MY NEWFOUNDLAND HOME .... Salvage, B.Bay My family lived in a - TopicsExpress


MY NEWFOUNDLAND HOME .... Salvage, B.Bay My family lived in a house by the sea, There were my mother, father, two sisters and me. The kitchen was bigger then kitchens today, When mom would scrub it, we got out of her way, We didnt have cupboards, just shelves on the wall, I never could reach them, afraid I would fall. There wasnt a sink, just a pan for the dishes. No running water, just hopes and more wishes. The water was stored in a barrel by the door, And when it was empty, my dad got some more. There was no inside toilet, just a house on the hill, With cold winter seats and the hot summer smell. Electric, we didnt have any at all, We had oil lamps in the kitchen and one in the hall, A flatiron was put on the stove to get hot, And water was boiled on the stove in a pot. The stove was a big one it took lots of wood, It warmed up the house and it cooked all our food, There was a couch in the kitchen where everyone sat, But mother said no, to the dog and the cat. The table was set with a pretty white cloth, One made from a flour sack, father had bought. Meals at the table always were good, If you didnt like it, you knew where you stood. After supper my mother would sit down to sew, And Dad would listen to his radio show, My sisters and I would call it a day, By pickin a fight, just to hear my mom say, Now Ive had enough, so go on upstairs, Put on your nighties and say all your prayers. Up in my bedroom I had my own bed, With a soft feather pillow, for my little head. When our bed was too cold, Mom had a trick, For down on the stove, she warmed up a brick. When we were ready, she told us Good night. Kissed us all gently and blew out the light. ~Rose Oldford Pestrue~
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 12:13:54 +0000

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