MY INTRODUCTIONS HERE IN FACEBOOK (edited version) This was my - TopicsExpress


MY INTRODUCTIONS HERE IN FACEBOOK (edited version) This was my original story in 2012 before I divulge that I am the real biological or DNA tested daughter of duke Charles Bronson. I will just tell you things straight from my heart, not because I am pleasing somebody now but because they are my true feelings now. Why should I make them hide. Thank you, to those who are reading my posts here. I am not sure, if you know me but I like to reiterate with you that my name in Buddhism baptism before is AYALA. I am Ayala to my daddy Ferdinand Marcos and was later named THERESA by the Rosales Family who gave me the name of their dead daughter. I am just loving really the Philippines until you become a beautiful nation like my Japan, too. My family wishes only to develop you now like Japan by giving you money to build your Philippines soon. We hope only, you will accept us, as your royal bloods. We intend to stay here in Asia while we are building your country to be like Tokyo or Singapore, too. We are also loving peace with Mindanao as we plan to love our Mindanao countrymen too. First, I am known in governments now as your first royal blood, the Princess and your live duchess Charlestone with my marriage to the duke Michael Charlestone.My sincerity is on Asia. My Meiji people and Japan knows me. I am not crazy but just pretending to be a commoner only for years. I am not very rich you think, since my total inheritance is still not divulge in internet but I like to summon the powers of god on this. I believe only that the power behind internet and electricity all, is the power of our Creator. I am Ayala by my father. The Ayala corporation, your prime builders here in the Philippines, was able to create housing, commercial buildings and condominiums in Manila ,and spreading outside Manila, too. It is all at a low cost and easy payments, my housing projects. I love Asia and although I am not openly a public servant still, I had been active with FBI as a worker eversince my first recruitment with the barons of london in 1987. I am not lenient but just a secret only with my government duty. My life is now dedicated to god. I am now a full pledged missionary. I write books before but I donated only my funds to gods people. So far, I have four books now with two pseudo names.My early two books titled, LOVE and the other, A FILIPINO IN LOS ANGELES can be read now in Asia in 2014, according to my news. Please buy my books. Thank you. Last 2009, I had suffered cerebrovascular accident. I am continuously hypertensive. I was brought to the hospital and half of my body was paralyzed. After I had been discharged, I had to undergo rehabilitation so that I may regain my ability to walk and perform daily activities. I am now healing lately and in use of both arms and legs 75 percent healthier. I have gone to the lengths of praying in my room as my sole liking to my body.I like to love myself too. After sickness, I felt like a recluse and I thought of self love now. This December 23, 2013, I will now out as a missionary or a secular nun. I can now live in affluent life style, should I choose. I am still in praying on career directions to take. I just want to love Asia still with just manual typing in computers only as I had been doing since 1998. Japan knows my blood and I am known by governments now. I just like my Filipinos to know us ,too. I am not after the throne of England by my marriage to Duke John Masser or Michael Charlestone nor am I after the seat of Japan and Korea. I will allow god to deal on this. I believed, it was a nun’s calling to be a miniature savior of the world-like , Jesus Christ. I tell my story in the internet in early next year with compassion for sincerity and to those who will be edify by truth. I am now executing my last affirmations of my diaries in friends and enemies here in god promise to tell nothing but the truth. I have witnesses all over the world to prove the authenticity of my records. I am not confessing here about my royal affiliations coz I just want to reveal myself to some. Please take note I am supposed to be a secret yet until revealed in internet. Thank you. I will not tally on my health but like to tell the people, to believe in miracles as I do. So far, by the powers of god, I am able to walk and perform bodily functions normally inspite of my stroke. I am only to a small disadvantage. My vision is good health and money for my people in America and Asia Minor. I will like to talk on my plans but I do not like to tell yet just in case there are people here in Facebook who does not believe me.I just want sketching my plans with friends. I will just wait for my citation in the yahoo and google. I will tell you of my father Ferdinand Marcos who testified in the supreme court of the Philippines thrice, that I am his only daughter as evidenced by a DNA results in America before, which is also with the FBI. Said DNA results was results on hair as his niece not a daughter coz he is my uncle, really. I appeal to all governments to join me in plight. I maybe frail in height and face too coz I am ugly girl now they all said coz of an injury that cracked my facial bones when my face hit the computer table when I collapsed in 2009, but I humbled myself always to people, too. I am sorry, I am not so endowed since my facial bones was injured severely in a fall.I cannot seek treatment, just plastic surgeries to even my bones and skin in my face which was distorted, really by trauma to the bones and muscles of the face. I like to write lots here but I do not know my readers how they would feel if I keep writing on truths. I like therefore to reserve my complete life stories in the internet. Thank you lots for reading me here people. I am, duchess Theresa Rosales Charlestone. WELCOME TO MY WALL. My heart goes to my other baron husband, Michael Charlestone, who is the only one alive and surviving of my three marriages. I am liking to be called only not a Masser but a Mrs. Theresa Charlestone only coz of the legality of my marriages in courts in this marriage. I like to call on my adopting family, the Rosales not to claim me as their child ever but to allow the supreme courts next to decide on my status on the unfinished claim of Ferdinand Marcos with our Supreme Court as me, to be his daughter only ( And two more cases with a Loreto Rosales, my adopting father.) There is a reason why we do not reveal our blood from Emperor Meiji of Japan to the world. The reason is because I believe that the internet is the power of god and I believe that god has bigger plans. Therefore, we await the truth from the internet. As of now, we are known to governments only of the Interpol, KGB, CIA and FBI but we are secret still in internet. MY SECULAR NUN STORY I was imbued to like Jesus life by my joining three times in history, Jesus Apostolate. I was then in my second apostolacy joining in Naga City in 1978, when I joined the YOUNG MARIANS’ ASSOCIATION. Then in 1982. I joined full time in Paris, France in Bellevue based Association by witnessing in letter signed by me and kissed, my joining the convent.Only, I am not a priestess nun or those dressed in white gowns. I had received the acceptance letter from the convent in Paris, France in 1982 before my highschool graduation.I will out as a nun only in December 23, 2013, the end of the milleneum calendar with me. I am a secular canoness. I did not take a vow of celibacyWe had no obligation to celibacy and thus could leave at any time to marry, which happened not infrequently.As a missionary nun in and outside the convent , I dedicated to adoration, reparation and suffering, trying to appease the wrath of God. The Marcos cronies had been given all sorts of companies and assets by the late Ferdinand, for safekeeping (until things are handled well with his lineage as emperor Meijis youngest son). We are still trying to like secrecy in the internet since there is a major problem and dispute on our blood regarding heirs of Emperor Meiji and the Emperor Taisho. The following is the order of succession to the Japanese throne as of 2013: heirs of Emperor Meiji. (1)Prince Ferdinand Marcos Jr.( b.1957) (2)Ayala Theresa Charlestone (b.1965) Relatives of the Emperor of Japan – NAMES OF MY LIVING RELATIVES from Emperor Taisho. (1) Emperor Akihito (b. 1933) FIRST TO THE THRONE He is my uncle, a cousin of my father. (2) Crown Prince Naruhito (b. 1960) – SECOND TO THE THRONE (3) Prince Akishino (b. 1965) – THIRD TO THE THRONE (4) Prince Hisahito of Akishino (b. 2006)- FOURTH TO THE THRONE (5) Prince Hitachi (b. 1935) – FIFTH TO THE THRONE (6) Prince Mikasa (b. 1915) – SIXTH TO THE THRONE (7) Prince Katsura (b. 1948) – SEVENTH TO THE THRONE STORY OF MY WEDDING WITH BARON MICHAEL CHARLESTONE In May, 11, 1982, I was wed to the duke supposed baron Michael Charlestone in New York. There were 25 heavily armed guards, and eight barons there. One was BRAD PITT, who was supposed to be my church wedding until MICHAEL vowed to marry me. There was also, the baron DAVID BECKHAM and MICHAEL AQUINO or MASSER. I was there for my ceremonial ceremony only but we proceeded with the real parliamentary wedding when the feds got alarmed of dangers coming . We separated after the wedding by just non-communication until 1990, when dangers of war was negotiated with my father, Ferdinand Marcos. I was good to my father only. I tried to be loving America by just writing emails to my staff. I was a government worker before until I stop in 1998 only because I was sick of anorexia nervosa in the States. My life has secrets but it is not bad. I had divulge here already. I just do not tell on politics. I like to write you more but I like just resting. I had been sick again lately and I find it difficult now to talk. I will just write. I hope you will find time to love god. I love you. Do not worry about us.I have prayed on love.My god and your god will watch over us. One day, you will know everything. I have promised to let you know. Which King are legitimate children?Who married Catholic? Neither Roman Catholics, nor those who marry a Roman Catholic, nor those born out of wedlock, may remain in the line of succession as king of England . NOTE: My husbands, JOHN MASSER and JAMES MASSER are illegitimate only . but the baron MICHAEL CHARLESTONE although he is not illegitimate he married a Catholic. On 28 October 2011 the Leaders of the Commonwealth realms agreed to work to change the succession laws so that descendants of the Prince of Wales will be able to marry a Roman Catholic and remain in the line of successsion. They will however not be allowed to become a Roman Catholic as the British Monarch is head of the Protestant Church of England. THE ANCESTRY OF BARON MICHAEL CHARLESTONE The House of Stuart (previously spelt Stewart) is a European royal house. Founded by Robert II of Scotland, the Stewarts first became monarchs of the Kingdom of Scotland during the late 14th century, and subsequently held the position of the Kings of Great Britain and Ireland. Their patrilineal ancestors (from Brittany) had held the title High Steward of Scotland since the 12th century, after arriving by way of Norman England. The dynasty inherited further territory by the 17th century which covered the entire British Isles, including the Kingdom of England and Kingdom of Ireland, also upholding a claim to the Kingdom of France. The first monarch was Anne of Great Britain, the great grandmother of the three barons MICHAEL CHARLESTONE. After her death, all the holdings passed to the House of Hanover, under the terms of the Act of Settlement 1701. Line of Succession to the British Throne The Act of Settlement (1701) laid down that only Protestant heirs of Princess Sophia, granddaughter of James I, may succeed to the British throne. Neither Roman Catholics, nor those who marry a Roman Catholic, nor those born out of wedlock, may remain in the line of succession. Under common law the crown was passed on by male primogeniture under which younger sons succeed before their elder sisters. This changed in April 2013 with the Succession to the Crown Bill 2013 which changed the succession laws so that descendants of the Prince of Wales will be able to marry a Roman Catholic and remain in the line of successsion, and the right of male primogeniture will no longer apply. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridges first child born on 22 July 2013 was a boy. The Bill would only have applied if their first child had been a girl. This change does not apply retrospectively to the current line of succession which is given below: Royal Line of Succession TOP FIVE 1. HRH Prince Charles, The Prince of Wales (b. 1948) 2. HRH Prince William of Wales, The Duke of Cambridge (b. 1982) 3. HRH Prince George of Cambridge (b. 2013) 4 .HRH Prince Henry of Wales (b. 1984) 5. HRH Prince Andrew, The Duke of York (b. 1960) “The current British royal family are imposters. The House of Windsor is a fraud. But the lineage of Lady Diana Spencer goes back to Charles II of the House of Stewart. The House of Stewart is of *true* royal blood. Diana’s sons, William and Harry, have 3-quarters true nobility in their blood.” They are true blood relatives of the three baron MICHAEL CHARLESTONE being baron Michael Charlestone, James Masser and John Masser,all are blood cousins. GOVERNMENT OF PRESENT DAY ENGLAND Does the Queen rule or does Parliament? The British Monarchy is a constitutional monarchy in which the King or Queen reigns as Head of State but with limits to their power, and the day-to-day government is carried out by Parliament. The political party with the most elected seats in the House of Commons elects a Prime Minister who is invited by the monarch to form a government. A new Parliament is opened by the monarch in an official ceremony, and the Prime Minister during his or her term in office regularly meets with the King or Queen to discuss political matters and events. Present Prime Minister David Cameron (2010-present). Present President Barack Obama, (2009-present) THE DUKE The last person to hold the title King of England was King William III. He reigned jointly with his wife, Queen Mary II from 13th February 1689. He is the great grandfather of baron MICHAEL CHARLESTONE,. James Scott, 1st Duke of Monmouth, 1st Duke of Buccleuch, 9 April 1649 – 15 July 1685 . Originally called James Crofts or James Fitzroy, , the eldest illegitimate son of King Charles II of England and his mistress, Lucy Walter was the great grandfather of JOHN MASSER or MICHAEL CHARLESTONE. The duke supposed today,is JOHN MASSER or his brother JAMES MASSER both using the name of Michael Charlestone are both dead in 2008. THE PRESENT DUKE, IS COUSIN OF THE BARONS MICHAEL CHARLESTONE, Prince William, 1st Duke of Cambridge, The Duke of Cambridge (2011) As members of the Royal Family, these dukes rank higher in precedence than they would by virtue of the seniority of their dukedoms alone from other royal bloods. NINE CELEBRITIES WITH ROYAL BLOODS BARON MICHAEL CHARLESTONE IS ALL RELATED TO ALL including to Lady Diana Spencer and Paris Hilton. Many celebrities happen to be descended from royalty, from French kings to British queens, these stars all have a drop of royal blood in them! Some may be quite distantly related, such as Ellen Degeneres who recently found out she is a distant cousin of Kate Middleton, while US president Barack Obama has been found to be related to two kings! 1. Barak Obama is a natural born leader, he is reportedly related to two kings – both Edward I of England and William “the Lion”, King of Scotland. 2. Tilda Swinton has been found to be related to King Robert I of Scotland, while her parents are related to Robert II, the 14th-century king’s grandson. 3. Sarah Palin was recently found to be a tenth cousin of the late Princess Diana, but this hasn’t stopped her family from becoming laughing stock on reality TV! 4. Johnny Depp is related to Queen Elizabeth, he is descended of the third Earl of Northumberland Sir William Gasciogne, a direct descendant of King Edward III. 5. Jake Gyllenhaal starred in The Prince of Persia, but he is actually related to King Edward III of England. 6. Ellen DeGeneres and Kate Middleton are 15th cousins – they are related through a man Sir Thomas Fairfax and his wife, Agnes Gascoigne – Ellen found out before the royal wedding. 7. Canadian singer Celine Dion also has royal blood – she is directly related to Philippe II, king of France. 8. Brad Pitt and his wife Angelina Jolie may be royalty as far as Hollywood is concerned, but Brad is also a descendant of King Henry II of England. 9. Microsoft CEO Bill Gates may be constantly changing the future of computers, but his past is equally as interesting – he is is a descendant of King Henry I of England. THESE ARE THE RELATIVES OF BARON MICHAEL CHARLESTONE FROM HIS COUSIN DUKE WILLIAM IN LADY DIANA BLOOD William descends from the Spencer family, the Earl Spencer, and the Baron Fermoy family, and more anciently from Henry FitzRoy, 1st Duke of Grafton, and Charles Lennox, 1st Duke of Richmond, two of the illegitimate sons of King Charles II. As king, William would be the first monarch since Anne to descend from Charles I, and the first to descend from Charles II. The baron Michael Charlestone is cousin of Lady Diana from the blood of King Stuart.Michael is primarily of English, Scottish, Irish, French and American descent. THE LAST THREE KINGS OF ENGLAND The last three kings of England have been: Charles II 1660 – 1685 James II and VII of Scotland 1685 - 1689 William III and II of Orange 1689 - 1702 Although some will claim that the kings and queens since the Act of Union in 1707 have been kings and queens of England, the official title is the King/Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. They do not possess the title King/Queen of England. The last monarch to possess the title King/Queen of England was Anne. The last three kings of the UK were George V, Edward VIII, George VI. The last person to hold the title King of England was King William III. He reigned jointly with his wife, Queen Mary II from 13th February 1689. He is the great grandfather of baron MICHAEL CHARLESTONE,. James Scott, 1st Duke of Monmouth, 1st Duke of Buccleuch, 9 April 1649 – 15 July 1685 . Originally called James Crofts or James Fitzroy, , the eldest illegitimate son of King Charles II of England and his mistress, Lucy Walter was the great grandfather of JOHN MASSER or MICHAEL CHARLESTONE. MY PROFILE Real Name: CATHERINE BUCHINSKY or BUCKINGHAM Baptismal Name: AYALA Legal Name in courts: THERESA ALVAREZ ROSALES by adoptions Alias: CATHERINE BRONSON by real DNA or biological dad in press release and in truth. Nickname: CAT Age: 49 years old Birthplace: Los Angeles, United States of America Nationality: Filipino – Japanese British - Chinese Citizenship: American Religion: Orthodox Catholic Husband: Duke Michael Charlestone. Children: Karyl, Kevin, Michael, Prince, Lyra, Florlove Occupation: Business woman , Government Agent, Writer Educational Background; BSN, Medicine, Law, Masterals in Medical-Surgical Medicine END.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 19:30:24 +0000

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