MY FIRST ADDRESS TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE IF ELECTED My fellow Americans, Unlike my predecessor, when I talk of Change I do not speak of the American Government changing to take care of you or baby you. I do not say Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country. I ask If you are in need what are YOU going to do for yourself? (PAUSE OF TEN SECONDS) It is time to cut back on the Welfare State of The Union. It is time for the Federal Government to stop doing the job of the State, County, City and Town Government entitys. This country built the Hoover Dam, a coast-to-coast Interstate Highway system and brought electricity to every home in the nation that wanted it. Exploration parties like Lewis and Clark surveyed this countrys every nook and cranny and they did not have printed maps GPS or satellite photos.The government DIRECTED these works but the people MADE it happen. (PAUSE) YOU the American people need to stop looking to your neighbors and seeing race, religion, political party or other reasons to hate them, but seeing them as FELLOW Americans. We have enough people hating us as Americans around the globe, petty, jealous hate filled people who would love to see our great nation destroyed by hatred inside our own population. Instead try waving to them, Say a friendly Hello over the fence. Invite them to a BBQ. There is enough hate in the world. Instead let us try to instill friendship with our own people. Shop in small home owned stores. Go to farmers markets. Put down the I-Pad, the Smart Phone and the games and go visit the park, the City or Town meeting, get involved in LIFE in your home town. I can name two people who took on a project to repaint little slides here. They just asked permission of the proper people and then picked up their brushes and paint and DID IT! Such a small thing but now there are people waiting for the next job to go, watch, throw a pot luck picnic and support the effort. How far it will go I have no idea, but it shows how one or two people can change an attitude of a whole neighborhood as the neighbors now watch out for the play ground equipment. If you cant work and have no artistic skills can you pull weeds? I know many places that can use that skill. Charitable organization with flower planters for one. Then you can look and say I did that! with pride. (PAUSE) You need to earn your pride back America. The government will keep the highway travel-able and secure the border. But if you need help I hope every one of you will look to the end of your own arms first. Thank you, God Bless, In whatever form THEY take for you, and good evening.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 20:45:11 +0000

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