MY DOUBT ON THE POSSIBILITY AND VIABILITY OF FEBRUARY DATES FOR THE 2015 GENERAL ELECTIONS: BY ATABO M ABUBAKAR Over two months ago,the Nigerian electoral empire INEC released the time table for the 2015 general election as follows: a)1st-10th October 2014: Presidential and National Assembly Primaries. b) 20th-30th October 2014: Governorship and State Assembly Primaries. c) 1st-15th November 2014 submission/substitution of list of Candidates to INEC as well as publishing of same by INEC d) 16th November 2014 Campaigns begins which will last for 90 days (to end on the eve of the elections in February 2015) e). 14th February 2015- Presidential and National Assembly elections. f). 28th February 2015- Governorship and State Assembly elections. Going by the above Time table we are barely two weeks away from Presidential and National Assembly Primaries,but,the realities on ground seems to suggest the contrary thereby casting serious doubt on the possibility and viability of the February date for the elections.Let me encapsulate my reasons as follows: 1. Non amendment of the 2010 Electoral Act: Every election year,the preceding Electoral Act is amended in order to accommodate Judicial Pronouncements in the last elections,observations by accredited observers as well as emerging realities.This is with a view to have a better election ahead.Unfortunately,the existing Electoral Act (2010) suffered serious Court nullifications in lots of its sections than any other Electoral Act before,thus,must be amended if at all Nigeria want a free,fair and credible election devoid of ranqur and acrimony. But,as it stands today the Electoral Act is still lying in National Assembly without any amendments. 2. Political Parties are yet to issue guidelines,dates and modalities of Primary Elections: Apart from the APC that has adopted Modified Direct Primary as the modalities for its Primary Elections,no any other Political Party (including the APC itself) has issued any guidelines and dates for Primary Elections.No Political Party has even commenced Sale of Forms or screening of their candidates. 3. Unavailability of funds:INEC proposed the sum of N84billion to conduct the 2015 general election.These funds were proposed in the Supplementary Appropriation Bill still lying in the National Assembly. The Bill has not been passed,takless of being signed into Law as well as release and accessibility of funds meant for adequate preparation and logistics for the election. 4. Body language of the Politicians: The general body language of the Politicians seems not ready for Primaries in two weeks from now. For instance,Apart from the President Jonathans TAN rallies all over the federation no any other candidate has set a machinery in motion to suggest readiness for Primary Election in October. Even President Jonathan himself is foot dragging in declaring for the Presidency which everyone knows he is interested. 5. Public Holidays in early October: Nigerias Independence Day Celebration will be on Wednesday 1st October,the Federal Government may declare two days Public holidays which will terminate on Friday the last day of the week.Then the weekend is going to be Ed-el Kabir (ie Sallah) for the Muslim faithful in the country.The Sallah may fall on Sunday the 5th of October and the Federal Government will surely declare Monday 6th and Tuesday 7th October as Public Holiday,thus,the earliest work will resume will be on Wednesday 8th October 2014 which will be 48 hours to the dateline as far as the INEC Timetable is concerned. In view of the aforementioned,coupled with the existing realities on ground,the 2015 general election seems to stand on a very shaky note which if care is not adequately taken may mar our democracy. The truth of the matter is that the possibility and viability of February date for the 2015 general election is in serious doubt. Similarly,the conspiracy of silence surrounding these flaws leaves much to be desired.The Civil Society,Political observers as well as the Mass media seems to look the other way from these flaws:These flaws are staring all of us on our faces,yet,no one is saying anything about it. If Nigeria should go ahead with these flaws,we would end up in pool of unending litigation and counter litigations that will tantamount to not holding elections at all.I hope this is not part of the grand plan to shift the elections or not to even have it at all.....Only time,tide and truth shall tell.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 09:27:17 +0000

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