MY DAILY WORD PHILIPPIANS 4:8 FINALLY, BRETHREN, WHATEVER THINGS ARE NOBLE, WHATEVER THINGS ARE JUST, WHATEVER THINGS ARE PURE, WHATEVER THINGS ARE LOVELY, WHATEVER THINGS ARE OF GOOD REPORT, IF THERE IS ANY VIRTUE AND IF THERE IS ANYTHING PRAISE WORTHY -MEDITATE ON THESES THINGS. As Christians we should not dwell on the things that are happening around us, we should instead think on the things and ways of the true and living God. It is time for us to stop living by the world standards and start to live by The Word of God. Only through living our life that way God has set before us in his Word will we prosper and find success, peace, and confidence that this world will not defeat us. When we take time to meditate on the things of God we see that the things of the world hold no promise of anything. God gives us promises and we can rest assured that he will not fail to deliver on his promises. When we gossip, read horoscopes, watch the news and dwell on all the bad of this world we can lose sight of the promises God made us. He will carry us through all troubles, we need to give him praise and meditate on the things of God, in-spite of what we see going on around us. When we begin to dwell and meditate on the things of God we will receive the victory. Praise The Lord !!!
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 13:25:48 +0000

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