MY LETTER TO THE YOUTHS OF UNEME ON UNEME NA GUAH (CONT) I pasted the first half of this lecture early yesterday morning and one of our brethren wrote the following comment, “THANK YOU FOR THIS MY HUMBLE & DUTIFUL MODERATOR. THIS IS FANTASTIC! PLS, ID LIKE TO ALSO KNOW WHERE ALL THE TRADITIONS OF CERTAIN UNEME CLANS BEING FORBIDDEN TO MARRY FROM OTHER UNEME CLANS & WHETHER THIS TOO IS SPURIOUS.” I then promised to post the conclusion when I returned from the courts. I however finished late from the courts and consequently regretted my inability to do the posting. I am glad to now post the conclusion. Happy reading. The myth of Uneme na guah was held initially and more strongly mainly by the neighbours of Uneme communities located at the upland like the neighbours of Osu, Ekpedo and Nekhua and it spread over time as a concept to other neighbours of other Uneme communities located away from Osu, Ekpedo and Nekhua. The myth is always and usually held by the neighbours that there are some Uneme people outside the ones next to them and located somewhere far from them that are forbidden. The common belief amongst those who believe in the existence of a forbidden Uneme is that they all believe that members of the communities of Uneme located next to their own communities are not the forbidden Uneme. In other words, those who believe that some existing Uneme are forbidden believe that the forbidden Uneme are those people of the Uneme communities that are located far away from their own communities with which they are never in contact with. Hence, you often find peoples from such neighbouring communities associating and even inter-marrying with the people of their neighbouring Uneme communities even while they believe that some forbidden Uneme people exists somewhere far off. Based on this misconception, and the mythical nature of the concept, you discover that the name (where they are able to provide any name at all) of the community of the purportedly forbidden Uneme changes as you move from one Uneme neighbouring community to the other. WHERE ALL THE TRADITIONS OF CERTAIN UNEME CLANS BEING FORBIDDEN TO MARRY FROM OTHER UNEME CLANS & WHETHER THIS TOO IS SPURIOUS My brethren, I make this solemn declaration according to my findings and vehemently appeal for any challenge that there is no Uneme clan, community, village, hamlet, camp or group of any society of Uneme people that is forbidden by any other Uneme people of such, whether in Edo State, Nigeria, Africa or the world over. Such proposition is a criminal falsehood. The only craze that is close to that falsehood is the now fading “Culture of Avoidance of People with Albinism by Uneme Anegbette.” Even at that, Anegbette people, funnily and inexplicably had only avoided an Albino that is of Anegbette origin by birth, while they do not mind average association with any non-Anegbette albino! Furthermore, this discrimination against their people with albinism has suffered a lot of irreparable erosion from the rapidly growing combined effects of western education, western civilization, exposure of the people and community of Anegbette, the successes in life by people with albinism, especially of Anegbette origin, etc. Apart from that, I know of no other natural ground under which a person of Uneme nation is forbidden by another person of Uneme nation. What all reasonable indicators point to is a mere plausible explanation that has not been empirically tested. The explanation is that there are some enclaves where the concept of Uneme na guah are held so strong by non-Uneme to some disturbing extent. Some of such enclaves were identified as Jatu, Okpella, Avwianwu, some parts of Auchi and some parts of Ibie. Like I said before, neighbouring communities to Uneme location were found to believe that the Uneme communities they share boundaries with are not the forbidden Uneme. The youths of such Uneme communities often count themselves fortunate to be the accepted Uneme. But unfortunately, such Uneme youths, out of errors of mental perception, do feel that they could strengthen or widen their level of acceptance by their non-Uneme neighbours by joining the non-Uneme neighbours in “forbidding” those “forbidden Uneme” located far off. So, when such Uneme youths are confronted with the dilemma of Uneme na guah, they often ignorantly, rather than explain straightaway that there exists no Uneme that is forbidden, they often rather find an escape route from the cheapish explanation that they are not from the forbidden Uneme but from the neighbouring Uneme community. This explanation creates the impression; inter alia, that there exists some Uneme na guah which are or is possibly forbidden by even some Uneme people themselves. A test of the above plausible explanation can be found in the lives of many of us reading this who had in the past thought, though innocently, that there are some Uneme people located far away from our own community that are forbidden, even by we fellow Uneme. I know many will bear witness to this. It is like the fable of where the rainbow touches the ground that is alleged to be depot for all manners of wealth, there is nothing like that. I myself had once personally fell victim to those pieces of satanic information in my ignorant past. A brethren had upon my indirect and unserious preliminary investigation into the identity of one of those our sweetly figured and charmingly mannered damsel I ran into then. My friend who could not explain the source of his information explained to me that Nekhua was the forbidden Uneme when we had reasons to suspect that the damsel was from the sweet land of Nekhua. In my ignorance, I made a fast and quiet suffocation of my growing affection for the angel. Now, some of the youths of those days who were victims of the mental slavery of the myth of Uneme na guah spread, never got as fortunate as you and I in terms of the acquisition of Western education and the other benefits of civilization especially as enabled by the concomitant exposure. Unfortunately again, those youths of those days have become some of the elders of today who some of our contemporary youths are consulting for explanations for the mysteries of Uneme nation. Some of those persons were never properly informed about the non-existence of any Uneme ni Uneme ghor or the existence of any other people ni eghor Uneme (that forbids Uneme). Now, if you are unfortunate to encounter the remnants of those misinformed Uneme “elders” who still have a substantial number of them aging out in the villages, they will tell you that the forbidden Uneme is located somewhere near (they will name some distant community of some other tribes)... This is how some of the youths of Uneme community probably found it subconsciously internalized by them that there are some Uneme people who, unlike them, are forbidden. The young and unsuspecting minds mistook this concept of purported Uneme na guah/ghor for “a universal” kind of forbidden disposition. In other words, those who never got any explanation assumed that there are these Uneme people who the world forbids. They too, even though they are Uneme, must also forbid the forbidden Uneme (especially in order not be forbidden along with the forbidden Uneme)! In ancient times, the myth was greatly enhanced by the serious limitation placed on exposure by unavailability of means of communication and transportation like we have today. Then, some few persons who ventured to travel out of their communities often explained how far away they travelled by spuriously claiming that they pass near the community of the forbidden Uneme! Thus, the average “untravelled” youths had always had the impression that his or her own Uneme community is not the forbidden one but some other Uneme people of some other Uneme community located far away from them. However, I know of no national of Uneme nation who has claimed that he/she received the satanic information concerning any truth of the existence of any Uneme na ghor from his/her parent or grandparent. BRACE UP AND ENJOY YOUR UNEMENESS My dear brethren, brace up and proudly enjoy your Unemeness as no one on the face of the earth can forbid you. You are the SOUL of Uneme nation, the Spirit Of Uneme Liberation. Uneme is the United Nation Empowered to Manifest Excellence. No one can take our collective unemenity away from us. We lead everywhere nature has placed us. We are the conquerors the scriptures talks about. Uneme Remains Best African Nation (Urban). The greatness you feel in your heartbeat about Uneme runs through us all. Uneme nation is the custodian of ingenuity. Uneme is the beauty of humanity. We walk tall and humble all with our prowess. You should be proudly Uneme. May the Lord bless wherever you are through you in Jesus’ name. I am sure you can feel me because I can feel you.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 14:01:00 +0000

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