MY NATUROPATH LITERALLY MOVED MY STOMACH TODAY. Since December, Ive been struggling with severe gastritis pain below my sternum, in between my rib cage. The pain was so unbearable, that after 2 days of no sleep due to the pain, I finally went to the doctor. All they could tell me was that it was due to acid reflux, and to take medication for it. I left feeling hopeless, and throughout the next few months, I tried numerous natural ways to remedy the pain, but found nothing that helped very much. I started seeing my naturopath in June, and she informed me that I had a hiatal hernia, and that once the inflammation of my stomach goes down, she would move it back into place because it had moved itself upwards and was pressing on my diaphragm, which is why I had trouble breathing sometimes. Two months later, even though my stomach still hates me, she decided to help alleviate some of the pain and LITERALLY MOVED MY STOMACH. 90% of the pain was gone IMMEDIATELY. It may only last a day, and it may take a few months of these weekly adjustments to help train my stomach to stop being all up in my diaphragms business...but its progress. :)
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 02:42:44 +0000

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