MY LETTER TO DR. CARSON POSTED ON HIS PROFILE YESTERDAY (October 17th, 2013) ....Dr. Carson, I have respected you ever since I found out who you were from watching a movie Gifted Hands about how GOD blessed you with an anointing to heal people through surgery. The movie was so inspiring and I was so proud that GOD used you in such a powerful & supernaturally favorable way. not only crushed the President, but I was shocked, stunned, and extremely disappointed to hear what you said when you compared and commented that Obamacare is the worse thing since slavery. Oh my could you make a statement like that sir? I have heard the statement before that a person can be intelligently ignorant and I must say that all of what I thought I discerned about you went out the window when I heard that comparison. Disagree with Obamacare if you like, but to compare it with being the worse thing since slavery when I saw from where you came from to where you are now...and you can make a statement like that? we forget so quickly (especially us black folks) when we get a few dollars in our bank accounts and a title behind or in front of our names and a following of our counterparts backing us up. Happens everytime to the ones who cant handle their turn on your own and view yourself as being more better than where you come from. You look in the mirror everyday sir...I guess you forgot who you are and what your ancestors suffered for you to get to where you are? Guess you think that because you are a prominent Dr. with lots of money and lots of recognition and support from mostly the GOP/right wing evangelical conservatives & the Republican supporters & can quote scriptures that you can just judge the way they do to keep your wealth and support. I heard you quoting those 4 scriptures on the u-tube speech when the President and Mrs. Obama was there and I discerned the arrogance and pride that you displayed because you were addressing a dominently Caucasian right wing conservative group who I guess you felt you must impress by insulting the President. How narrow minded you have proven yourself to be. You have not even given Obamacare (The Affordable Healthcare Act) a chance...and my point is not even that you are against it. I just cant see how you (above everyone) whos been so gifted by GOD can compare this opportunity for the ones who need healthcare to take advantage of a possiblity to be covered for this dire need. You have to know that if GOD has allowed this bill to be passed (after 60 yrs. of other politicians trying to get it passed in the past) by this Presidential Administration that He must of known that it would help many people who has been struggling and even died because they could not afford health care coverage. Then, despite the multiple attempts to try and overturn it, defund it, etc...nothing has worked favorable for the people (such as yourself apparently) who doesnt want it. If GOD is preventing Obamacare to be disbanned and it has been deemed a law by the highest court in the country (The Supreme Court), then why are you sir (and other who think like you) going against what GOD wills to help sick people who cant afford health care. Arent you supposed to be a Dr. sir? A healer, one who saves lives and supposed to have comapassion...then why are you fighting against a bill that GOD allowed to be passed to help the unhealthy get care from people like you (a reputable Dr.)? This obviously has some kind of personal effect on you in some way that makes you feel threatened...or something? I can see that some of that spirit of anger that was inside of you when you were a young boy has resurfaced (I saw that in your true story movie about your anger problem). Are you threatened that now that youve arrived that now you will be effected in your finances or your prestige in some way now that youre so popular with the Caucasian race perhaps? Your comparison of this Affordable Healthcare Law (Obamacare) and your attitude does not make sense to me sir...not after Ive seen where GOD has brought you from...unless, you have totally forgotten where you have come from and who you are and whos blood, sweat and tears helped you to get to where you were even given the opportunity to be what youve become. Im appalled & so very shocked that you have fallen into this very same level that so many blacks do when GOD has blessed them with favor to become such as you are & have is disgusting...that youd feel this way sir, and I believe in your scripture reading in Proverbs, if youd have gone a little further back to the 6th Chapter of that book to the 16-19 verses, youll find yourself in the beginning of those 7 things GOD says He hates for a person to act out. May GOD give you a true revelation of who JESUS is and what His heart is really about when it comes to helping the less fortunate whom He told us to help if we can. By the way...GOD has blessed you so much sir...if you dont like the Obamacare (Affordable Heathcare Act) so much, then have you set up a fund or some way that you can be a vessel to be used by GOD to pass on your gift to help people who need FREE OR AFFORDABLE surgeries in your field of expertise? Note: By the way...if you go to his profile, you will not find this post because it was deleted immediately. Assuming it was him allegedly...why is it that he can dish it out, but he cannot take constructive criticism himself? Soooo...I decided to post it again since theyre talking about his remarks in the media. This is just my opinion!!!
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 03:01:25 +0000

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