MY HANG OVER EXPERIENCE Now before you spread your eyes like a - TopicsExpress


MY HANG OVER EXPERIENCE Now before you spread your eyes like a frog being boiled at the sight of that heading read my story. Dont conclude that am a drunkard till you get to the end of this story. O yeah the year is almost over, even a man in a cell without a clock or even a calender will notice this as the sounds of music blast all through the nights constantly over the week. If its not a departmental end of year party, its a faculty end of year party, if its not a faculty end of year party then its one of the numerous Fellowships on campus. That was how I ended up attending FASA FEST, an end of the year party hosted by faculty of arts. So much music! So much drinks, so much suya, so much everything. Its been a hectic week in school, as I hurried to tidy up my assignments and submit before the weekend. Gods grace I was through with all and was ready to travel on thursday but then FASA FEST was tomorrow. The publicity the previous day was so hot and I just cant imagine myself missing that show. And I needed something to cool off my stress. Am this kinda guy that like being around people, I really love social gatherings. Am a sucker for social activities so if ever you need info on any social event going on in school please do nort hesitate to ask me,I will surely give you a first class report (oyeah dats how I ball.) Any social activity you dont find me is either gonna be boring or I was so busy in my studio. It was 8 pm as I strolled down from faculty of Education towards G.S building as the music filled the air and filtered into my ears clearly. It was coming from the direction of faculty of art quandrangle. O yeah I dont restrict myself whenever danceable dance stream into my ears even if am in the market. My body started shaking and jighling out of thier own will as I hasten up to reach my destination. So much crowd was here and I can see smoke all over. I tried locating my niggas but heey this crowd sha. The music was blasting to its fullest. i squeezed around the crowd scanning for familiar faces, but spotted some few, hailed then but mehn I need ny real nigga around me! There was a babe wiggling and jiggling her rubber like body on stage that was drawing the crowd towards the stage I decided to wait for the babe on stage to finish her performance so the music can be reduced and I will resume my search. Soon something started vibrating in my rear pocket just as the music starts dying. I hestily broght our the vibrating agent. It was my phone.(I wonder when I put am for Vibration mode.) O that was one of my nigga calling. With so much enthusiasm my hand flew to my left ear as I talked gibberishly into the speakers of the phone. He explained the side they were-somewhere around that huge kinetic sculpture adorned with calabashes. I went there and immediately shouts of joy sparkes off. Artinoooooooo Guy where una dey since now I asked with a little spice of anger in my voice. Guy no vex Kyrian said with a sly smile. Taaaaaah vex if you wan vex naw Mac cut in. Soon we were laughing, gisting and making silly comments on every booties sighted. Vam vam vam Kyrian weny and bought three bottles of Orijin we drank as we watched the crowd. Mehn that drink got taste.The night seems to be starting as more people started tropping into the venue.(who no wan chill sef after all this stress?) That was how we kept on dancing and drinking some other people were busy looking for peoples babe to rock as they chased any wining UKWU. Nwanne I no come here to rock, I come here to flex I screamed happily to my friends as we danced madly. Just two bottles of that drink and am dancing without care. I know I was just feeling light headed but very concious of my actions but that was to last for a short period as one our departmental presido danced into the scene with a bottle of Magic Moment in his hand. Everybody started taking a shot, but me? Out of exurberance and so much happiness I collected the bottle and plunged it into my mouth as I gulped down a siezable quantity (I think say na like ordinary beer naw! Chai) They just laughed at me and made no move to stop me as I gulped down almost half of the content. More crazy dance, soon I pulled my shirt, still feeling I was concious and started dancing crazier than terry G. That was the last I remembered. I saw people staring and hailing me as I danced on the air. i could not believe myself flying and dancing like in the movies. O yeah! I got magical powers! That was what was going through my brain as I continued my acrobats. The faces of my fans glow as I look at them. I saw myself on a very high stage and they were so talk like trees. Their laughters were just musical. Suddenly I saw a very pretty girl flying just like me and I was happy to have find someone who can also fly like myself, just as I was about to hold her hands I felt some firce pulling me away, but instead of being angry I noticed I was laughing without control. I was to discover later on that it was my friends dragging me away from the scene as my brain have finally rumpled. to b continued joor. una too like story Part 2. will be publish same time tomorrow - 8:30 AM! Keep A Date!
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 07:30:49 +0000

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