MY NEW YEARS PRAYER AND RESOLUTION As we enter yet another New - TopicsExpress


MY NEW YEARS PRAYER AND RESOLUTION As we enter yet another New Year, my prayer for us all is that the joys and successes and love far outweigh the sorrows and failures and hatred of 2014, by Gods grace. But I will not wish for no negative experiences to come upon us, only that they remain measured and under control, and that they provide us with the blessed opportunity to grow and learn and find purpose and meaning in our lives. This year brought many wonderful blessings to my family and me. It also brought with it numerous challenges, for which I am thankful. All of them were overcome by the tender mercy and love of my God and your God. Some broke me, all humbled me, and many awakened me to truths that I needed to know to become a better person. In 2015, I need to do better, much better. And I will because I cannot NOT do so. So, I am thankful for everyone and everything in my life because God has allowed me more blessings than I know what to do with. So I hope to return these divine gifts with human gifts, as this is our custom during the holiday season, And my gifts? To LOVE more fiercely and to BE more intensely. May we also love and be with one another and our God. Better yet, may we BE LOVE for one another ... without necessarily opening our mouths or moving our limbs. Let the heart and mind lead the orchestra of our being. Love you all.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 22:07:57 +0000

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