MY LSU FOOTBALL RANT: Im talking to you, Chris Rolo - TopicsExpress


MY LSU FOOTBALL RANT: Im talking to you, Chris Rolo Dufrene! To all of you Les Miles haters out there who were predicting doom and gloom for the entire season and calling for Miles’s head by halftime of last night’s game, you should be ashamed of yourselves! LSU fans have become so spoiled. We not only think we should win the SEC, the National Championship, and every game every year, we think we should win every down, complete every pass, and sack their quarterback every play. We were down a couple of touchdowns and people started throwing in the towels. What ever happened to FAITH? Do you only reserve that for Sunday sermons and Saints games (and I’m not sure Saints fans have too much of that anymore)? Les Miles is one of--if not the best coach LSU has ever had. LSU fans seem to have a revisionist version of history in their heads (as do Alabama fans) that LSU has always been a national powerhouse and has always gone to and won the big bowls. I’ve got two words for you: Curley Hallman. Remember him? Remember when LSU couldn’t put together 3 wins in a season (1992: 2-9)? Remember when we were lucky to go to the Liberty Bowl? Remember how happy we were when Gerry Dinardo finally got us to the Peach Bowl? Remember when LSU sat home for bowl season? Give Miles a break! He’s never won less than 10 games in a season at LSU; he’s gone bowling every year (to major bowls); and he’s won 80 percent of his games, two conference titles, and one national title…with Saban’s Alabama team in the same division. Les Miles is teaching a very complex system to a bunch of kids who are about the same age as those kids who get your order wrong at McDonalds. Nothing I saw in the first half (3/4) of yesterday’s game showed poor coaching. I saw a bunch of very young kids who were jittery in their first starring role on a national stage against a strong Wisconsin team. The play calling ALL GAME was very good, but execution was sporadic at first. When the team finally calmed down and got into their groove (which did take a while), they looked great! #GEAUXTIGERS #LSU #BUGANATION #LESMILES
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 15:20:38 +0000

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