on a personal level, my wish is for my FB Friends to be safe, happy, laugh.... and appreciate all that we can truly be thankful for. A little bit of Love goes a long way....
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 23:53:37 +0000

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