MY GOOD GOD just watching sky news and there are people standing - TopicsExpress


MY GOOD GOD just watching sky news and there are people standing outside in the poring rain waiting to see an event that wont take place till later this afternoon well thats ok you might think yes indeed says me wy not BUT the first person they interviewed was a git big fat woman who spoke with a northeast accent and was wearing a N U F C TRACKSUIT TOP might i suggest that when the nurses dress these people in the morning ready for there day out stop taking the mickey out of these poor jeremy kile foder ill people and dress them in something apropreate that poor women was not a representative of the whole north east and she is pooly next sky talked to another sectioned inmate who held a big poster which read congratulations to prince george on your christening now with the best will in the world as a young man i took an oath before god to serve and protect my queen and country so without wishing to insult my queen will some one tell that bloody fool that at the age of less than a year even royal babys cant read nor write so wats the point of writing something that the poor chap cant read god give me streangh
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 07:56:04 +0000

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