MY MOU / COVENANT / AGREEMENT WITH THE DELEGATION TO THIS YEAR’S GOVERNORSHIP PRIMARY ELECTION OF OUR PARTY AND WHY THE WINNER SHOULD NOT PLAN TO TAKE IT ALL.. By AkwaIbomPOWERED NEWS AGENCY: The Time Table for your Party’s Primaries was made public Recently, how do you see this political development ? POWERED: Let me go straight to the Point with the fact that the Time Table is very symbolic and significant and will guide the delegation of our great party to the point at which the delegates will have to make choices that will be key to the future we have been seeing together and we cannot afford to make mistakes at this stage of our march into that future. NEWS AGENCY: What future really are we looking at here ? POWERED : A future of democratization, a future of inclusion, a future of strong institutions with no strong man, a future of industrialization, a future in which no Akwa Ibom person or Family shall be left out or left behind no matter what it might take our democracy. A great future of love and togetherness and unity and peace and of larger freedom, open society, rule of law, dignity for all and fulfilment. A future of boundless opportunities to all our people, a future in which all our people must be ready to say and do only the truth always. We should not only teach our children the truth, we must all say and do the truth always in shaping a future of glory to God. NEWS AGENCY: How does the Guber Primary Election fit into this future ? POWERED: The Primary Election does not only fit into this future,God is poised to use it to shape this future and the delegates have a huge historic role to play at that Election and beyond. Let me restate here as my MOU / COVENANT / AGREEMENT WITH THE DELEGATES TO THIS YEAR’S GUBER PRIMARIES that the delegates are delegated to vote at the Primaries and also delegated to become part of the next Executive Arm of Government in view of the huge development challenge all of us must commit ourselves to addressing urgently towards ensuring the emergence of our state in the foreseeable years. We are almost there together with all the Delegates. We will Share the Governorship with all the Guber Delegates. Meaning that in the dispensation of New Dignitaries, all the Guber Delegates shall be active Part of the Executive Arm of Government for us to achieve Democratization and industrialization and full inclusion and full Employment faster. Some of them shall serve also as Governors of AKS in New York, London, Pretoria, et al in a bid to keeping our Society open to endless flow of the best opportunities in the World to the Glory of God. And TOGETHER WE SHALL SOON GET THERE. NEWS AGENCY: You mean you are ready to share the Governorship with all the Guber Delegates ? POWERED: Yes, in all honesty. Once we appoint all the delegates into the Executive Arm of Government, we would have achieved devolution and decentralization and democratization and set to move the state in a completely different positive direction for full inclusion of all our people in State building determined to leave none out or behind. NEWS AGENCY: You said something about appointing Governors, how would this be ? POWERED: This is a democracy and it is not about one man but all the people in the system. The governor is in office to plan for all in the democracy to achieve that fulfilment that all and indeed all in the democracy must attain. I do not need to be the blood brother of the governor to become all that the democracy is capable of making me become. The Executive Arm of Government has a weighted mandate that also has enough room for all the people in the state to be fulfilled in taking part in building the state from any part of the world. We will not have to limit any of our people because of their party, family, district, education, name, birth ,language, and so forth. Like the song writer rightly put, “nothing we have is truly ours.” This is more true in a democracy in which power belongs to the people. So, sharing the governorship broadly with the people, especially those the people have delegated to nominate the Governor, is the very key to the difference between this era and the era of military rule. NEWS AGENCY: So, the Delegates will not just vote and walk away ? POWERED: Yes really. They vote and not walk away after voting but walk into their new Job in the next Executive Arm of Government as Governors with me and together we shall turn our democracy into industries, jobs, empowerment, opportunities, hope and fulfilment for all Our People at home and in the diaspora. This is the difference between AkwaIbomPowered and other AKS 2015 Guber Aspirants. While other Aspirants want all the powers of the governorship to share with only their wives and Brothers, I am the only who is ready to share the Governorship with All the Guber Delegates of our Party to make the next dispensation a truly PDP Dispensation. NEWS AGENCY: How do you see the chances of other Aspirants in this Race ? POWERED: Great and Bright. They array of Aspirants is great and indicates the high quality of the leadership Stock in our State. If I win as it it most likely, I shall invite all the other Aspirants to join forces with me and the Guber Delegates to form a broad based Executive Arm out of the Governorship. So, the winner shall not take it all this time and that will be a great push forward for our Democracy and the Institution of the Governorship would have thereby become strong and repositioned to deliver democracy dividend to all our people. NEWS AGENCY: How do you see the incumbency in this whole 2015 Guber race politics ? POWERED: We have incumbents the world over in every succession season taking some open or covert positions on their expectations on succession but Power comes from God and He dispenses same through the expressed general will of the People and not the expectations of the Incumbents or the Outgoing. With due respect to the incumbent in this case, the next dispensation shall have to create space for our past governors to continue to add value as Development Consultants in view of the fact that they would still have much to offer in State Building. It would be good to galvanize their unspent capacity into a veritable base and Tank for needful consultation. I sincerely do not think any incumbent should arrogate to herself powers she doesn’t have in the making of a successful democratic succession. The incumbent has got to differ to the People in this case even against his expectation. God will democratically bring out the best for His People, if I am that best by God’s Standard, then I shall become, if I am not, I shall be ready to support and work with God’s best for Our People. This should be the attitude of all in this race. The winner should Plan not to take it all. NEWS AGENCY: One legacies of the Governors in your State , how do you see this ? POWERED: Great legacies Their Excellencies have bequeathed and our people will remain eternally grateful to God for always blessing us in Akwa Ibom State with great leaders. When Obong Akpan Isemin was governor, he did his best and taught our people structural Mental Adjustment for the best. Governor Attah came in calling on our people to “Come Let Us Build Together.” He was not found wanting and would always be remembered for having taught our people to be tenacious and Dogged in upholding that which is right and Good. Governor Akpabio would be remembered for his Uncommon Transformation which achieved uncommon infrastructure rebirth for our people. So we have always had great leaders with outstanding Legacies. The glory of their Contributions must not be extenuated or misplaced. They all meant well and did well for our people. The future generation of leaders will have to deliberately consolidate, humbly show respect to our past leaders and their legacies, attempt to break new grounds to update our people because the Akwa Ibom People of 2006 and those of 2014 should be seen to be upgrading. The same applies to the governorship. The colours of the governor of 2015 must be deeper than that of 2007 because the glory of the latter just has to be more than that of the former. Therefore, in the 2015 governorship the people of Akwa Ibom will like to see some positive difference in terms of paradigm shift on power-sharing as against power-shift which was fashionable in 2006. The people will like to see more inclusion and democratic openness and truth in our participation in state-building. If the winner will not take it all in 2015, if the winner will be willing to share the governorship with the delegates and other guber Aspirants, if the winner will make up his mind to open up our Society with transparency, commitment to democratization, the true pursuit of dignity for all, rule of law and larger freedom then, the legacies of the future will certainly as should be, dwarf those being celebrated today, We can win this 2014/2015 Together and go ahead together to move our state in a completely different direction of fulfilment for all our people. Thank you so much.
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 01:53:31 +0000

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