MY NEW YEAR MESSAGE TO MY FANS AND FRIENDS It is an honour and - TopicsExpress


MY NEW YEAR MESSAGE TO MY FANS AND FRIENDS It is an honour and privilege to welcome you into the year 2015. It has been a great time we’ve had together in the years past but suffice to say that what lies ahead of us is far more glorious than what we have ever experienced. This is true because on daily basis, we have opportunities before us to explore our world and improve on our past. This is a very important fact we should take to heart as we enter into the New Year. At the end of every year, most people become very apprehensive of what holds for them in the future. Many believe that the way you start the New Year and the way they live especially on the first day of the New Year goes a long way in determining what someone becomes or achieve in the year. However, one notion I want to correct is that every day we have is the same. The way you live your life each day determines what the future unfolds for you. It is not just the first day of the year. First day of the year is something of men and not of God. God sees every day as the same. We are the ones that have created that. We have opportunity to live well and accomplish great things in 2015. Whatever we hope to achieve and accomplish depends on what we do on daily basis not just on the first day. This is one reason people make New Year Resolutions and do not keep to it. I don’t necessarily make New Year resolutions. I make resolutions on daily basis depending on the vision or dream that I have. Whenever I have a dream or vision of what to do, it determines the actions and resolutions I take. Though it is not out of place to make resolutions at or for New Year but keeping to it is the ultimate. There are reasons why some people do not keep to their resolutions. One of them is inability to continue on the actions of the resolution. It takes about 30 consecutive days to get a habit to be part of you. For example, if you resolve to wake up and keep mid night prayers, you need to do it for over 30 days consecutively for it to become part of you. To accomplish such there are other factors that should be considered; the time you go to bed, the activities you perform in the day, etc, will all help in determining whether you can wake at mid night or not. So it is in every decision you take. I know that many of you have resolved on how to live so as to achieve your life’s dream especially in the year 2015. Nevertheless, here are some of the tips I have to offer which in my mind will go a long way in helping you achieve those life’s dreams. 1. Write them and paste on conspicuous position in your room where you can read them daily. Reading them on daily basis will help keep you reminded of what lies ahead of you. 2. Make them part of your routine. Let the action part of your resolutions be performed on daily basis with passion and zeal. 3. A healthy body leads to a healthy mind which produces healthy thoughts. You should eat and live healthy. Eat healthy foods. Exercise can help improve your thoughts and healthy body. 4. Every evening, take a daily analysis of your activities. Write your observations, findings and lessons on a journal. Read through the journal on weekly basis. 5. Explore ways to improve yourself on the work you do with the mind of becoming the best in that field. Aim to be the best in your chosen career. Have mentors who may be alive or dead. Study their biographies, read their books and go to them for mentoring if they are alive. It must not be one. You can have them in various fields of endeavours. 6. Have a vast perspective of issues. Don’t look at issues from one angle. 7. Be Genuine, Resourceful, Innovative and Principled (From My Drive to Legendary) 8. In all your plans, make room for disappointments and failures. When people don’t make plans for disappointments and failures, they easily loose out when they occur along the line in pursuit of their dreams. Making such plans will easily bring you back to your feet again. 9. Be positive in every situation no matter how bad it may seem. Being positive strengthens our faith, belief and confidence in us. 10. Always be daring and venture into new areas of your career. My good friends and fans, 2015 will only be different from other years when you choose to make it different. The power is in your hands to work out your destiny. Don’t leave everything about yourself to chance. Be purposeful and determined to make a name for yourself and have a fulfilled life. You can do it. The power is in you. Harness them today and your tomorrow will be more glorious. I wish you all a Happy New Year. Your Friend, Tabugbo Morgan Uzoma.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 14:57:44 +0000

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