MY PERSONAL STORY FOR YOU ALL By: Alisha D. Scott This is - TopicsExpress


MY PERSONAL STORY FOR YOU ALL By: Alisha D. Scott This is kind of a personal testimony, so please understand this is not short. Please read with an open-heart and open-mind. Also, make certain that you have time to really read my words. I am truly baring my heart and soul to you all. Again, I do apologize for the length, but I could not be short with this particular share. I do not care if you do not agree with my beliefs and hope that you do, or have an interest in how God is, has, and will be changing my life. If this is something that offends you, I will not apologize, as you are in no way required to read my posts or even be on my friends list. It will not hurt my feelings if I am blocked or unfriended because of our differences in views. I will notice and I will pray fervently for your heart. Reading this is your prerogative, and not a necessity. I still will love you through Christ my Savior. I only maybe approximately 6 months ago really began to listen and pay attention to my 1 and ONLY FATHER!!!! He is the 1 and Only TRUE GOD who created the earth, heavens and ALL of the Wonders of the universe that scientists sit in labs and try to figure out other answers as to some others reason as to how we became of existence…. There was no POOF! There is no scientific answer other than what you scientists so diligently try and try to learn and disprove. All I can say for those who are non-believers is that I pray that something from within you will cause you to begin to wonder about OUR WONDROUS CREATOR. I pray that you begin to want to ask someone that you know that is a believer in The Lord Jesus about what you have to do, according to God’s written word, to become born-again Christian and know without any doubts where your eternity lies when you are called away from this earth. Not 1 of us knows when our time here on earth will be over, so this is one of many reasons that I am writing this to you all today. We must all be ready and have our hearts right before our time on this earth is over. You could leave work today and not make it home, or not even make it through the day. So I beg of you to please, please do not laugh or toss my words aside in haste or think this is silly. Prior to pressing the delete button or just overlooking the altogether, marinate for a little while on my words and see if they have any special meaning to you at all. When your time is over, if you have not made any decisions or even thought about this, it will absolutely then be too late. I cannot go another day without writing this and putting this out there for you all to read another day. God put this heavy on my heart this morning and I cannot and will not take the risk that this may have been what someone needed to make the most important decision in their entire life. If you are a believer, please pray that this message will have some kind of profound action in someone’s life today to cause them to make a decision that will promise them an eternity with The Lord and us completely forever. People die every day on this earth and they are all different ages. We are not promised, the next minute, hour, day or year. We have become so “entitled” that we forget about death altogether until it strikes someone close to us, or someone that we love is threatened by the possibility of death. It is so important that you make sure that you know where you are going to spend eternity. I have had people actually ask me how on earth I know for sure that there is a Heaven and a hell. First, I can definitely tell you all that God’s Word says so and I doubt nothing that His word says. God’s Word is many things in my opinion. To me it is first, an unquestionable guide telling me what is right and what is wrong in terms of how to live my own life. Secondly, it is a history of the beginning of time and contains all of the many things that have happened in this world. Third, it is a clear directive of what is happening now and what is still to come. Finally, The Bible is God’s Love Letter to you and to me. He tells us repeatedly how much He loves us and also how He EXPECTS us to love one another as though they are ourselves. Yes, you should love yourself!!! I didn’t love myself nor follow any of this for a very, very long time. I do now, as I see His love for me. Admittedly, I had a really hard time accepting God’s love for me initially, and then accepting it and realizing that He loved me through the faults and all, the good and the bad, and the pretty and the ugly was absolutely amazing to me. We all have those places and things that we do not want ANYONE else to know about. You know what I am talking about. Our deepest, darkest secrets and we ALL have them. Guess what though, He knows about EVERY SINGLE TINY BIT, but guess what else is even most amazing of all? He loves you and me exactly the same, no matter what. No scales to measure your sins or bad deeds like we have in our human earth. God thankfully does not see us in this fashion at all. When you come and ask God for His forgiveness for no matter what your sins or “bad things” are, and truly mean it with your whole heart, He forgives you without question at all. He throws those sins into the sea of forgetfulness to never be thought of again. That is His promise to us all. I know when I knelt down finally and gave my life completely over to Him and asked Him to forgive me for forgiveness, I have to say that I literally felt as though I had a 10,000 lb. weight removed from my body. We have to do our part though and that is to do our VERY, VERY best to not make those same choices again. I ask God EVERY SINGLE DAY to please allow me to recognize when I am wrong, so that I can make my best effort to not do those same things again. I also ask Him to show me every way I have been wrong. Just because you have asked The Lord to come into your heart and guide your life does not mean that you will from that point on never sin or do anything wrong again. You will. It is the matter of recognizing these things and trying to always do what is right. I literally make notes now, as silly as that may seem. Sometimes I read over them, as painful as they are to me now. Just to think that I had any part whatsoever of whatever it may have been that was wrong to serve as a written reminder of the things that I have knowledge of and remind myself again and again. I have had some people ask me, how do I really know for sure that there is God? I have begun to pose this response back to them. I first ask them do they believe in anything after death. I have been answered more then you may believe, no. I then ask, “Well, if you just so happened to decide to humor me and learn more about The Savior that I call God and you believe as I do eventually, if when you die there really is nothing….WHAT ON EARTHWILL YOU HAVE YOU LOST”? Nothing at all. So for those folks out there who believe in nothing, wouldn’t it serve you better to believe in something and slip into your “nothingness” when your number is called or have a definite claim in a place that has been promised to us all, just for believing? Yep, that is all…just to believe that God sent His Son Jesus Christ to this earth thousands of years, not millions, thousands (2013 a.d.). A.D. represents after death or after the death of Christ. I have question for you. Do you know a single parent that would allow 1 of their children to knowingly die so that even only 100 people would be saved from utter death? I don’t think so. I know that I could not. Some people may think this is all Holy Roller and all, but I in no means intend to shove my faith down your throat or tell that you cannot be my friend if…. The truth is that I love you all and just felt compelled to share this message with you and if by some reason you are wanting to talk to someone about anything I have said, you can contact someone that you trust and might know a little better or feel free to send me a private message and I would be honored to talk further with you about this. I will not tell anyone as this is a personal decision and journey until or unless you personally decide otherwise. I can certainly tell you that absolutely yes it would be the best decision you ever made in your entire life, but also far from the easiest or easiest journey either. I have had really awesome time and then I have had some really low times. God tells us though that there will peaks and there will be valleys. The roads are sometimes quite bumpy, but it is so important that during these times we cling to Him and show our faith that He will see us through it all. I can definitely say that my life was an absolute chaotic and horrible before I allowed The Lord to take over and I still at times find myself fighting Him back for control again and then realize that I would be an absolute fool. I can say to now that God carried me through MANY years and not once did I even acknowledge, but He NEVER, EVER gave up on me and I am so thankful. I do not know where I would be if not for His grace and mercy. My newest chapter in my life is for Him and Him alone. I am anxious to get through school and begin working to honor Him. Please pray for me to continue to have the strength to get through school and any other obstacles that might fall my path to persevere and keep going strong. ****In closing, when you begin to think that you are “better” than another. Remember this, God is our ONLY judge, and He created us ALL in His own image. I know we are different colors, from different creeds, all different nationalities, He says that He created us ALL IN HIS OWN IMAGE. Identical twins are even different, but also were created in HIS OWN IMAGE. Understand, although we are all very different, God gave each and every one of us a special and unique part like Him. Instead of focusing on the negative in others, try once to seek the special and unique quality that God created each of us with for He never created incomplete individuals. We are all complete and self-sufficient. Moral here is focus on the great aspects of our neighbors and do not judge their misgivings. We have enough of our own that we need to focus on and clean up. Remember these 2 verses of Scripture when referencing the above writing I have shared from my heart: 1 John 4:7-8 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love. John 13:34-35 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” I ask for you to do 2 more things for me and that is to continue to pray earnestly for my faith and growth in Christ and secondly to take a few more minutes…..well 4 minutes and 29 seconds exactly to watch my favorite song that continues to get me back on track when I begin to slip. Just click the link below and I hope that you will be as blessed as I am every time I play and watch this for the much needed reaffirmation of the words that I live by every day. May God keep you all strong, and in His faith. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions at all about God or to answer any questions you might have. Private message me with contact information and I will answer you as soon as I am available. AMAZING LOVE: Warmest Regards To All, Alisha Diane Scott IN ALL THINGS GOD IS GREAT!
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 22:15:40 +0000

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