MY LOVE….MY DAD….!!! | DIARY OF A GIRL ♥| 12th May.2012 Itz - TopicsExpress


MY LOVE….MY DAD….!!! | DIARY OF A GIRL ♥| 12th May.2012 Itz 6:50 p.m. n I am extremely upset….my eyez are wet….i am trying not to remember it but I can’t stop myself from recalling it…it waz one of the most crucial exam of my life….I prepared so well for it….then why I waz blank in the examination hall….?? Why i couldn’t remember anything….??? Waz I over confident….?? Waz I over prepared…?? All these questionz made me cry even more badly….n thinking about what would happen if i won’t clear waz iching straight into my heart….I waz feeling like a big looser who can’t do anything in life…n the thing which waz hurting even more waz that….”How will I face my parentz…??” After a while dad came in my room….he knew everything that may be I will not clear my exam n I will have to reappear but to my surprise the first question he asked waz….”Howz my little princess….?? Did u had something….??” I just hugged him tight n he said no matter what u will alwayz be my princess n I will alwayz luv u….that moment n that feeling made me feel so special….I realized that no matter what there is alwayz a pillar standing behind me like a huge mountain….my dad….to protect me….to console me….to support me….to revive me…he is alwayz there…!!! Father’z are one of the most special person in a girl’z life….n we should alwayz value him n respect him no matter what….often we don’t understand his care n his love coz they aren’t very expressive like our mum….but the fact is that he lovez us more then himself…n we should alwayz keep this in mind n give him the respect he deservez….LOVE U PAPA….!!!
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 05:46:22 +0000

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