MY ENCOUNTER WITH DETERMINATION AND PROCRASTINATION. This is the concluding part. By Emmanuel Olatunji As I moved closer to Determination, he was delighted to have me as a company, and we became a very good companion to one another. We both shared our testimonies with each other and Determination helped me a great deal on our journey to the Celestial City. I told him I was listening to all the conversion he had with Procrastination, his erstwhile companion and he Really? I was actual engrossed with the discussion I was having with him so I never noticed someone was closed to us.. Its okay I replied and added that I really enjoyed your discussion with him. Though I was swayed at a point but when you testified of the way you started this journey, then I knew I was on the right way and I need not heed to Procrastination words. He was happy that I made the right decision and so we journeyed swiftly like valiant men of war toward the Celestial city. We conquered many obstacles, and we met other pilgrims on the way. Not all those that are on the way are truly heading for the Celestial City, such as young Procrastination. We were very cautious and studious with the direction of the Compass(Bible), and Determination made my journey even more easier than I could ever imagined. As we came very close to Celestial city, we discovered that we have yet another obstacle to cross over before we could arrive at the Pearly gate. When we got to the very junction where we saw that we werent far from the Celestial city, we saw a huge canal demarcating us from the Pearly Gate, and the only way we could cross over is with the aid of the Cross that has been given to us from the very inception of our journey( Mathew10:38; Mathew16:24). We both took our cross(for that is the only tool we can use in crossing the canal) and placed it at the two ends of the carnal, and as Determination and I cross through the carnal, I took a cursory gaze to see what was inside it, and to my amazement we saw young Procrastination lying death inside it. Why peeping to see what was inside the canal I almost fell inside myself because the canal was full on many ungodliness and it is an easy route to the wide way. But thanks to Determination who helped me and prevented me from falling. That was how young procrastination ended is journey. He followed the world and he was left stranded, and dead in the canal of ungodliness. When we arrived at the gate, we were welcomed by two gigantic handsome men with glittery wings. We saw a gigantic voluminous book(the book of life) before them. They opened the book to see if our names was among those who received the invitation, when they saw our names, they gate was opened and we entered in and the Master welcomed us. Inexpressible joy fell on me and Determination. We were clothed with white and shinning garments. The Master took the Crown of life filled with diverse stars to crown me and Determination. And as this scenerio was going on, I felt like I wanted to wee, and suddenly I woke up and I realised it was all a dream. Short Note: Let us beware of procrastination. Whatever we need to do concerning our spiritual state let us do it, dont let us procrastinate the day of our salvation. Also, to those who are already walking in the pathway of life, determination is an indispensable virtue for us to overcome at last. God bless you for reading all along. I am grateful, I hope you are blessed?
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 11:06:19 +0000

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