MY DECLARATION OF DEPENDENCE… As Americans, we love the - TopicsExpress


MY DECLARATION OF DEPENDENCE… As Americans, we love the self-sufficient can do spirit and take great pride when our toddlers stomp their little feet and exclaim, No! I do it myself! We admire the big Texan John Wayne types, even though John Wayne was a mythical character created in Hollywood for the Iowa-born Marion Robert Morrison. I once thought that if I just got a good education and applied myself, the American Free Enterprise system would AUTOMATICALLY take care of me. I wont bother you with all the heartbreaking proof that THAT wasnt true. Then when I became a Christian, I just KNEW that my life would AUTOMATICALLY be all rainbows and butterflies from that day onward. I mean, I did ALL the right things: attending church every time the doors opened, reading my Bible, praying, giving regular tithes and offerings, teaching Sunday School, singing in the choir, etc., etc., etc. I failed to fully appreciate that theres this OTHER one! You see, we all want the abundant life that Jesus speaks of in John 10:10, but we rush blindly past the first part of the verse where He warns us about the thief coming to steal, kill, and destroy. SINCE I BECAME A CHRISTIAN, Ive been stolen from, lied about, betrayed a dozen different ways, and lost everything I owned more than once. The truth is that even if we do get a good education and apply ourselves, and ESPECIALLY when we become true Christians and do all those good works, we acquire a horrible enemy along the way. ☛ No matter how capable we may think we are, were no match for Satan + millions of demons + billions of their human accomplices, all coming at us from angles inconceivable. The messages of old songs come to mind — I cant even walk without You holding my hand — I need Thee every hour — Thou art the potter, I am the clay. Mold me and make me after Thy will, while I am waiting, yielded and still. We have not because we ask not, and assuming is not asking. The blessing of protection is NOT AUTOMATIC for Christians who — even unknowingly — take God for granted. Speaking of old hymn messages, O what peace we often FORFEIT, O what NEEDLESS pain we bear, All because we do not carry EVERYTHING to God in prayer. ☞ Im learning that I must consciously abide in the Vine, because apart from Him, I can do NOTHING. Ive proven that sad fact oer and oer, and I do NOT want to prove it ever again! I know from experience how good the Lord truly is, but I also know just how vicious and despicable our enemy is. As for me and my house, we are TOTALLY dependent on the Lord and THANKFUL for the privilege of dependence on Him. What a friend we have in Jesus, none other than THE CREATOR OF EVERYTHING! At His name, Satan flees, demons shudder, and evil armies fall on their faces. I intentionally choose to serve Him and to take EVERYTHING to God in prayers of both thanksgiving and dependence. ➤ You can learn it now, or you can learn it after youve lost it all, too. Theres strength in weakness and wisdom when we no longer know it all. Whom will YOU serve? Its infinitely better to be dependent on the One who is always dependable. © Jimmie Douglas [Please feel free to share.]
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 10:34:14 +0000

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