MY LAST WORK OF ART: ADVANCE NOTICE. HANDS ON HEALING DAY: HIGH NOON, JANUARY FIRST, 2015. WHEREVER YOU ARE, KNEEL DOWN, PLACE YOUR PALMS ON THE GROUND, WISH THE WORLD WELL. PLEASE PASS THIS ON. MARK IT ON YOU CALENDAR. It has been many years, even decades, since The Center of World Problems did a massive pro bono public performance piece. These works began in 1968, when i began nailing cities to the Earth to prevent them from flying into outer space due to the excess weight of over-population. (And, yes, I did work in Bucky Fullers office at the time, and I noticed that nobody was listening but his choir.) So as a student I took Buckys warnings upon myself. My weapon was the press release. Amazingly, I got a huge response, lots of coverage. Millions of dollars worth of press: all worthless to me as an artist who had nothing to sell. All I had were ideas and concerns for the future. Well, we are now in that future. It is now or never. My proposal is that through social networking we create together what I could not do by myself. So please pass this on: to students, your pals, the local media. Lets do it together. AT HIGH NOON ON JANUARY FIRST, 2015, WHEREVER YOU LIVE, I WOULD LIKE EVERYONE TO PLACE THE PALMS OF THEIR HANDS ON THE EARTH, ON THE GROUND, ASKING THAT THE EARTH BE HEALED. We have three months to pass this on. Network it, let your local media know. It is time to kneel down, put our hands in the grass, on the sand, on the dirt, and try to heal what seems beyond hope. Lets make a primitive, symbolic, ritualistic and united gesture to save the Earth. This is my final work of art; my last wish, as an artist. Thank you.
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 05:05:44 +0000

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