MY DECISION FOR 2015 PRESIDENCY: I DECIDE TO SUPPORT GEN BUHARI Atiku Abubakars economic plans sound really beautiful and perhaps realistic, but some how, i feel strongly those stuffs are perhaps written by someone for Atiku Abubakar, it is really difficult for me to accept the Atiku i see and listen to in the last few months is genuinely different from the Atiku that was Vice President for 8years between 1999 and 2007.... Somehow i feel Atiku can not be trusted on his words, he can also not be trusted with such enormous powers like that of the Office of the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.. Atiku has over the years shown this over-ambitious and over-zealous characters and at the same time, his name is still mentioned along with some massive corrupt practices during his 8years as Vice President... On the other hand, Gen Buhari so far has really been unable to inspire me with his speech and his economic plans, till today, i still dont think i have a special feeling for the peoples General, but one thing everybody all over the country even Buharis arch enemies can not disagree with is, the fact that the General is a man of INTEGRITY and he can be described as someone that is not corrupt. These two essential qualities are what General Buhari brings to the table... I look again at President Jonathans 6-years in office so far, i can confidently say, nothing has positively changed in Nigeria, rather than improved, Mr President has taken us hundreds of steps backward, today we witness a new low across all the sector of our National life, Mr Presidents gross ineptitude, cluelessness, lack of clear-cut ideas, intellectual weakness and his inabilities are today on the fore and they constantly rub on our National life. To me a President Jonathan has offered nothing in the last 6-years, and it will also be business as usual if he gets another 4-years, having Mr President for another 4-years will spell doom and will be very catastrophic for our country at this critical moment.. After critically analyzing the three top candidates for the job, of all the options, i think Gen. Buhari is the best available option, that man has atleast integrity and the will to fight corruption to offer, which will somehow restore sanity to the system, something those who will come after him will probably build on... This at the end of the day will mean, that we have started from somewhere and we can always demand for more and more improvement... I hope today, the opposition All Progressive Congress (APC) will elect Gen Buhari as the partys flagbearer to slug it out with incumbent President Goodluck Jonathan of the PDP, like i said earlier, i think Gen Buhari is the best available option of all the candidates contesting for this election and my principle is i go with the best option or best candidate with the biggest prospect at any given time. Even if i am not a passionate supporter of Gen Buhari, i am not blind to the fact that he is the best candidate we have for 2015 and his kind of leadership will be the most advantageous for our country in moments like this... I wish the APC a very peaceful convention and the best thing the Party can give to Nigeria at the moment is a Gen. Buhari candidacy.... #Sai Buhari or how do our Northern folks call him?????MY DECISION FOR 2015 PRESIDENCY: I DECIDE TO SUPPORT GEN BUHARI Atiku Abubakars economic plans sound really beautiful and perhaps realistic, but some how, i feel strongly those stuffs are perhaps written by someone for Atiku Abubakar, it is really difficult for me to accept the Atiku i see and listen to in the last few months is genuinely different from the Atiku that was Vice President for 8years between 1999 and 2007.... Somehow i feel Atiku can not be trusted on his words, he can also not be trusted with such enormous powers like that of the Office of the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.. Atiku has over the years shown this over-ambitious and over-zealous characters and at the same time, his name is still mentioned along with some massive corrupt practices during his 8years as Vice President... On the other hand, Gen Buhari so far has really been unable to inspire me with his speech and his economic plans, till today, i still dont think i have a special feeling for the peoples General, but one thing everybody all over the country even Buharis arch enemies can not disagree with is, the fact that the General is a man of INTEGRITY and he can be described as someone that is not corrupt. These two essential qualities are what General Buhari brings to the table... I look again at President Jonathans 6-years in office so far, i can confidently say, nothing has positively changed in Nigeria, rather than improved, Mr President has taken us hundreds of steps backward, today we witness a new low across all the sector of our National life, Mr Presidents gross ineptitude, cluelessness, lack of clear-cut ideas, intellectual weakness and his inabilities are today on the fore and they constantly rub on our National life. To me a President Jonathan has offered nothing in the last 6-years, and it will also be business as usual if he gets another 4-years, having Mr President for another 4-years will spell doom and will be very catastrophic for our country at this critical moment.. After critically analyzing the three top candidates for the job, of all the options, i think Gen. Buhari is the best available option, that man has atleast integrity and the will to fight corruption to offer, which will somehow restore sanity to the system, something those who will come after him will probably build on... This at the end of the day will mean, that we have started from somewhere and we can always demand for more and more improvement... I hope today, the opposition All Progressive Congress (APC) will elect Gen Buhari as the partys flagbearer to slug it out with incumbent President Goodluck Jonathan of the PDP, like i said earlier, i think Gen Buhari is the best available option of all the candidates contesting for this election and my principle is i go with the best option or best candidate with the biggest prospect at any given time. Even if i am not a passionate supporter of Gen Buhari, i am not blind to the fact that he is the best candidate we have for 2015 and his kind of leadership will be the most advantageous for our country in moments like this... I wish the APC a very peaceful convention and the best thing the Party can give to Nigeria at the moment is a Gen. Buhari candidacy.... #Sai Buhari or how do our Northern folks call him?????- By Olarewaju Olaniyi Precious
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 07:06:43 +0000

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