MY CONFESSION, MY LEARNED LESSON, MY TESTIMONY, MY LIFE. Life has truly done a number on me. Ive matured at a rapid rate mentally, physically and spiritually which has propelled me to first take a more detailed look at the man in the mirror (me) and to be more conscious of my surroundings my community and the adverse effects I may have imposed upon it and its occupants. All of my actions and indeavours werent positive. A great deal of them were perpetual, contributing to the on going evolutional destruction of our communities. I could give a laundry list of inappropriate actions but Im gonna address the one thats at heart and in mind at the present moment. I have to address the one that I believe I was most immersed in and thats the misrepresentation of man. GODS word gives us the perfect guidelines to how we (men) should conduct ourselves. I do admit that I have done the complete opposite of what that word has instructed me to do. My disobedience has caused me many hardships and heartaches. My disobedience has caused others to stumble and lose their footing in this life. The word talks about love throughout the bible from Genesis through Revelations. I am guilty of not seeking to truly understand the word love, its definition and its true importance, all of which resulted in me being a bad leader, a bad father, a bad husband, a bad friend etc..... Now just think about the negative effect those actions of one individual had on a community. In most communities most of us (men) are guilty of the same actions. Were contributing to the single mother syndrome. Were the reason for many of these fatherless unguided children. Were leaving homes aswell as destroying them. Were unconsciously destroying the village. The same village our elders told us was essential for the up bringing of our children. Were hurting, degrading, devaluing, and misleading, the backbone of our communities, the WOMAN. Brothers Im not judging you but judging myself and simply saying if any of you are like I was, lets try as a whole to do bettter and be better not for the sake of just ourselves but for the sake of our future generations......our children!!!
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 16:57:09 +0000

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