MY LADY WITH TEARS OF BETRAYAL - A TRUE LIFE STORY.............................. It was a sunny afternoon, i was enjoying the comfort of my bed and engrossed in a movie. Then suddenly, i heard a serious bang on my parlour door. I had to rush down floor to know whether a ratarsed/intoxicated person infiltrated my house. But behold,it was my wife. Looking at her squeezed vehement face, i sensed a dead rat. Tears dripped down her eyes and she was helter skeltering. I was confused at the onset of her arrival becos she was totally silent and her face desrcibed rivalry towards me. I decided to break the silence and ask what the matter was. This i did politely but it landed me a heavy slap on my face. I knew i would never lay my hands on my wife ,so i waved such actions of hers and this time,i went on my knees to ask again the same question. Infact,her anger was aggravated this time and all i cud do was bow my head in contemplations. If you had the power to read tru my mind at that particular time,u wud discover it was as good as blank...inotherwords,i was pondering on Nothing. Since i was not able to figure out what was on her mind, i resumed silence again and immediately,she broke into more tears. She came closer to me and held my shirt saying.."why,why,why"........ I must confess,if guiness book of records were close by,i wud hav won the most confused man on planet earth. All i did was to keep calm,then she continued "why did u betray my luv for u, why did u cheat on me,why did u ruin my heart,i tut we promised to be faithful to each other,i tut u trully loved me,why.....,why (screaming)?. It was now,i realized i was guilty. Those ladies lured me into sleeping with them,i never knew they wanted to blackmail my family and destroy my luv life. I also sensed my parents had a hand in luring me to SIN becos frm the onset they never love the happiness of my wife and I. I tried to explain but before i cud say anytin meaningful,she brought out a gun and pointed it at me. Sincerely speaking i was very sorry for my sins but all i cud say in my heart was "its too late,God save me" wife being too emotional as well as an acute cancer patient, when she saw my solemn mood,she redirected the gunpointing on her own head saying "whats the essence of living since i wud soon die and i hav nobody to call my own"...In a twinkle of an eye,she gunned down herself. In her pool of blood,i was dumb founded. The police later arrested me and i was charged for murder, sentenced to death by hanging. What a life!!! Where i neglected a woman that trully loved me. I am filled wit regrets now becos i was going to call her the luv of my life,she was going to have operation the next day....hmmmm!!!...I knw uv learnt a lot of tins frm my story,but onetin,i wud tell u is that,if you love a woman,never cheat on her. God bless you all (from Mr. Gabriel to you through author Kingsley......) Narrated to me in prison,on a church assignment................................****
Posted on: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 13:31:56 +0000

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