MY NOAH REVIEW: (Some Spoiler-alert in this review). Ok so we took - TopicsExpress


MY NOAH REVIEW: (Some Spoiler-alert in this review). Ok so we took the family yesterday to see Noah the movie. I am aware that the topic itself is a bit of a powder keg with many pastors and leaders encouraging their people to see it and many saying it is very bad and that it must not be seen. Some dont want it seen because apparent occult elements are mixed in the movie, some dont want it seen because it is not true to the Bible, some dont like the way Noah was portrayed, some dont like the way God is portrayed. I understand there are many reasons different ones dont believe it should be seen and a lot of different reasons many believe it should be seen. Here is my take: If you like darker movies with more conflicted central characters then you might like Noah the movie. I myself am not a big fan of that type of a movie and prefer an uplifting movie with a less conflicted central star. I would never see Noah again not because it is blasphemous, occultic, violent or Biblically deviant. I would not watch it again, because though it is essentially well done, it is just not inspirational or uplifting to me. I am glad I saw it once because I needed that as a point of reference when discussing it with others- especially unbelievers should that happen. There was some clever creative license taken with the film but again it was clever but mostly not uplifting or even enjoyable to me. Back to Noah, he was such a conflicted individual with so much personal darkness that it was hard viewing him as righteous Noah who God would go out of His way to save. It is in fact interesting to consider if Noah was more conflicted than what we perceive from the Bible but that was so explored that it was extreme for me. I did not enjoy spending a half hour or more worried about what psycho Noah was going to do next and who he might kill. It was akin to going and seeing a David and Goliath movie and having to overcome the fact that David is actually a terrorist. I get realistic creative license but when the lead character has been developed to be so far removed from who he is presented be in the original book on him (the Bible) - then it just kind of messes everything up. Maybe call the movie Russell instead of Noah. Of course, the great silent one in the movie is God. Noah is never clear on his instructions or what the purpose for the ark even is. He is led by nightmares and supernatural coincidences rather than out of clear directives. God is the silent one that just must be figured out. We get it that He is done with humanity for their violence and degradation. Unfortunately by inference we pick up that God is OK killing the innocent. We actually get it that He has to start over but we end the movie with no attention to His covenant of mercy with Noah and mankind and how He would never do this again. The truth that comes out of the rainbow is a huge missing final touch that again is a kill joy for me liking the movie. Understand that I am not saying that if you enjoyed the movie shame on you. A nameless family member greatly enjoyed the movie because she likes this type of a movie with darker explorations and conflicted lead characters. The genre of movies she can enjoy extends beyond what I can. We both love God and His kingdom, so it is not about that. I am also against bashing the movie for its lack of doctrinal and theological soundness. Get that somewhere other than the movies- I was going to recommend church but it can be quite absent there as well. I do think much of the uproar against the movie is sourced from a religious spirit and I definitely do not wish to join in or validate that. For me it is encouraging to see Hollywood understand that faith-based themes have a huge audience but it is also a reminder to me that some of His chosen ones are not yet fully in the saddle for determining content that actually releases Gods glory through a movie. This is yet part of the glorious future of Hollywood and we are getting sparks of it in these recent movies such us God is Not Dead and the forthcoming Heaven is For Real. I am glad Noah is making money so that Hollywood gets that faith-based themes are here to stay. Yet, I am so aware that there is a whole other level of glory-filled movies that are about to released into society. God still has the best stories ready to be told in the most captivating and excellent way and the glory of these stories will fill the earth. The next flood will be a flood of His glory as the knowledge of how He really is explodes into society. By and large the church is as ignorant of that as is Hollywood but they are both about to be flooded and it is going to rearrange the face of everything.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 19:35:23 +0000

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