MY FELLOW COUNTRY MEN Dear Young men ( Prophets in FB ) It - TopicsExpress


MY FELLOW COUNTRY MEN Dear Young men ( Prophets in FB ) It seems now it’s a trend where lies, false prophecy, visions are entertained and welcomed here in Facebook and on the other hand forgetting that the Infinite God, is watching and He is silent about what is happening. The way false words in the name of prophecy and word of knowledge is flying and rooming around in the walls of young men without considering the eternal consequences and making the sheep of Christ Jesus to be rebellion and to lose focus on the Almighty God as their source and everything. Before I go further here are the most eternal advice that you should consider careful before you post and write anything ; I. The sacredness of His holy name ( God the Father, Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit), before you say something pause and remember His sacredness name. Read Psalm 33:21. His name is holy, stop playing with His holy name. II. The Holy Spirit is God and co-equal with the Father and Son (Jesus), so many the FB prophets (as they are only known here) before they proph-liar think twice before they mention the Holy name of the Adorable Person of Trinity. He is a Person, don’t hurt Him. Don’t lie to Him, remember what Jesus said, you will will not be forgiven when you sin against Him. III. An eye open point: The gifts of the Holy Spirit you cant use them at your will like praying in tongues. It is the Holy Spirit who wills, He is a Person. As He will (1 Corinthians 12:11, not man willing). Stop deceiving others. IV. In the house of God, they is order and peace, (that’s why they will come here in Fb to deceive and speak lies). Order should be maintained, don’t misquote the holy scripture in Joel 2:28, where it says young men shall prophecy that is not a license for rebellion and big headed. Order, order my brother. V. Oh brother, the fear of the LORD is not in our hearts (especially our generation that is greedy for gain and fame). They don’t fear God not at all. They are here for competition, more likes, more comments rather than edifying the Body of Christ, teaching the true undiluted gospel of LORD JESUS. Where is the fear of the LORD? VI. Its better to be slow with God than to be fast and seeking attention and glory from men and listening to praise singers (ba ba go bokang ba re o kotsi – (applauding you, saying you are dangerous). You don’t play with God like that, but with men is acceptable. VII. Learn to wait on God and learn from the feet of Lord Jesus by the Precious Holy Spirit. Its not about ministry, its not about pulpit or microphone. I plead with you in love, seek godly mentor to guide you and teach you. VIII. The hardest truth : love is not pre-requisite for you to sin, love rebukes, true love is where the truth is being told at all times. IX. Test all the spirits and today a wave of deception and deceiving spirits is brooding right here in FB, Paul prophesy this in : 1 Timothy 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; X. Preach the old rugged cross, the ancient gospel that confront sin and call sin, sin and now it is time to blow the trumpet right here in FB. I say a danger where the hyper grace gospel has made saints (ba tlwaela Modimo) being get used to God. XI. Here is a question for us from the Almighty God: Malachi 1:6 A son honoureth his father, and a servant his master: if then I be a father, where is mine honour? and if I be a master, where is my fear(reverence) ? saith the LORD of hosts unto you, O priests, that despise my name. And ye say, Wherein have we despised thy name? I did not come with peace saints but war against all lies and satanic words in the name of prophecy and word of knowledge that teaches the sheep of Christ Jesus to shift them from hearing His voice. I am here again to slaughter the Absalom spirit, the spirit of rebellion (in young men), to slaughter all Hananiah kinds of prophets who prophesy good things to the ears of their hearers, teaching them rebellion. You need fame, to be a superstar, to be known, go and join the world, Jesus is the only King and LORD. I (Akanyan) am here too to be rebuke, corrected and you are allowed to rebuke me (feel free, we need one another and I love you) as I am still growing in the LORD and pressing towards the upward call in Christ (they are godly servants of God, and brothers, sisters who the LORD is using them, learn from them. I love you brothers and sisters but be zealous to repent and amend your ways.
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 06:31:34 +0000

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