MY PRAYER FOR SYRIA, EGYPT, AFRICA, ASIA, THE MIDDLE EAST, AND THE WEST Lord God, and Father to us all, bring True Peace to Syria and the entire Middle East. Lead your children to look kindly upon each other, not to see each other as infidels and enemies, but as kindred men of your making. You have made men in your own Image, yet we turn from the Truth and seek our own way, and our own destruction. We cannot win the war against evil if we cannot win the war with our own weaknesses and self-absorption and inner sin. Father bring not only peace but also Justice and a cessation of all evil. For there can be no Real Peace while evil wanders to and fro devouring the innocent, slaughtering children, and butchering what is good and true. The seed of what is right will flourish and thrive only in the good ground of holiness and truth, and where there is no Justice there is no Holiness, and certainly no Truth. So I ask not just for peace, but for Truth, and Holiness and an end to endless and unnecessary evils. Christ in the very ancient Lands where you first preached and taught the Kingdom of God on Earth there is ceaseless war and turmoil. Great evils flourish, men, women, and children are slaughtered. You know all this, for here you walked, here you ascended back to God our Father. Here, in this misguided world, you still dwell in us. There is too much war in our time. Too much evil, too much wrong. Protect your disciples and followers, shield the innocent from harm, and lead sinners and evil men to repent of their malignant and unholy actions. So that neither terrorist nor tyrant triumphs, but the Will of God reigns once more supreme. Christ, bring True Peace and Godliness to Israel, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, to all of the Middle East, to Africa, and to Asia. Indeed to the entire world. Save us all, including the West that has senselessly wandered so far from you. Where there is hatred sow love, where there is evil sow righteousness, where there is war sow peace, where fear sow courage, where there is wrong make right, where there is threat bring safety so that men and women and children can all flourish together as you would have it to be. Holy Spirit so often we must choose between the lesser of two evils. I tire of the lesser of two evils. I tire of all evil. Move the hearts and minds and souls of men towards Truth, and Justice, and what is most Right and what is truly Good. The Souls of Men have again become dark and restless. Small and fearful and naive. Murderous, rebellious, and unashamed. The world has become consumed with the lesser of two evils, while the lesser grows greater and the greater grows wild. My nation too has become a pathetic and puny nation, used to accommodating ourselves to the lesser evil. Many Christians in the West have become small, shallow, and self-absorbed, uncertain of ourselves, ignorant of You, and disbelieving in the power of Good and your Kingdom to triumph. Change us back again into fearless men and women. Rejuvenate us so that we may help reshape the world and resurrect the Kingdom of God upon this Earth. God bring an end of tyranny, a final finish to enslavement, and despotism. Lord bring a swift end to butchery, murder, and terrorism. Lord bring an end to unnecessary war and suffering and bloodshed. You did not create man for this baseless and ill-founded fate; you did not shape man for the ugly doom of death and despair. You made us to Live, and to have Life abundantly. You made us to thrive, anywhere and everywhere. There is no land that is alien and foreign to you, no suffering that is unimportant to you, no evil that is too small to let grow unchecked, no Good that is too small to overcome all evil. All nations are your nations, all lands are your lands, all frontiers are your frontiers, and all peoples are your People. Help us to remember this, even if we are desperate and determined to forget. Lord, I cannot see the end of this wrong, I do not know how these things shall all be set right, or even can be set right. But You do. I am but a man, limited in scope and wisdom, you are the Scope of All Things, you are the Father of All Wisdom. But I know this much at the very least Lord, we cannot solve these matters by tyranny, terrorism, and war. There must be a solution, and you have and are that Solution. I know my prayer alone will not triumph against these evils. I know the prayer of millions will not triumph against these evils. Prayer alone has never triumphed against evil. Prayer must be accompanied by action, and self-sacrifice, and effort. But at least hear and know this Lord, as I know you already do, I desire Your Solution, whatever that may wisely be, and I desire that this solution come now. Not tomorrow, not one month from now, but now. Your Solution is time sensitive Lord; your answer should come now, for we are in need of much Salvation. You see I am sick of constant evil, and I am sick of endless war, and I am sick of enslaving tyranny, and I am sick of malignant terrorism and murder, and I am sick of cowardice and self-absorption, and we are not solving these wrongs for ourselves. So come, because I am at a loss as to what to do next. But You are not, you never have been. Come, and bring Truth, and Justice, and Virtue, and Goodness, and Peace with you. Come because we need you far more than we need our own wisdom and our own understanding. Come and remake us Lord, before we do even more wrong to ourselves. Come and remake us Lord, so that we do wrong no more.
Posted on: Sat, 07 Sep 2013 16:15:50 +0000

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