MY PRAYER FOR 2015 ELECTIONS: PASTOR OBI OGBO Father in heaven, - TopicsExpress


MY PRAYER FOR 2015 ELECTIONS: PASTOR OBI OGBO Father in heaven, Governor of the nations I worship you Whose name is excellent and whose glory covers the earth. I pray for Nigeria my country as we go in for elections in February 2015. My prayer oh Father and my foremost desire is about your Kingdom. I am glad that for years now in this country that the sacrifices of praise and worship have ascended to our King unhindered from Aso Rock, both when the presidency was ‘strong’ and when they said presidency was ‘weak’; and for this reason the nation has experienced divine coverings that some more earthly minds are not aware of. Oh God, reign from Aso Rock. Let thy Praises never cease to rise in Aso Rock. Strong or weak presidency, let the offerings rise from Aso Rock. Thank You faithful Father. Father forgive every mistake that could cost the Church this opportunity. You are merciful and let Your mercy intervene. It is embarrassing that the Body of Christ in Nigeria, the Salt and the Light is blaming the Government for corruption rot and decadence in the society. The Church is blaming her own failure in her responsibility to establish societal righteousness on Goodluck Jonathan, a mere man who is nearly alone in a hardest struggle against the waves of very well organized traps from wicked men who have also bewitched the masses to the blindness of their hidden evil agenda (though unhidden to any deep minded person). How come the Church does not know that the corruption in Nigeria has a Satanic and moral face and that before the Government can function effectively in its own responsibility against corruption the fiery Pulpit Power available to preachers must first show its potency in cleansing the society? All known major revivals ended in moral washing of the society. Great and positive revolutions of nations in the past are traced to Pulpit Influence. How would a Pastor blame Jonathan for corrupt members of his Church? How come a pastor blames Jonathan that his Church member did not execute the contracts that were awarded and paid for? Blame Jonathan that his members use substandard materials for standard projects, blame Jonathan against greed and love of money among his membership. Please forgive us, Your Church, for failing to establish any moral level in the society, for losing our saltiness. Now, believing that Jonathan didn’t undertake our failed responsibility we are robot-ly clamoring for Buhari and Tinubu with the rest of their select squad to come and solve Nigeria’s corruption problem for us- how carnal our minds have gone. May those who have been bewitched to think that way realize themselves before it is late. Open their eyes of understanding that they may know Your mind. In my heart Father I believe that we Pastors and church members have performed worse than Jonathan and yet passing judgement on Jonathan without first judging ourselves. Yet Lord, let not Your praises cease at Aso Rock. Let your banner remain standing in Aso Rock no matter what. Corruption or no corruption, Your banner must not suffer loss. Today men who cannot manage their little family of 5 that You gave them, are accusing Goodluck Jonathan of poorly managing this complex nation Nigeria. We have abandoned Your word to remove the log in our eyes before removing the speck in another’s eyes. Have Jonathan made mistakes? Yes. So have we. Lord, I now realize more why you once said that the children of this world were smarter than the children of the kingdom. To me, the Christians are the most naïve and the darkest minded in understanding this time and season. Which thinking man in this country would not easily know that what Jonathan had to combat is a complexity of deadly set-ups presented in form of carefully planned multifaceted crises by professionally established evil strategists. Jonathan had multiple traps, left and right, front and back set up by bad men driven by very selfish satanic motives. How many of them are as noble and selfless as Jonathan? Who among them compares with him in integrity and honesty? Can a bad tree bear good fruits? Can a man give what he does not have? Why are we deceived to throw away history and ignore the prophecy of a character filled with all-known anti-leadership qualities? Simply their calculation from before 2011 was to vehemently engage every avenue they could seize to create and propagate every possible trouble at which end they will prove him incompetent and hall him out with propaganda. And their marketers are Bible carriers through pulpits and the media. If God allowed them to have their way they will have him dead. Who said that everyone wanted him to go to Chibok for the same reasons? Many wanted him to take risks that he will not survive. Who was not aware that he was near to visiting Chibok when security report warned him not to go? (Lord You know I will not go in that kind of circumstance). There was much more beyond what eyes saw. Was it Jonathan that always leaked and sabotaged secret military plans to Boko Haram? Every successful bombing and destruction of lives was a victory for them, every industrial strike was a goal scored. Let it not work for them Lord. The innocent Jonathan’s 2011 election victory had been congratulated with a promise from a dreaded old horse, high profiled army general (a former MILITARY head of state) to make the country ungovernable; and a man who would do anything, wait any numbers of years to make good his promises. The same Jonathan also had a fall out with his political father, another heavy principality, an army king, a general too and former president, Baba by popular call. State governors of his party fought him. God help Goodluck Jonathan! Externally, America is at odds with him for certain genuine refusals including signing against gay movement; and US knows how to lead diplomatic war against a non-cooperating government. From time to time you see a connivance of all these enemies shooting simultaneously against the Lord and His anointed. (Who is not aware that God anointed Jonathan? He fails and so what?). Yet, so to say, Jonathan is not the problem but the seat he is sitting on, which they believe is theirs, and which we do not know is ours. Jonathan’s only crime is neither corruption nor incompetence but that he is sitting where they desperately want to sit and execute their agenda. My Lord and my God please let the wicked be disappointed. Let every strategy against the cause of Your Kingdom in Nigeria fail. Holy Father, forgive our failures and in mercy, intervene. Let the praises and worship of our King never cease to rise from Aso Rock. Do it Oh God. Save oh God. Help Lord. You are sovereign. Turn around things to favour the cause of Your kingdom. Let Thy Kingdom come. Let Thy will be done in Nigeria as it is in heaven. For Thine is the Kingdom, Thine is the Power and Thine is the Glory forever. Thank You Great Father for answering my prayer and the prayers of those of Your children who do not walk by carnal reasoning but who rather listen for Your voice for Nigeria. Amen. Please I request my friends who would seek FIRST the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, to write their comments and also share this prayer. We must do something. Do what you can to see God’s cause established. The time is short. Don’t just analyze and then do nothing. Act on your analyses if your convictions favour the cause of God’s kingdom in Nigeria. Thanks.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 10:56:05 +0000

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