MY ONLINE STUDY NOTES - Click link for verse by verse Study Notes - TopicsExpress


MY ONLINE STUDY NOTES - Click link for verse by verse Study Notes on CHRIST BORN OF MARY - I pray these notes will help you as well as studying the scriptures and posting my notes has helped me - God Bless Friends :) - g) Summary of Christ Born of Mary - Matthew 1:18-25 - (Luke 2:1-7) - 1) Since Jesus Christ had to be the perfect sacrifice, pure and Holy, he could not have been born from man (Joseph), so that Jesus was be Born without the nature of sin from Adam. Instead Jesus was Born by the power of the Holy Spirit. 2) When Joseph found out Mary was pregnant he thought she had messed around with another man and so he wanted to divorce her since he thought she was no longer a virgin, but he wanted to divorce her quietly because a unwed woman would have been stoned to death for fornication. But the Holy Spirit in a dream told Joseph that she was pregnant from the Holy Spirit. 3) Now Jesus Christ came to save his People (The Chosen Christian Gentile & Jew) from their sins. His name Jesus is the Greek form of the Hebrew name Jeshua, from Joshua or Jehoshua (given from Moses), and started with in the beginnings of things before Moses Hoshea. 4) This was to Fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah 7:14, The Virgin with child and his name Immanuel, Meaning God with us, since Jesus is God in the Flesh, being the word and the word was God. 5) Joseph obeyed the Angel and took Marry as his wife, and most likely completed the Betrothal Process before Jesus was born, so that Jesus wasnt Born out of wedlock to keep him pure and Holy. And Joseph and Mary was not intimate with each other till after Jesus was Born to also keep Jesus pure and Holy. 6) Book of Luke Regarding The Birth of Jesus Christ - Luke 2:1-8 6a) Luke 2:1-2 - Roman Empire Takes a Census - 6b) Luke 2:3-7 - Joseph & Mary Went to be Registered and Jesus Christ The King, The Messiah was Born in the city of David. teachingthewaytojesuschrist/helpful_resources/studynotes/New%20Testament/a_4gospels/1_matthew/matthew_b.htm#.Um0Pg8wo5Mv
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 13:08:06 +0000

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