MY FALL At the end of July I fell down my steps from the 6th step - TopicsExpress


MY FALL At the end of July I fell down my steps from the 6th step (missing the 5 others), stopping at the bottom with my face, probably a 9 foot fall from where my face was to the floor…OUCH! (Trust me stopping a fall with your face is not a good idea.) The pain was probably the worst I ever felt. I thought the only injuries I had were to my face. I realized a little later in the ER my arm hurt. They did CT scans and MRIs and found I broke my nose, the head of my humorous bone (There was no humor in it.). and about 4 inches down from the shoulder I had a crush injury that went as deep as the bone marrow. 5 days in the hospital and 12 more in rehab I was finally released to my sister’s home. She and her partner took care of me for the next 43 days. Jane was doing my laundry and cooking wonderful meals. I was also getting in home therapy for my balance issues. Seems walking and me just don’t do well at times. My Sis would bring me to my house and let me spend the day with my cat with the promise from me I would not go upstairs she would pick me up around supper time. Day after day it was the same routine. Going to see my family doctor a couple of weeks later, I learned I was released with pneumonia; she also stated something about a concussion. Wow, the things they don’t tell you in the hospital. Now you don’t see your own doctor, you get whoever is on the in house doctor list. I don’t think I ever seen the same doctor twice. None of the ones I had seen knew what was going on. Oh and the morphine withdrawal, no way ever again, not fun! Next the follow-up with the orthopedic doctor, I had been having sharp pain in one area of my chest when bending over. He tells me I could have broken a rib but since they don’t tape them up anymore there would be no sense in checking. Ok so if it had punctured my lung then it would be treatable? He also stated if my arm wasn’t pain free we would talk about surgery. HA! No freaking’ way. The way my luck has been going not a chance! I got a so called contractor in to do something with the steps. After going for supplies he came in tore some of the stairs apart and cut some off. Cut up and wasted 4 stair treads. Hours later he stopped and looked at me and said “I have no idea what I am doing.” (And he couldn’t tell me that before he created damage. Why?) Because of his male pride I guess. Two days later after being so upset I asked my sister to help; she said “I was waiting for you to ask.” She came in and in pain fixed my stairs. The contractor couldn’t think outside the box. Now I am no longer scared coming down them. I am still working on doing the finish work but since I was able to come home I have plenty of time. Now I walk with a quad cane to keep me safe from losing my balance and trying to kiss the ground again. It is embarrassing and people talk about me not needing it. But I know it is best for me to have it. They aren’t the ones that repeatedly have to pick themselves off the ground. Or have their baby sister take care of them. Why did I write this? Because I wanted to tell my sister and her partner how much I appreciate and Love them. I don’t know where I would be without them. Barb and Jane, Thank You So Very Much for all you did and do to help me. I love you both!
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 01:50:16 +0000

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