MY NTV TALENT XP FAME? For those complaining that I was - TopicsExpress


MY NTV TALENT XP FAME? For those complaining that I was unfairly given more air time on #NTV TalentXP version for Arua yesterday, let me first assure you... You havent called me like for a year yet you have my number. Now your are all jamming my phone because you have seen me on TV. Why do you want to associate only with famous people? Anyway, these may be the possible reasons why the cameras over focussed on me alone despite the fact that I was not even a participant but a member of the audience. 1.NTV station cameras are automatically attracted to photogenic people. I was very close to Sudan for goodness sake. Even with this super black black face of mine, I still looked like an albino amongst the other audience members. To put it simple, the magnetic force from my facial neutrons diverted all the non radioactive sub-atomic particles from the refractive index of the pin-hole like cameras. Right? 2. There was a ka-nice NTV camera crew lady behind the main camera and she kept looking at me the moment I entered that room. Its seems I had beaten her. Its only after watching the stuff yesto that I realized that she had lobeed so much that she just forgot to do her job and concentrate on my nicely shaped forehead...I hope she gets fired...hehehe 3.Maybe, my hommies Mc Kats and Josephine Ka Kagaadju wanted to just make me a super celebrity like they are. So they used nepotism and the principle of technical know-who to ensure I was more visible than jackie and michael. However, u guys must know that it can never work out because I tend to slap people who look at me for more than 30 seconds. If I were a presenter on NTV for instance, that would imply that I have to slap 30 million Ugandans. 4.Maybe I was the Guest of Honour and I didnt know it. The very moment I reached the venue, I was given a flower by some lady of NTV called #patience and was led directly to a reserved seat in the front row. No wonder, Jackie Chandiru kept smiling smiling at me but at that point, I had thought she just wanted and I had planned to refuse....haha 5.Maybe, where I sat, The camera was on my head and for the other audience members and the whole show plus the presenters and performers to be visible, it had to be via where I was seated because I am not a #transparent animal. WHICH OF THE ABOVE COULD IT BE? NB: Those who choose Number 5 will be un-friended and blocked because they have #Nugu .
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 13:15:47 +0000

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