MY MEETING WITH A PROPHET Barely some few weeks after I wrote an - TopicsExpress


MY MEETING WITH A PROPHET Barely some few weeks after I wrote an article about false prophet I have received feedback from a lot of people. Some people have criticized me saying that I am not a serious Christian who can understand the things of the spirit. Some, on the same hand, have argued that the exegesis of scripture that I presented was not valid enough. However, on the other hand, some people have liked it and urged me to write more enlightening articles as well as stand bold and speak against the false doctrines that are being presented in this age. For the people that did not read this article, go to my notes and check it out. As the topic stipulates, this is not what I wanted to say, but I thought it would be essential for an introduction. Few days ago I met one of the prophet on campus, name withheld. I have been hearing about his stories and I was waiting for a time when I am going to have a one on one talk with him. Yes, probably to get one or two prophesies for my life. It all started during one of those nights, probably last Monday, 24th, 06, 2013. My mesho and I were studying at our room. I received a flash from this guy around 12 min-night. It was a shocker to receive a flash from him since from the day I got his number we have never spoke on phone. When I called him he commanded me to pray. When I asked him of what I should pray for he hanged off the line. The next day we met at one of the prayer services on campus. After the prayers he called me to have a talk with him. This is the essence of my article. In summary these are the prophecies that he gave me. (I have included my arguments on every prophecy and why I think this guy needs theological enlightenment): 1. “There is a girl by the name of Jane. She will come to seduce you as other girls will in the near future. Don’t give in to them. Further, don’t go for any girl. Your girl will come and God is going to confirm.” = To begin with, to my understanding this was obvious. We are all seduced in one way or the other. Much as I don’t know any other Jane in my life, but what I know is we are all fighting this battle of seduction. As a human being, and a Christian artist, this is common and not worthy to be prophesied for. Further, he argued that I should not go for ay girl until the one designed for me comes. This is a jail! How can someone tell me not to go for someone that my heart awaits for when I meet her? In fact, as a Christian God controls my decision, thus if my choice of a girl is wrong, my father in heaven through the holy spirit that lives in me, should be able to tell not to go forward. Does this mean the girl who will come will propose me? No way! Having the Holy Spirit allocates me in a position of being able to decide for myself, of course, through the divine authority. I took this as nothing but a proposal to control my mind and activities. 2. “Your family is in danger. I can see a spirit of death hovering over your family members. I have a special arrangement that we should be waking up around mid-night and pray that the devil’s attacks should not yield anything among your family members.” =I don’t know if my prayers are not effective. But as far as the Bible indicate, the prayer of a righteous man has an impact. I received Jesus twelve years ago, and that makes me righteous according to the scriptures. I pray and fast for my lovely mum and my brothers as well as sister. I believe they are alive by God’s purpose. And if one is to die, be it me or any of them, I cannot blame God because I have prayed and it is in His will to take any of us. Furthermore, I have my own arrangement of prayer. I don’t have to wake up in the middle of the night to prove that I am serious with a petition. From my knowledge of the Bible God answers every prayer that touches His will. In my times of prayer I seek His will and I see the hand of God moving with me together with the family to where I belong. 3. “Continue being humble, God is going to raise you to greater heights.” = I thought this was two obvious! And as a Christian it is God’s expectation that I should be humble. This was an encouragement and not a prophecy. If one claims to be a Christian but is not humble he or she needs to repent otherwise the God I serve expects everyone to be humble. Furthermore, the Bible encourages us to be humble since we will be raised to greater heights should we follow this principle. I am humble because it is Biblical and I find this to be irrelevant to be grouped into the basket of prophecy. 4. “You have something great inside of you, the devil is looking for it so make sure you are careful with the people you chat with. Some of your friends can kill your destiny.” =On this point I was near to laugh at his presence. Friends, it is obvious that the devil is looking for the hidden treasure invested in your lives by God. If you are a born again Christian the devil is on you- to kill your future and make you a slave of himself. On the issue of friends contributing in the assassination of my destiny I found it to be too obvious. The Bible encourages us to be careful with our friends. I remember the Bible saying that bad friends corrupts good character. Character is the definition of a person. Bad friends are the agents of Satan to an extent, and as a Christian I am well informed of this. This, according to my understanding, did not need a prophecy. My suggestion was that he could have used the scripture to remind and encourage me and not to house this in a prophecy. In conclusion, it should be noted that I don’t hate prophecy. I even like it more. But that is when it is prophecy and not words of wisdom being decorated as God’s voice. Personally I have a prophecy that keeps me going ever since I got born-again in 2001. This is the prophecy that God gave me when I had no answer if I was really forgiven or not. On top of that God surprised me with a direction which He gave me to be one of his servants. What I do now was prophesied-both in the scripture as ‘logos’ and as ‘Rhema’, special for my situation from my first pastor, Rev. Komiha who was then at Liwonde Living Waters Church. If you believe in anything that people talk in the name of prophecy then be careful since you can lose your whole self to the doctrine of error. Not everyone who use the name of God should be believed. I choose not be called a Christian in the context of others if Christianity to them means believing anything being decorated with a frightening tone spiced up with ‘speaking of the tongues’ (get this well, speaking in other tongues is not wrong). Until Jesus come, I choose to search the scriptures for enlightenment, and, with the aid of the Bible, analyze any word claimed to be of God coming on my way.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 10:20:33 +0000

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