MY OWN NUMEROLOGY READING!!! Full Spectrum Docile: Christopher - TopicsExpress


MY OWN NUMEROLOGY READING!!! Full Spectrum Docile: Christopher Eric Drayton Date of Birth: September 12th, 1990 Numerology Notes Birth Chart: 9 - 12 - 1990 Two 1s Blessed with the gift of balanced self-expression, people with two 1’s are the most fortunate people. It is a valuable Birth Chart characteristic that should always be used wisely – never abuse it for manipulative purposes. (Always take care to avoid intolerance of people who are not so fortunate, especially if you are in love with someone without two 1’s.) The person with two 1’s is often able to see both sides of a situation or argument, and it is not uncommon for them to take the other side midway through a discussion if it should suddenly appear more valid. This makes for an extremely broad understanding of situations and people. Many successful politicians and other public figures are found to have two 1’s. It tends to heighten humanitarian awareness and expression, and the ability to see both sides of any problem. One 2 Birth Charts with a single 2 indicate a sound, basic level of intuition – but not always enough in this highly competitive world, especially for men. With so much emphasis on artificial values in social, artistic and commercial expression today, individuals must be “tuned in” to successfully compete. And this cannot be properly achieved without a high degree of balanced sensitivity. Without the balance, sensitive natures can be easily hurt, often resulting in unwise reactions. This is more so with men than with women. A single 2 provides a valuable foundation for developing balanced sensitivity, but the balanced double 2 offers the ideal qualities. In general, people with one 2 on their Birth Chart have found that they need ample time to relax and spend time in nature away from the intensity of competitive living. An individual’s Ruling Number is the most reliable guide for how to do this Three 9s The exceptional power of idealism and ambition of the three 9’s is extremely difficult to handle and can at times produce mental imbalance with those who do not realize their power. This problem can be avoided by recognizing the three 9’s in the Birth Charts of children and training them to balance their expression more evenly over the three Planes than so powerfully through the Mind Plane. It is not uncommon for these people, when acting negatively, to allow small things to become exaggerated out of all proportion. This often results in outbursts of temper, leading to loss of emotional control, even to the extent of threatening mental balance. The vital lesson here is to look at all things objectively and in proportion to their real value. This will help dissolve their judgement and permit the acceptance of small deviations from their rigid idealism. September 12, 1990 [ 9 + 1 = 1(0) + 2 = 3 + 1 = 4 + 9 = 13 + 9(0) = 22 ] Ruling No. 22 The 22 is the most powerful of all numbers. It is often called the Master Builder. The 22 can turn the most ambitious of dreams into reality. It is potentially the most successful of all numbers. It has many of the inspirational insights of the 11, combined with the practicality and methodical nature of the 4. It is unlimited, yet disciplined. It sees the archetype, and brings it down to earth in some material form. It has big ideas, great plans, idealism, leadership, and enormous self-confidence. If not practical, the 22s waste their potential. Like the 11, the 22 can easily shrink from its own ambition, causing difficult interior pressures. Both the 11 and the 22 experience the pressure-cooker effect very strongly, particularly at an early age. It must work toward the realization of goals that are larger than personal ambition. The 22 serves the world in a practical way. The 22 is recognized for its special significance in many metaphysical and scientific systems. It represents the highest card in the Major Arcana of the tarot. In basic mathematics, the 22 represents the circle, for it is the lowest whole number to which the ratio of the circumference with the diameter of a circle relates – 22:7, symbolized as (Pi). Metaphysically, the circle represents eternal life, having neither beginning nor end. Mathematically, the circle is zero (representing nothing if it is the numerator of a fraction), or infinity (if it is the denominator of a fraction). Clearly, a master number must have unique numerological symbolism – 22 does. This is the master number. People born as 22/4’s have almost limitless potential and often make their mark in life by achieving seemingly impossible goals. But there are two distinctly different Ruling 22/4’s – the aware and the unaware. The difference between them is as extreme as the power of the number. The former benefit from the successful mastery of any aspect of life into which they are directed; the latter drift into a lazy indifference, becoming almost useless misfits, many of them drifting into mental institutions. Only one total of birth date numbers resolves to a Ruling Number 22/4 and that is the total of 22, occurring only with some one to two percent of the population. Life’s Purpose As human life continues to evolve through progressive stages of enlightenment, there will always be people of outstanding leadership whose purpose is to guide such evolution. This they achieve in much the same way as some outstanding directors guide the unfolding of a movie or a play. They might take a minor role in it themselves, but rarely the starring role, preferring to guide from behind the scenes, where the decisions are made and the entire overall design is formulated. In whatever area of life they find themselves, Ruling 22/4’s are invariably at the centre when living positively. In this New Age of awareness, the role of these people becomes crucial, for their personal enlightenment is a beacon whose life will illumine the Path and guide countless others, many of whom will be unaware of the source. For centuries, 22/4’s consistently chose to work behind the scenes, but as life evolves, more and more 22/4’s are coming to the fore to take charge of events as the course becomes treacherous. They ask only for respect and cooperation to facilitate their work. Best Expression To achieve any semblance of their potential, Ruling 22/4 people need a first-rate education. Many spend a great deal of time at their studies, continually seeking to better themselves and to satisfy their inner craving for knowledge. They realize that this means they are better equipped to guide others. Ruling 22/4’s must be able to work without constrictions to achieve their best, Distinctive Traits One of the most noticeable traits of the Ruling 22/4 is their apparent lack of emotion. They regard emotional control as fundamental to their purpose, and adopt it to minimize reactive behavior rather than to appear detached or difficult to understand. Actually, they are very sensitive, highly intuitive people who combine the unique abilities of powerful spiritual awareness (the double 11) with the eminently practical 4. They rarely fail to accept a challenge, especially if it involves human welfare. They will be found in some of the most difficult and seemingly dangerous environments, but are usually cool and careful in the execution of whatever work they are directing. Their capacity for responsibility is almost limitless; consequently, some people habitually depend on them, often thoughtlessly. Negative Tendencies to Be Surmounted Most Ruling 22/4’s readily recognize many of their strengths and capably employ them. The few who do not or who are drawn into a singularly materialistic environment, take on all the negative aspects of the Ruling 4, but worse. In so doing, they become little better than misfits, with an obsession for money, in the quest for which they will brook little interference, becoming unhappy, aloof and lonely. Rehabilitation from these depths demands great patience, understanding and loving tenderness, for the 22/4 can become the most depressed person when negative (the opposite end of the scale to the dynamic achiever). As all Ruling 22/4’s are fond of art, rhythm, dancing and most forms of music, the wise use of these forms of expression will greatly help to bring about balanced emotions and a more positive attitude. This will bring them out of their self-centered world and help them to regain their positive outlook on life. Recommended Development For all Ruling 22/4 people, it is vital to ensure that life provides a balance of work and pleasure. Their considerable aptitude for work often causes them to become obsessed with achieving, to the detriment of quality family, hobby and relaxation time. Their development along artistic lines through hobbies – such as singing, dancing, painting, writing and so on – will enhance the expression of their feelings and relax them emotionally. They must realize they are never too old to learn, for learning is a lifelong pursuit for them.” Most Suitable Vocations These people are suited to work as leaders in practically any business or cultural organization. They excel at whatever they attempt, be it in art, writing, politics, the diplomatic services...or as efficiency experts, humanitarians, technicians (especially with computers) or teachers. Summary This is the master number whose bearers have the most responsibility to humanity. They are self-confident, highly intuitive and sensitive, with a tight rein on their emotions and an intense concern for human welfare. They have to take care not to become ruthless in their pursuit of their goals. Christopher Eric Drayton = 22 letters Christopher Eric McNulty (birth name) = 22 letters September 12, 1990 [ 9 + 1 = 1(0) + 2 = 3 + 1 = 4 + 9 = 13 + 9(0) = 22 ] Meaning of Christopher = He who carries the weight of the world
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 23:25:37 +0000

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