MY NEXT PRESIDENT: EDGAR LUNGU As per provisions of my - TopicsExpress


MY NEXT PRESIDENT: EDGAR LUNGU As per provisions of my constitutional rights I wish to publicly declare that I am endorsing the candidature of Hon. Edgar Lungu for Presidency 2015 and Beyond. I rarely perplex myself with party politics but at a time such as this a wise decision is inevitable. My reasoning behind the endorsement of Hon. Edgar Lungu, are as follows: 1. History has oftentimes punished us for voting old people in power, old age is apt to be synonymous to poor health, hence, statehouse been a host to state funerals. Now is the time to put an energetic, young and learned person. Edgar Lungu is no exception from the aforementioned attributes. 2. Given the tenure of office remaining for the office of the presidency it is not worth a regime change. The PF party must be given a chance to finish their term of office. It would be costly to change a party as it would also imply the dissolution of parley, and an introduction of new projects based on a new governments party manifesto. 3. To claim that the PF government has not scored any record of success would be blind criticism. In some places which were impassable, we have seen construction of roads, no matter how insignificant the developmental projects scored by PF may appear to others who hold a different political opinion. Development should not be reduced to a narrow perception of political affiliation, where it is visible it deserves commendation. To put a different political party in power will imply stalling the development projects which are in action. My reasons for supporting Edgar Lungu are countless but these are the most profound. I therefore urge the PF leadership should seriously consider endorsing Edgar Lungu, as he is the most likely candidate. I am of the view that Lungu is the only candidate that seems to be knocking on the door of the electorates. I resolve to employ my political prowess in pursuant of Edgar Lungus assumption to presidency. This is my personal opinion and in no way do I wish to lord it over others, but I am determined to use all manner of persuasions to make others see it as I see it. If the PF does not endorse Edgar Lungu, the consequences will be lamentable. Further, I commend the Member of the Central Committee for their wisdom and foresight in unanimously endorsing Edgar Lungu, but at the same time I think they are toothless and their bark is not loud enough to command respect and authority. How can they allow themselves to be at the whims and caprices of the acting president, a certain Mr. Scott of Irish origin, who obviously has his own personal colonial ambitions to protect during this crisis period. It does not make political sense to hold a convention which will obviously produce the same results as the MCC. Mr. Scott will have difficulties facing himself when he realizes his misdeeds, one can only pray that he will have the decency to resign on moral grounds when Lungu is President. He has made frantic efforts to frustrate the leadership of Lungu, he has used intimidation and manipulation to cling to power, but may I remind him and his fellow colonialists that we are a country with a Golden Jubilee independence, and Zambia is not up for grabs to the highest bidder, so they can take their flipping scramble for Africa to HELL...
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 05:16:23 +0000

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