MY PEACE I BEQUEATH TO YOU.” Fellow, do you feel like you - TopicsExpress


MY PEACE I BEQUEATH TO YOU.” Fellow, do you feel like you have to do something, but unfortunately, can’t lay hold on exactly what to do? Everything now looks dark right? Even the faint hope is disappearing. With every thought of the future comes series of despair. Disaster is running even faster than light’s speed. All you do is think, think, think, and think, but haplessly goes nowhere at the day’s end. You feel you are no longer in control of your life. Nothing seems to work out. There is absolutely no confidence about the future. All hopes are dashed and you are just at the end of yourself. You ask yourself “Am I even a Christian or does Jesus respond to my prayers? Do you feel like the conclusion to these questions is another question: Why me? Friend, I won’t pretend that I understand how you feel because seriously I don’t. I won’t say it is happening for a reason because I am only a man who may not have gone through a half of your quandaries. More to that, I am not, practically, responsible for your life; hence, I don’t know which things happen for reasons and vice versa. The truth is I am also seeking solutions to some of life’s debauched treatments. It looks like we are on the same page but on different lines (degrees). In that case, I identify with you really well. Therefore, perchance, I can treat with you what I think is Jesus’ therapy to all afflictions: HIS PEACE. You know what? All these fretting, worries, cries, anxieties, wanting to really do something, feeling like you have failed, urgency for attention, wanting undue significance and respect, etc. aren’t worth your bequeathed peace from Jesus. My very own friend Ebenezer told me that the most important thing on earth is to have sound mind. His words were like cold waters on a sunny day. Up until now, it is very delighting to remember those words. Such great words from a wonderful and lovely friend. Meanwhile, the truth actually is having sound mind does not mean being free from all of life’s ills. But it means not allowing life’s ills overcome and unduly burden the mind. Peace is not that calm cozy river we see in a painting where all things flow according to the river’s pattern. Peace is, rather, the covering a mother eagle gives to her babies in stormy blasts; she spreads out her wings wide to cover every one of her eaglets so that they do not see and feel the impact of the storm. Peace is, therefore, not necessarily being at a place of rest but finding rest in a place of turmoil. Jesus tells us that in this world we will have many troubles. Friend, the truth is we have troubles hitting in on us from every center and corner; troubles from family, friends, academics, bad grades, diseases, addictions, self, etc. But we have a greater promise of cheer because Jesus has overcome them all. What Jesus actually meant is that looking at the troubles won’t be the best of things to do but find rest and joy by looking unto His Finished Work for you on the Cross because that is where grace is for all troubles. So you see friend, quit looking to yourself and your troubles. It only leads to unrest. You were never meant to be in control of your life. Jesus is!! That’s why you have given your life to Him. Do you, therefore, think all those failures, troubles, poor grades, etc. have taken Him by surprise? No, I am not sure. Scripture says He doesn’t only know the end from the beginning but He has also declared the end from the beginning. This means Jesus has done something about the end and it is in your favor. I assure you He meant it very well when He said He has plans to prosper you and bring you to your desired end. I am not saying its God’s will for all those troubles, but all that I am saying is that His plans for your life havent thwarted. Calm down, you are not finished. Yes, even in that seemingly hopeless situation. Trust God!!! They all working for your good. Now in concluding, guard your heart. Maintain the peace of Jesus and always remember (never ever forget) what I consider is Jesus’ therapy for all troubles; John 14:27 says, “Peace I leave with you; My (Own) peace I now give and bequeath to you. Not as the world gives do I give unto you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, neither let it be afraid. [Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed; and do not permit yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly unsettled]
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 11:09:00 +0000

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