MY LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL. AND SO IS YOURS. :) There was a point in - TopicsExpress


MY LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL. AND SO IS YOURS. :) There was a point in my law school journey in which I was overwhelmingly overtaken by stress and depression such that I could no longer function as a normal human being. So I decided to see the faculty guidance counselor. After I told her what I was going through and she gave me her advice, she asked me to pick one card from a stack of cards which contained positive thoughts and statements. The card I picked said: “My life is beautiful.” She told me to repeat the same to myself like a mantra when I wake up in the morning to start my day on a positive note. I did as told but I never fully understood the essence of reminding myself that “my life is beautiful” until now. (“What is so beautiful about having to sleep late and wake up early to study voluminous materials, being terrorized in almost every class, doing your best as far as your ability would take you and yet feel so lacking at the end of each day?” I thought to myself.) In an era in which access to other people’s lives has become so effortlessly easy, thanks to the social media platform where everyone keeps everyone else updated on every single activity he undertakes each day, from professional accomplishments to the fancy food he is having for lunch, if one is not careful, everyone is susceptible to falling prey to comparing his life with that of others, leading him to believe that his life is miserable, lacking, insufficient, stagnant or that he is otherwise stuck in a rut. Of course, it cannot be gainsaid that feeling that way is bereft of basis not only because what is being portrayed publicly in the social media is not accurately representative of a person’s life (I, for one, do not post photos of myself confined in bed, completely paralyzed by the pain that dysmenorrhea brings me every month, hehehehe) but also because everyone has, in his lifetime, his own path to tread, his own journey to undertake, his own story to tell, his own role to play, and his own purpose to fulfill. Apart from the general raison d’etre of man’s existence on this Earth, i.e., to worship the Almighty God, each and every one of us is also assigned individual objectives to realize and accomplish. It is all part of the Almighty God’s grand design, particularly that which pertain to things and circumstances that we have no control of. While it may be true that sometimes, others seem to have it so much easier than us and that our tests in this life seem to be more difficult and challenging than that which others are burdened with, that still does not take away the beauty in our individual lives. Again, to each his own and at his own time. We may wish we were too in the place, which we perceive to be perfect, in which others are but the thing is, we don’t know the struggles and the difficulties entailed in being there. For all we know, they are also wishing to be where we stand instead. The bottom line is, we should accept the life design conferred upon us by the Almighty God, particularly on things that are beyond our control to improve. That is what He intended for us not out of whim but because, the Omniscient Deity that He is, He knows and always wants what is best for us. There is no point in wishing what others have for ourselves; comparing ourselves with others only weakens us and strips us of the opportunity to live our lives in the happiest and best way possible. So embrace who you are, what you are, and wherever you may find yourself in at the moment. Embrace your life because, under pain of being repetitious, YOUR LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL, with all your mistakes, with all the happy moments youve been gifted with, and with all the struggles and pain that naturally come with being alive. AND SO IS MINE. :)
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 08:02:51 +0000

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