MY GIFT TO YOU! To help you on the road of life – that we might - TopicsExpress


MY GIFT TO YOU! To help you on the road of life – that we might meet in heaven and in the New Earth as eternal, Everlasting friends -- Read my book “PROPHECY MADE EASY” -- FREE! by clicking on the chapter links below! Understanding Bible prophecy as read here in my book or in The Great Controversy is like driving your car down a dark road on a dark night – you have absolutely no idea of the dangers ahead until you turn on your headlights. Your headlights allow you to see about ½ mile into the future so that you know what’s coming down the road toward you. You are aware of the dangers and can make good decisions on how to avoid the dangers and save your own life. God has allowed you that privilege with the gift of reading and studying my book and the hundreds of Bible verses within it that foretell many future events and how to be ready for those events. God tells us that Bible Prophecy is “a light in a dark place” 2 Peter 1:19. 2 - STAR WARS, THE FIRST WAR prophecymadeeasy/chapter01.htm 1 - WHY SHOULD I BELIEVE THAT THE BIBLE IS TRUE? prophecymadeeasy/chapter02.htm 3 WHO ARE THE ANGELS? prophecymadeeasy/chapter03.htm 4. IS THERE A REAL DEVIL? – IS THAT JUST A JOKE? prophecymadeeasy/chapter04.htm 5. TEN TRAPS THE DEVIL HAS PREPARED FOR YOU! prophecymadeeasy/chapter05.htm 6. WHEN IS GOD’S JUDGMENT? prophecymadeeasy/chapter06.htm 7. BABYLON THE GREAT IS FALLING! prophecymadeeasy/chapter07.htm 8. WHO IS BABYLON THE GREAT? prophecymadeeasy/chapter08.htm 9. DANIEL FORETOLD THE EXACT YEAR OF CHRIST’S DEATH! prophecymadeeasy/chapter09.htm 10. WHERE IS JESUS NOW AND WHAT IS HE DOING? prophecymadeeasy/chapter10.htm 11. WHAT IS GOD’S SANCTUARY? prophecymadeeasy/chapter11.htm 12. HOW CAN YOU BE SAFE WHEN MILLIONS DIE? prophecymadeeasy/chapter12.htm 13. ARE YOU FOOLISH OR WISE? prophecymadeeasy/chapter13.htm 14. WHAT IS THE ARK OF THE COVENANT? prophecymadeeasy/chapter14.htm 15. WHO IS THE BEAST OF REVELATION THIRTEEN? prophecymadeeasy/chapter15.htm 16. IS THE UNITED STATES SPOKEN OF IN THE BOOK OF REVELATION? prophecymadeeasy/chapter16.htm 17. WHAT IS THE IMAGE OF THE BEAST? prophecymadeeasy/chapter17.htm 18. WHAT IS THE REAL ISSUE IN THE FINAL BATTLE? prophecymadeeasy/chapter18.htm 19. WHAT CAN WE LEARN FROM THE “DAM BUSTER” PLANES OF 1943? prophecymadeeasy/chapter19.htm 20. DID CHRIST NAIL THE TEN COMMANDMENTS TO THE CROSS? prophecymadeeasy/chapter20.htm 21. WHO ARE THE WOLVES IN SHEEP’S CLOTHING? prophecymadeeasy/chapter21.htm 22 - WHEN WILL JUDGMENT DAY COME? prophecymadeeasy/chapter22.htm 23. WHAT REALLY HAPPENS WHEN I DIE? prophecymadeeasy/chapter23.htm 24. WHO DID CHRIST LEAVE THE POPES IN CHARGE OF THE CHURCH ON EARTH? prophecymadeeasy/chapter24.htm 25. WHAT IS THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON? prophecymadeeasy/chapter25.htm 26. BABYLON IS FALLEN, COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE prophecymadeeasy/chapter26.htm 27. WHERE WILL YOU BE WHEN THE SEVEN LAST PLAGUES FALL? prophecymadeeasy/chapter27.htm 28. THE KING IS COMING!! prophecymadeeasy/chapter28.htm 29. WHERE WILL THE SAVED SPEND A THOUSAND YEARS? prophecymadeeasy/chapter29.htm 30. WHAT WILL WE DO IN OUR FUTURE HOME, THE NEW JERUSALEM, THE CAPITAL CITY OF THE UNIVERSE? prophecymadeeasy/chapter30.htm 31. PARADISE AT LAST! -- PLUS A PARADISE VIDEO prophecymadeeasy/chapter31.htm 32. ERRORS ENTER THE CHURCH -- THE FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE! prophecymadeeasy/chapter32.htm 33. HOW CAN WE RECEIVE GOD’S GIFT, A LIFE OF ALL POWER? prophecymadeeasy/chapter33.htm 34. WHAT ARE THE SEVEN STEPS TO A LIFE OF ALL POWER? prophecymadeeasy/chapter34.htm . The Great Controversy is sold in the millions in over 80 languages – the most translated Bible Prophecy book in the world, outside of the Bible) Come and encourage everyone you know to join “Great Controversy Project” at https://facebook/groups/186755384854355/ . Read the 42 chapters of The Great Controversy FREE right here . I WOULD SAVE THIS VALUABLE INFORMATION IN A FILE IF I WERE YOU! This is more valuable to you than vast fortunes – A fortune is only good as long as you live and are in possession of it. This information can and will save you from much physical suffering and help you prepare for the day when you will meet Jesus face to face and sit with Him on His throne as part of His government. (Revelation 3:21) THIS IS VITAL INFORMATION! SHARE THIS JOY WITH OTHERS – HELP THEM FIND THE ANSWERS TO THEIR QUESTIONS! . And invite others to join “Great Controversy Project” which makes it possible for you and I to purchase The Great Controversy in Cases of 32 books per case for just 98 cents for the FULL BOOK – hundreds of pages – the retail price of the back of the book is $9.95. You can get one edition for 69 cents and the other for 98 cents. I prefer the 98 cent one because the print is easier to read. The book will help others understand the future just as turning on the headlights on your car helps you see ½ mile into the future on a dark night and see what is coming down the road toward you so you can drive safely. 2 Peter 1:19 says that understanding Bible prophecy is like a light in a dark place. (Like using your headlights on your car when driving down a dark road on a dark night.) Only a fool would choose to drive down a dark road on a dark night without using his car’s headlights to illuminate the road ahead. And only a fool will try to get through this life without seeking to understand what God foretells is going to happen next. Read the books of Daniel and Revelation in the Bible and read and share “The Great Controversy” with others so that they might be safe and be ready for what is going to overwhelm the world as an overwhelming surprise! You may also share my book “Prophecy Made Easy with others so they may read it online for free or purchase it from ABC or Amazon prophecymadeeasy/ I will look forward to seeing you and knowing you as an eternal everlasting friend in heaven!! Your friend, Glen Walker (1) FREE to READ – ProphecyMadeEasy READ FOR FREE ABOVE or purchase below. – I put the FREE TO READ on the web for those who couldn’t obtain it! If you need it in book form I provide the following ways to obtain “Prophecy Made Easy” and “What’s Next? – Visions of Revelation” below! (2) AMAZON.COM - WWW.AMAZON.COM/Prophecy-Made-Easy-Glen-Walker/dp/0615113567/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1382475707&sr=1-1 (3) ADVENTIST BOOK CENTER ADVENTISTBOOKCENTER.COM/prophecy-made-easy-experience-the-future-now.html (4) (5) WHAT’S NEXT - amazon/Whats-Next-Visions-Revelation-Walker/dp/0578073544/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1390108100&sr=1-1&keywords=what%27s+next%3F+visions+of+revelation (6) A LIFE OF ALL POWER - prophecymadeeasy/chapter33.htm Watch Prophetic Internet Television channels 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. (7) Amazing Facts T.V. at (8) 3 ABN T.V. at
Posted on: Sun, 22 Jun 2014 11:39:50 +0000

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