MY DAILY RANT; While Washington continues to fiddle away, our - TopicsExpress


MY DAILY RANT; While Washington continues to fiddle away, our pyromaniac president continues to light the fires of hate, discontent, and destruction throughout the world. The New Democratic Party is rushing to his aid and adding gasoline to the fire. The MSM continues to thumb through the Devils handbook, and refuses to acknowledge or report on the evil taking place. In 2008 Obama ran on a platform of lies, false hope, and gross misrepresentations. By the end of his first term, America was aware of these inconsistencies and false promises. In 2012 God gave America a choice, the difference between a righteous and godly man, or to continue down the path Obama was leading America. During that election, 48,000 evangelical Christians(sic) refused to vote our conscience wouldnt let us vote for a Mormon. 46,000,000 of free cell phone recipients, players in the system turned out en masse to support Obama. An estimated 500,000 illegal and questionable votes helped to propel Him back into office. And now – the Internet is full of, God Help Us,! God hasnt let you down, You Have Let God down! Your greed, apathy, and political illiteracy is now reaping which you have Sown. I wont bother to list the numerous scandals, or the other acts of treason committed By His Administration, if you are not aware of them by now, you are illiterate beyond hope. It is time to come out of your cocoon, open your eyes, your ears, and educate yourself. Your country. Is being destroyed before your very eyes, freedoms are being lost, and once lost will never be regained! I submit – – that Obama, Holder, Jarrett, Reid, Pelosi, and the rest of this cancer be arrested for treason, found guilty, drawn and quartered, and hung out in the sun To Rot. Do you remember the last word Mel Gibson said in the movie Braveheart? Think About It!!
Posted on: Mon, 16 Jun 2014 18:13:54 +0000

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