MY MANIFESTO OF RESTORATION NCP IS OUR PARTY AND OUR LOGO ON THE BALLOT PAPER IS THE HUMAN EYES.. SUPPORT COMRADE HENRY AGBESO ALENDE AS MEMBER EDO STATE HOUSE OF ASSEMBY 2015 A STRONGER ESAN SOUTH EAST IS POSSIBLE Dear Electorate, My Dear Compatriots! I am Comrade Henry Agbeso Alende. I am a true made in Nigeria product from Ubiaja, Esan South East Local Government Area, Edo State, Nigeria. I am a professional quantity surveyor with vast experience in cost control/financial management, project management, corporate law, entrepreneurship, and public administration. Come Saturday February 28,2015 you will be going to the polls to elect your representatives. In response to your numerous pressing calls, I have decided to stand for election as member representing Esan South East Constituency in the Edo State House Of Assembly. My mission is to provide a NEW KIND OF LEADERSHIP that will bring greater development and better governance to the grassroots. I will do everything within my powers to become the expected catalyst of positive change and credible representation. It must be made very clear to the electorate that it is not the role of the legislator to build roads, hospitals or schools, but the kind of laws they make can enable the quick and efficient delivery of these services and prosper society at large. Apart from representing their constituents, legislators are educators and communicators, who enlighten their constituents about government policies but they must do so not merely as constituency representatives but as Member of Parliament. I Comrade Henry Agbeso Alende when elected as member of parliament will make meaningful contributions in generating laws that will facilitate development not only in my constituency but Edo State and Nigeria at large. Against this backdrop, my legislative prowess will be geared towards providing the following basic social services and infrastructures for our people. WATER: Access to basic clean and drinkable water for good health, sanitation, and a dignified sustenance of life is a fundamental human right. States have a duty to protect, respect, fulfill, and promote the right of man. Many Nigerians do not have access to safe, clean, hygienic and drinkable water. This unfortunate, unhealthy and unacceptable scenario is exceptionally the situation in Esanland especially Esan South East Constituency. In the five Esan speaking local government areas in Edo State Nigeria, the rusty and corroded water pipes that were laid in the era of Chief Anthony Enahoro and Chief Obafemi Awolowo led Action Group have not carried water for about 35years The only solution now would be the attraction of serious long term term investors who would be willing to bring in their capital, technical knowhow and managerial expertise to help Esanland Nigeria permanently check the perennial problem of lack of drinkable water. As long as government can introduce regulations and laws to help protect the interest of the people and also protect the interest of the investors. I have said times without number that boreholes are a palliative measure and cannot provide a lasting solution to our water challenges. Currently, there is an ongoing water project in Ugboha, Esanland but notable communities like Ubiaja, Ewohimi. Ewatto, Emu, Ohordua, etc that falls within our constituency were sidelined from the project. When elected as member in the next assembly, I will do all within my powers including lobbying the relevant government agencies to connect our entire constituency to the water project thus making portable drinking water available to every home. EDUCATION: Education will be my number one priority when elected as Member of Parliament. We believe that education is the key to national unity and economic development. Disparities in education and economic opportunities constitute the primary causes of gross inequality in the distribution of national wealth. Such disparities have promoted social disequilibrium and exacerbated ethnic and tribal tension and discord. When elected I will ensure government attention is drawn to the urgent need to build and renovate more schools, provide quality teaching/learning materials and equipments, computers, libraries including the posting of qualified teachers to improve the level of education standard in our constituency. HEALTH: Good health is basic to human existence. To be wealthy our communities needs to be healthy. Since the health sector in general in Nigeria is in complete shambles hence the urgent need for credible representation that can fix the current health sector challenges. When elected as member of parliament efforts will be repositioned to upgrade healthcare facilities in Esan South East Constituency inorder to build a healthy and strong society. SECURITY: Living in Nigeria today is akin to living on a war front, where citizens needs all their natural instincts to merely walk or drive on the streets. Life itself has become something of a Russian roulette, it can best be described in the words of the famous English Philosopher Thomas Hobbes: Chaotic, nasty, ethnic militias, petty criminals and other social miscreants are perpetually on the prowl, making life progressively a living hell. High profile assassinations, dare devil robberies, ethnic and political pogrom. The situation is so sad that in our country today, no citizen, no matter how high or low is secure and safe. From the highest level of authority to the lowest in the streets, this culture of impunity and insecurity has not only settles in, but is also frighteningly taking roots. When elected as member of parliament, I will sponsor creative, functional and innovative bills that will give birth to laws that will make our communities safer so that those in Diaspora can come home to do business safely and those at home can walk and drive on the streets without fear and live in their homes in peace. JOB CREATION: It is impossible to sustain a safe and secure society unless poverty and want are conquered or reduced to the barest minimum. I will continue the war I have waged against unemployment using the instrument of agriculture. In this Endeavour, I am poised to set up a mega cassava plantation and processing industry which plans are already ongoing. It will be a private cum cooperative set up so that the venture will continue even after the expiration of my tenure in office. The project when completed is expected to create no fewer that 500 jobs for our teeming youths. Also, am currently working with the mortgage financial institution to set up a multi purpose low cast housing estate in Esan South East Local Government Area. When elected no doubt it will facilitate the speedy execution of the housing project. This project will afford the good people of my constituency economic access to decent, quality and affordable home of their own and also provide the enabling environment to accommodate my industrialization agenda for the good people of our constituency. Corruption is another factor of social discrimination that exacerbates inequalities and undermines public morality. Illegal enrichment of a few, especially misappropriation of public funds, improvishes the entire population and undermines values like work and efforts. I will unrelentingly pursue the fight we have initiated to rehabilitate public morality and reduce corruption to the barest minimum. In my tenure when you hear of siren, they are probably heading for the hospital or mortuary and not heading for a shooting as being practiced my most of our present day politicians. As member of parliament, I will run and maintain a constituency office in my locality with qualified staff and also quarterly convene constituency/ town hall meetings to relate with our people and get feedbacks, contributions and areas of pressing needs. I promise to carry everybody along, operate an open door policy, a transparent and accountable representation. Together, we will achieve them. Each of us is concerned and must make his or her contribution. For my part, you can count on my determination and commitment. A VOTE FOR HENRY AGBESO ALENDE IS A VOTE FOR A STRONGER ESAN SOUTH EAST CONSTITUENCY, ESANLAND, EDO STATE AND NIGERIA AT LARGE A VOTE FOR HENRY AGBESO ALENDE IS A VOTE FOR A CREATIVE, AN INNOVATIVE AND A DARING ESAN SOUTH EAST CONSTITUENCY A VOTE FOR HENRY AGBESO ALENDE IS A VOTE FOR FRESH IMPETUS! VOTE NATIONAL CONSCIENCE PARTY NCP VOTE EYES TO WATCH THE LOOTERS VOTE EYES TO SEE GOOD THINGS VOTE CHANGE COMRADE HENRY AGBESO ALENDE The People’s Choice…..CALL..08056071275 FOR SUPPORT AND ENQUIRY
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 08:40:23 +0000

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